Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)


2014 Michigan August Primary Preview

Michigan has no contested statewide primaries on the ballot on August 5.  Governor Rick Snyder and his democrat challenger Mark Schauer are unopposed.  So are US Senate candidates Terri Lynn Land and Gary Peters.  But there is plenty of action further down the ballot.  Polls close at 8PM Eastern except in the extreme western UP.

Results: SOS AP Election Magic

2014 Michigan Congressional Races
MI-1 (R) (Lean Benishek) In 2010, Dr. Dan Benishek won an open seat vacated by democrat Rep. Bart Stupak against democrat state Rep. Gary McDowell 52-41 and won the rematch 48.1-47.6 in 2012.  Benishek has generally voted with the leadership, displeasing some of his former Tea Party supporters.  He is being challenged by Tea Partyer Alan Arcand, who was seen as a longshot, but recently released a poll claiming that he leads 56-44.

MI-3 (R) (Likely Amash) Republican state rep. Justin Amash won the primary to replace moderate Republican Vern Ehlers, in 2010. He won 60-37 in 2010 and 53-44 in 2012 over former state rep Steve Pestka. Amash is a libertarian in the mold of Rep. Ron Paul. He has stepped on some toes in Washington, most notably getting into spats with the NRA and Michigan Right to Life.  He is being challenged in the primary by moderate businessman Brian Ellis, who has significant self-funding and support from the Chamber of Commerce.  Amash has support from AFP and Club for Growth.  A recent poll showed Amash leading 51-31.

MI-4 (R) (Tossup) Republican Dave Camp, who has been winning big margins in this district since 1990, is retiring.  Conservative state senator John Moolenaar of Midland and self-funding businessman Paul Mitchell are running.  Mitchell attacked Moolenaar (somewhat dishonestly) from the right, and spent his way to an early lead.  But Moolenaar has the support of the Midland establishment (including Camp and AG Bill Schuette), national conservatives such as Mike Lee and Rick Santorum, and Michigan Right to Life and NRA.  Recent polls have shown the race a tie.  Tea Party candidate Peter Konetchy, a businessman from Roscommon who ran for Senate in 2012, had announced a primary challenge to Camp, but has not attracted much support.

MI-6 (R) (Safe Upton) Moderate Republican Fred Upton is being challenged by libertarian Jim Bussler, who has not attracted much support.

MI-8 (R) (Lean Bishop) Republican Mike Rogers, who has won big margins since 2000, announced his retirement late in the cycle.  Former state senator Mike Bishop of NE Oakland is running. Tea Party favorite state rep. Tom McMillin announced that he will run for this seat rather than state senate.  Both are from Rochester Hills.
(D) (Likely Schertzing)  Ingham County Treasurer Eric Schertzing is the preferred democrat candidate.  State demographer Ken Darga, CMU Professor Susan Grettenberger, and Jeffrey Hank are also running.

MI-11 (R)  (Lean Trott) Tea Party Republican Kerry Bentivolio became an “accidental congressman” in 2012 after incumbent Thad McCotter was disqualified in a petition fraud scandal. A coalition of establishment Republicans endorsed a write-in campaign by former state senator Nancy Cassis, but Bentivolio won 65-35.  He defeated democrat Canton Township Trustee Taj Syed 50.8-44.4.  Since then, Bentivolio has mostly kept his head down and voted a conservative line.  He is being challenged in the primary by foreclosure lawyer David Trott, who has the support of the Oakland County establishment.  Bentivolio has run a weak campaign and seems likely to lose.
(D) (Lean McKenzie) Democrats Bobby McKenzie, Nancy SkinnerAnil Kumar, and LaRouchie Bill Roberts are running.

MI-12 (D)  (Safe Dingell) Democrat John Dingell, in Congress for over 58 years since Eisenhower’s first term, is finally retiring.  Dingell’s wife Debbie Dingell is running to succeed him.  Attorney Ray Mullins is also running.

MI-13 (D) (Lean Conyers) This district has been represented by democrat John Conyers since 1964. Conyers’ image has been tarnished since his wife Monica, formerly Detroit city council president, pled guilty to bribery and served time in federal prison.  Conyers won the 2012 primary 55% to 18% for Glenn Anderson, 13% for Shanelle Jackson, and 10% for Bert Johnson.  Conyers was nearly disqualified due to having signature gatherers who were not registered to vote, but a judge ordered him back on the ballot.  He is being challenged this year by Pastor Horace Sheffield, who has his own ethical problems.

MI-14 (D)  (Lean Clarke) This district had an interesting primary in 2012.  Congressman Gary Peters, first elected in 2008, ran here after his old 9th district was split into four pieces.  Peters did very well in endorsements and fundraising, and he won this majority black district 47-35-13 over fellow Congressman Hansen Clarke and Southfield mayor Brenda Lawrence.  Peters is now running for Senate, so the district is open.  Lawrence, state rep. Rudy Hobbs, Clarke, and Burgess Foster are running.  Hobbs has led in fundraising and endorsements but struggled to turn this into votes.  Clarke has a base of support in Detroit.

You Betcha! (3)Nuh Uh.(0) Voting Recommendations Part 3

This should have been done a week ago.

Its a little more or less incomplete, but based on FB, websites, personal knowledge and other factors we have compiled a list of those whom we feel will represent their respective districts (AND MICHIGAN) well for the next legislative session.  We recognize that many of the candidates will feel they too represent a more conservative set of values than the recommendation, and we ask that they assist in holding their opponents words to deeds going forward.

11TH DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE LEGISLATURE – David Lawrence Malhalab vs. Jim Rhoades has no recommendation.

19TH DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE LEGISLATURE – Laura Cox vs. Ken Crider recommendation is Ken Crider.

22ND DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE LEGISLATURE – Art Blundell vs. Jeff Bonnell has no recommendation.

24TH DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE LEGISLATURE – Anthony Forlini vs. Arzo Smith recommendation is for the guy who DIDN’T vote for the Welfare Medicaid expansion with HB4714, Arzo Smith

27TH DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE LEGISLATURE – Mark Manier vs. Michael Ryan has no recommendation.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

When Felchers Belch

braun_kind_of_a_big_dildoSpeaking of those that “shriek,” once again Kenny is right on cue with another hatchet piece directed at those who support Natural marriage.

To hear Michigan’s social authoritarian Republican fringe speak of it, the Great Lakes Education Project is the epitome of “RINO” advocacy – the dreaded “Republican In Name Only” pejorative.

Which, that is precisely what the GLEP is when its ringleaders (Board included) finance Democrats under the guise of “choice”. Care to discuss Common Core, too?

This year, GLEP is involved in many GOP primaries, but those on its bad side are now howling about a supposed anti-conservative agenda.

See what Kenny did there? Natural marriage = bad side. Ghey “marriage” = good side. These folks remind me of listening to the dysfunction that is Barack Obama.

What are the lengths this bitter clique of McNeilly, Braun, Hoekstra, and Drolet (what the Hell? Toss in there the alleged world’s oldest virgin, yannow, Bigot Bullets, too), will go to carry the water for their agenda of normalizing perverts?

The definition of “RINO” sure has changed. More than a dozen years ago, with a school-choice supporting Republican governor (Engler) and [snip]

There is the answer. Engler DID NOT support vouchers and, Barracuda Betsy threw a hissy-fit, grabbed her Alticor purse, and quit as MI-GOP chair. Anything else is just revisionist history and writing bald face lies.

There you go, folks. Progressivism is a mental disorder that Harry Hay and The Left revel in. Dick and Betsy bankrolling it all? Well, their “stealth agenda” is no secret either. As long as the Wooden Shoe Mafia’s globalist Bush clan ties can keep their fingers on the curriculum and testing standards, they will have an abundant supply of useful idiots. Some of which, a fringe 2.3% like to think that it all started with Adam and Steve.

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(10) Voting Recommendations Part 2

Several contested Republican races around the state are worth noting.

In this edition, the State Senate contests are looked at.  We should note that several candidates are lousy at getting their message out, have inadequate websites, and may have not social media skills.  If we had to look too hard to find info on them, it was not helpful.

7TH DISTRICT STATE SENATOR – Pat Colbeck vs. Matt Edwards gives a hearty recommendation for Patrick Colbeck

This is the guy who has faced down Obamacare, Common Core, higher gas taxes, and general laziness and stupidity in the State Senate for the last four years. Do we agree always? Not so much, however Colbeck is hardly a stick-in-the-mud, and has carefully reviewed alternatives when challenged.

Easy choice for Pat Colbeck

10TH DISTRICT STATE SENATOR Jake Alexander Null vs. Tory Rocca Has no recommendation.

12TH DISTRICT STATE SENATOR Bob Gray vs. Jim Marleau

RightMi.Com Recommends a change from Marleau, who barely hit the 31% on the legislative scorecard.

The former Teamster, UAW, and NEA member cannot be any worse.

13TH DISTRICT STATE SENATOR Ethan Baker vs. Al Gui vs. Marty Knollenberg vs. Chuck Moss vs. Rocky Raczkowski Has no recommendation.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(2)

Signs, signs everywhere signs…

You want to talk about “Violators will be trespassed”?

I was doing some reconnoitering several days ago up in Vassar.

Five-way intersections aside, nothing stood out of the ordinary while I got the lay of the land and some pictures for future use.

What I did get though as I was starting to head back was a text from someone asking for me to stop at certain well-known Michigan business (Bronners) and pick them up something on the way back.

I’ll bet that most people here would be surprised at how close they’ll be “storing” illegal aliens near a major Michigan tourist area. Goes a long way towards explaining why illegal aliens would be needing training provided by a “Culinary Arts Vocational Counselor”.

Long story short. After getting the item in question, I walked around for a few minutes and sat in on one of the videos they show visitors about Christmas, Bronners, etc.. The video isn’t what caught my attention, it’s what I saw when they turned on the lights that did. Wedged in-between the screen and the Hummell displays was a lot of Americana.

And this,


Trying to placate the latest batch of “visitors” to Michigan?

Yes, I did bring it up to the staff there (several of them, actually).

No, they didn’t appear very interested in fixing it.

And for the record, no I didn’t have the time to deal with the FPD after chucking a certain flag into the nearest dumpster.

That been said, take it for what you will.


You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(1)

Foster Supporters Court Democrat Crossover

Frank Foster’s supporters have some splainin to do.

Foster-DemsFoster-Dems2Foster pretended to be a Tea Party Republican in 2010, he eventually revealed how deceptive that was.  But now its clear that even being a Republican is just not enough.  A recent mailer sent out by his supporters encourage Democrats to crossover and vote in the Republican primary because he can work both sides of the aisle.

As of yet, there is no statement from Foster declaring this to be a bad idea.

Folks, just consider the effect of such a bad idea on all the other parts of the ticket, from the 37th district to commission seats, to delegates who select our convention attendees.  We know how it can destroy integrity of the Republican party even more than is already happening.

Yet Frank Foster could care less.

Its all about HIS election.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(2)

Violators Will Be Trespassed

trespassedOpen carry folks, if you want to be ‘trespassed,’ try going to the fair.

The Northwest Michigan Fair is on in Grand Traverse County, and new signs at the fairgrounds offer a warning (Or and invitation).  We realize that everyone’s a little different, so it MIGHT be something a few operatives in the MiGOP (GLEP, Freedom Fund) would actually enjoy.

Carry with ‘pride’ boys.

The fair runs through next Saturday.

H/T to Andy Marek for photo.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1) Voting Recommendations Part 1

For the August 5th 2014 Republican Primary

First Congressional District – Dan Benishek vs. Alan Arcand recommendation is for Alan Arcand.

We have described in other articles here of the current incumbent’s inability to understand the power of congress. Elected as a ‘Tea Party’ candidate Dan Benishek failed on all levels of political activity, and fell in line with the worst of establishment Republicans earning the next to lowest conservative rating from the Heritage foundation of all Michigan’s Republicans, only second to noted RINO Fred Upton.

Arcand-CarBenishek’s service to the VA should have given him an especially good look at the inner workings of the VA, and as oversight for the last few years, it seems he is at least as culpable as the administration that Republicans are targeting on this issue. This neglect of our veterans would bite him in November when facing retired two star general Jerry Cannon who will capitalize on it. Democrats are COUNTING on Benishek being the GOP candidate.

Arcand on the other hand offers a fresh chance for Republicans to get it right. As a disabled vet, he takes the opposition tactic off the table. He understands Congress’ role as defined by the constitution, would not be afraid to withhold money from an out of control administration that has already threatened Upper Peninsula residents on the electrical grid alone.


Second Congressional District – Bill Huizenga vs. No Candidate has no recommendation.


You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(2)