I’m not even bothering to comment on Snyder’s non-bailout bailout anymore so, just click HERE.

I’m not even bothering to comment on Snyder’s non-bailout bailout anymore so, just click HERE.
SB789, sponsored by Mike Green, would make numerous positive changes to the statutes concerned with concealed pistol licensure. This would include such things as:
NO WHERE does it remove the fact that the licenses shall be issued assuming the applicant passes the more or less objectively defined standards in 28.425b. In fact, the striking of 28.425b(7)(n) (shown below) further solidifies the the shall-issue aspect:
Super crony capitalist powers activate!
Most folks actively watching the goings on in Lansing might already be aware of the MichiganVotes.org site run by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.
Nowhere else can you find a more complete collection of legislative efforts. Easily referenced, and with a record of votes by legislator, party, the chambers the votes were taken in, and legislative sessions. It is an incredibly useful tool when trying to find out how your legislator voted on any particular issue of interest. Its a great way of keeping these ‘servants’ in check when they claim to be conservative, but vote like the liberals or something even worse.
How cool is that?
One feature often overlooked however,
A Tsunami of Store Closings and Layoffs
I’ve been posting and reporting this for months with some choosing to downplay my reports and even going as far as saying the economy is doing much better!
The day of reckoning, some say, has arrived, with one retail watcher predicting a “tsunami” of store closings and lay-offs this year.
Here is a different take on the culture war. Contagious transformation – Genocide Alert: Homosexuality Systematically Killing Black Americans!
Indeed it is. Grassroots in Michigan – A Tax by Any Other Name is Still a Tax
True Story – Steve’s been talking about this. Motor City Times – Detroit News behind the MCT curve on the impending ‘tsunami’ of retail store closings
Fear deregulation of electricity in Michigan! Or maybe not. The Other Club – Citizens for Enervating Michigan’s Economy
Those stupid ‘selfies.’ The Shekel – Snapping ‘n Sharing Selfies Snares Stupid Scoundrel
Izzy Sez take a look at the different perspectives here. Watchdog Wire – Hot topic: What Should Lansing Legislators Do With Michigan’s $1 Billion Surplus?
Folks, let’s begin by refreshing our memories with example of what a Pennsylvania Republican did for Obamacare by clicking HERE. Got it? Good. Now, let’s refresh our memories with looking at a career of being fed from the taxpayer’s wallet produces with this Lefty fear-mongering creep Bill Rustem, by clicking HERE. Got it? Good.
Snyder’s strategy director, Bill Rustem, said the state may try to follow a road funding game plan that was recently executed in Pennsylvania’s Republican-controlled state government.
In November, lawmakers in the Keystone State boosted annual road funding by $2.3 billion through a gas-tax hike and gradual increase in vehicle license fees, said Bradley Mallory, deputy secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
“The price of doing nothing is higher than the price of not addressing the problem, including delay, detours, safety and including death,” Mallory said. “Doing nothing is not free. It is, in fact, enormously expensive.”
Pennsylvania’s success “gives us hope,” Rustem said, and “gives us a game plan for seeing this achieved sometime this year.”
Ah, the smell of Hopium™ and fear fills the atmosphere in Lansing, as the Obama and Milliken-esque is strong in this one guiding Dear Leader, the Progressive Nerd. Finding $200M of “shared sacrifice” with repealing Prevailing Wage from the union brotherhood to fix our roads?
So what does a government do when it lacks popular support for raising taxes?
It provides more basis for support by allowing all the bad things those taxes would supposedly end, to happen. From the Detroit News:
Deteriorating road conditions have “gotten a lot more attention in Lansing” than other issues in recent weeks as this year’s harsh winter winds down and pavement cracks and holes begin forming, said Kirk Steudle, director of the Michigan Department of Transportation.
“I think, finally, they’re realizing what we told them is going to happen is actually going to happen,” Steudle said Wednesday at a conference of county road commission leaders.