Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)


Not so fast there, Eric.

If you haven’t heard the news yet on the 24-hour news cycles, race-baiter extraordinaire AG Eric Holder is due to shortly announce his “resignation”.

AG Holder has provided an outstanding example of upholding the finest qualities of the American Legal System.

Let’s take a look at some of those examples…

{Continued after the fold}

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The Only Thing That Changes Is The Day

From the files of “I know you are but what am I?

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land has sold her shares in a mutual fund that invests in an oil company she has criticized Democratic opponent Gary Peters for owning direct stock in, a campaign spokeswoman said Tuesday.

So, there’s that {yawn}. Same ‘ol same old schoolyard nonsense when inept competes for the same office.


Frankly, I believe pet coke Stone Wool is a wonderful product, and I sure would not change my investment portfolio simply because of Peters’ hypocrisy, nor due to these jackals writing policy in Washington, which receive lobbyist payola from Socialist tax-exempt Foundations, their EnviroTard™ cults, and a cabal of billionaires, some real sleazy with pork laden schemes.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(3)

Yer ‘Back Door’ Is Open

james-bolger-322370dbb048d092Presumably making it acceptable for Jase Bolger to accept the $100,000.00 from Pro-Homosexual millionaires, he offers butter for the burn.

Pretending that he opposes the changes in the Elliot Larsen Civil Rights Act proposed by Dems, he offers a fig leaf. From M-Live:

“Bolger is exploring the possibility of pairing an Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act amendment with a Michigan version of the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which aims to limit laws that would substantially burden a person’s free exercise of religion.

“I believe our society’s got to get this right, and we’ve got to get this right more than we’ve got to get it now,” Bolger, R-Marshall, told MLive. “That right, for me, is one that respects and protects individual freedom and religious liberty. It’s just so much easier to say than to do.”

Right. Individual freedom.

Though there has never been a case that any of us can recall where a person was told; “No you cannot go schtoop your friend because you are the same gender,”  its critical that we protect that freedom.  Even though most of us are perfectly willing close our eyes, and let the deviancy play itself out with the shortened life spans, and emotional destruction that envelops such behavior.

If a ‘Religious exemption’ is all it takes, then everyone who has conscience could claim it as a reason if sued by a queer who are butt-hurt over losing the apartment, job, service, smile, etc., that they want.  Right?  Certainly that clears things up to take the pressure off.

Until we realize they still have a platform from which to launch a lawsuit.  Bolger is playing the same dangerous game that the Vichy GOP has been playing for years, resulting in a corrupted party, with heavy internal fighting.

Dumb move.


You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

Gosh! They Ask

Why is the MEA losing members hand over fist?

Could it be because even sans a single debate between Gary Peters and Terri Lynn Land, they pick Peters; the Democrat?  And without a hug fest tournament with Rick Snyder and Mark Schauer, they choose to embrace The Democrat over the fake Republican.  And lacking a single face to face political death match between Democrat Phil Belfy and liberal, Wayne Schmidt, the choice is Democrat.  Even Jerry Cannon, a Democrat, gets the love while Republican Dan Benishek is strangely absent from the MEA ‘preferred’ collection below.


The Traverse City MEA office adorned with signs of a singular political plank

Naw..  The appearance of the MEA office as a branch office of the local Democrat party is purely coincidental.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(1)

‘Grand Bargain’ the Movie

Starring, Rick Snyder with his ‘reinvented’ Michigan Film Office Advisory Council.

FourOdiousAssholesSnyder announced Thursday that he was renominating a second film council member whose term was expiring along with Moore’s.

The governor says Birmingham advertising executive Bill Ludwig will remain on the 14-member board, along with new member Ted Serbinski of Birmingham. Serbinski works with Detroit Venture Partners and is an ex-director of technology for A&E Television.

Detroit Venture Partners? Well, isn’t that special. The sad part is that Boobus Michiganderus will fixate on ousting hypocrite Michael Moore, while putting the on blinders to Slick Rick creating his brand of crony capitalism propaganda bureaucracy for his non-bailout Detroit Bailout wealth redistribution scheme.

Bonus? Maybe now that young Tedly is onboard, Modus OpeRandy might get his television shows he’s wanted before his term expires, and limits save us from more damage created by the pandering schmuck.

This state is so f**ked.

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(1)

How to Screw Taxpayers by Ron Weiser

Mr. Gantert, at MCC exposes more Detroit Institute of Arts deceit and treachery.

Michigan_Gang_Of_PolypsSoon after voters approved a three-county $230 million millage for the Detroit Institute of Arts, its top two officers received increases of $58,415 and $98,564 in compensation.

Graham Beal, director of the DIA, saw his total compensation increase from $455,453 in 2012 to $513,868 in 2013, a 12.8 percent increase. In two years, Beal’s total compensation has increased 20 percent from $426,699 in 2011 to the $513,868.


Like I wrote before, Because Graham Beal Wouldn’t Take a Cut In Pay. Bigger picture involving our corrupt Governerd and state legislature?

“I believe there is a possibility (albeit a small one) that there could be some state funding made available towards part of the DIA solution,” Weiser told Buckfire in an e-mail Oct. 17 after speaking with Muchmore. He added that he had been helping DIA leadership find sources of money “for a long-term payment plan” since 2007.

Weiser, who is running for a seat on the University of Michigan Board of Regents [snip]


So, “Ronald Weiser, retired ambassador to Slovakia” somehow becomes oblivious to all the corruption because he serves on the DIA Board of Directors? Bullshit!

Exit question: feeling stupid yet, Mr. Anderson?

You Betcha! (32)Nuh Uh.(1)

They Just Don’t Learn

Unless you sit on the MIGOP Policy Committee, the only clue most of us had that this was happening was a four-sentence news brief at WKZO (590 AM, Kalamazoo) – reported nowhere else according to Frontloading HQ – published a week ago on Monday night:

March 15th, 2016 appears to be the likely date of the Michigan Republican presidential primary in the next election. The Michigan Republican Party’s Policy Committee approved the date, which is the earliest a primary can be held without losing delegates to the Republican National Convention.

If a candidate wins over 50-percent of the statewide vote, he or she will be awarded all of Michigan’s delegates. If the winner has less than that threshold, the delegates will be split up based on the vote.

Which, initially, left me a bit at a loss for words. Apparently, someone was praying that this wasn’t going to get noticed. Of course, that raised the question of “why” . . . and a cursory review of the details provides us with a quite predictable answer.

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(3)