Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)


Ugh, work is stupid!

Just when you thought that the Three-ring Circus that tries to pass itself off as “leadership” couldn’t make an even bigger ass of themselves than they already have done to date, they just turn around and surprise you.

Same cast of characters. Same city.

And another example of ungrateful children pretending to be mature adults wasting your hard earned money.

{Click below to find out who they are and what they have done this time}

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

$ 70 Million More Down the Drain Every Year


The U.S. Government Accountability Office released its FY 2014 estimates of improper payments made by the Federal Government in testimony before the U.S. Senate’s Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs on Monday. The Improper Payments Information Act of 2002 and the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act of 2010 require Federal Executive Branch agencies to estimate the levels of improper payments in all Federal programs. The GAO assembles this data and reports the levels of improper payments, along with recommendations to minimize such improper payments.

At the Federal level, all improper payments amounted to about $ 125 billion dollars in FY 2014. Even by casual Federal accounting standards this is breathtaking.  Three cents of every Federal Government dollar spent. Going through the GAO’s estimates by program, the Earned Income Tax Credit is at the top of the list by percentage of improper payments: 27.2 % of all EITC payments are improper. The GAO estimated FY 2014 improper EITC payments by the Federal Government alone amounted to $ 17.7 billion dollars. Other Federal programs burned more dollars, but none had the percentage rate of improper payments that the EITC has. Not even close.

The most obscure element of the tax increase package which Michigan voters will be asked to approve on May 5th is Senate Bill 847 of 2014. This bill is a $ 260 million annual increase in the State of Michigan’s version of the EITC. The EITC will increase from its current 6 %, to 20 %, of the Federal EITC credit allowed under Section 32 of the Internal Revenue Code. Currently, the Michigan EITC pays out about $ 80 million from the Michigan Treasury every year at the 6 % rate.

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(0)

You know the MIGOP is in trouble when it’s already trying to reflect the blame for the May 5th Tax Proposal blowback



(n.) A scapegoat is an event person or object that is used to lay the blame on for all that goes wrong, regardless of the contributions of others. This will usually carry on until the scapegoat has gone, or has managed to successfully defend itself against the arguments presented to it.

In the MIGOP the scapegoating is a never ending process, done to protect and deflect criticism of the new Sacred Cow of continued government expansion under Governor Rick Snyder.

Linda Lee lost as an incumbent, partially due to her out of context ramblings prior to the election concerning RNC Committeeman Dave Agema. (Some claim her bloviating during the BS organized  “Listening (to Linda) Tour” also cost her votes, but the events were so poorly attended I doubt the veracity of that claim). She and others need to take their own advice, and stop the Divisiveness. Her double standards are glaringly obvious, as illustrated by screenshots of a series of Posts she herself has allowed to remain on her page for almost a month now.  If Linda were not black, the posts could easily be called racist,  apparently they are just bitter grapes, a failure to accept election results, Ironic for someone employed as Director of Community Affairs & Election Integrity Liaison, allowed by a sore Loser.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)


Wee bit busy today so, here’s one for you from Mr. Spencer.

Bill Package Includes Elimination of Energy Choice

Do read.

Yep. More central planning. Snyder and Calley’s costly Green Energy mandate with 100% government bureaucrat control was mentioned here at two days ago.

OABTW, isn’t it nice that this *new* majority in Lansing is still carrying Howard “screw you” Walker’s water, too?

Happy St. Patty’s Day!

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(3)

Where’s The Bridge?

Jefferson Rouge BridgeThe Michigan Office of the Auditor General released its overdue performance audit of MDoT’s Bridge Inspection Program Friday afternoon, just in time to miss last week’s news cycle. Weekend news reports focused on bridge inspection frequency, but there is a more fundamental question which should be answered first: Are the MDoT bridge records which were audited complete and correct?  Even remotely so?

The Federal Highway Administration collects bridge data from the State DoT’s and other sources to create and maintain the National Bridge Inventory. It is supposed to list all American bridges which have roads running across them or below them, along with ownership, identifiers, and condition data. Condition data is given as a number from 0 (failed) through 9 (good beyond current standards). These numbers then get converted into the descriptors you read in the press, such as ‘structurally deficient’, poor, good, etc.

The MOAG performance audit is replete with statistics derived from MDoT’s bridge inventory database which show – no surprise – that some of Michigan’s bridges are in poor shape. You can see MOAG’s statistics as of April 30th, 2014 in the audit or go to a searchable database of individual bridge data across the entire country, as of 2012, brought to us by Alexander Svirsky of

A first pass at the MOAG bridge inspection audit involved looking at the worst condition category of bridges, those rated 0 or 1 for failed or imminent failure. Going through the Wayne County owned bridge summary on Page 51 of the new MOAG audit, I was heartened to see that Wayne County has no condition category 0 or 1 bridges. But there are at least two zero condition category major bridges in Wayne County across the Rouge River, so let’s say I am experiencing a little cognitive dissonance just now.

You Betcha! (25)Nuh Uh.(1)

And in Other News… Water is Wet

Happen to notice this gem of true Romney/Rockefeller Republicanism in the Twitter feed sidebar? Unfortunately, with most focused on Snyder and Calley’s annually increasing $2,000,000,000 tax hike ‘wants’ on May 5th, pragmatic clown Nolan pumping our legislators to ram through Bolger’s Wholesale fuel tax hike boondoggle with same ratchet mechanism, which much to our disappointment this guy breathed new life in that false premise of throwing $1.2B more at a deeply flawed MDOT, and the looming Wayne County bailout. Did I forget to mention Snyder and Calley’s costly Green Energy mandate with 100% government bureaucrat control? Yes, that too. Well, here’s another one of Snyder and Calley’s latest big government central-planning ‘wants’ is deserving some attention, too.

happy-snyderIn an interview that aired Monday on Michigan Public Radio Network stations, Snyder said it will be a “huge issue” if Michigan residents are no longer able to qualify for the incentives [wealth redistribution]. He said U.S. Rep. Fred Upton, R-St. Joseph, is leading discussion of a possible congressional solution if the tax credits are denied.

Short of that, Snyder said he would ask the Republican-controlled Legislature to make Michigan’s a state-run exchange.

“That raises the issue, should we be looking at a state exchange, and that’s a dialogue I’d have to have with the Legislature,” Snyder told MPR’s Rick Pluta.


Wouldn’t the Romney clan’s other Utah friends like Mike Leavitt, just love that? Cha-ching again! says those connected with BC/BS of Michigan. And, if one has read about Upton’s so-called “off-ramp” they’d quickly realize it’s just more of the same fixed market government overreach (yep, Ron Paul included) serving to illustrate how “R” is for reversing into a ditch when those with a “D” gladly drive off a cliff with the accelerator pedal mashed through the radiator. Is there reason why Rick Snyder is on the Top 10 List? You betchya.

And, it only gets worse.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

Well That’s ONE Way Of Making Your Point

AdrianWith a boot to the rear.

Adrian Poulisse, the former first congressional district secretary and vice chair isn’t holding back with an open letter to the congressman from the first district through  the local paper.  Recalling the promise that Congressman Dan Benishek made to call it quits after three terms, he wanted to make sure that the Michigan Republican representative knew he (Adrian) was appreciative of such commitment and integrity.

It takes a big man to quit while he’s behind.



You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(4)

“Grand” Bargain the County Edition

via WXYZ

bailouts“Fitch downgraded $203 million in building authority bonds, $186 million in limited general obligation bonds and $51 million in stadium refunding bonds. … jail boondoggle that wasted $130 million and counting.

Wayne County has a structural debt of $50 million and $40 million more is needed each year to bring its pension system back – the underfunding accounts for about 70 percent of the long-term debt of $2.9 billion.”

Hmmm… bond issues, huh?

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(4)

Where Elliot Larsen Would lead.

FB-Coffia-LabelingDumb Dumb Dumb.

A former Michigan Democrat candidate for State Representative 104th district demonstrates typical short sighted immaturity, and a propensity for government in charge. In her post that seems to decry religious protections, she advocates ‘labeling’ as a solution to disagreement.

In her Facebook posting of a Raw Story article (complete with a couple of local ‘likes’), Betsy Coffia says:

“seems reasonable. if this type of ;aw is passed by our current GOP legislative majority, I hope to see a similar amendment.”

Can I get an “Oy Vey?

Coffia, as with many others of the progressive left, appears to have a weak understanding of the dangers of government and the evil within it that is always waiting for such an opportunity as this.  Yet the left and the LGBT movement in this country apparently wants US to label THEM so they can be ‘proud’ of their poor decision making and self destructive behavior, or at least not feel like their choices have consequence.

A change to Elliot Larsen would be terrifying enough to those who believe in the first amendment.  The addition of religious exemptions that some believe would protect our ability to practice our faith would be challenged like they are now in Oklahoma. Of course most of us would rather ignore this radical new ideology of in-your-face activism, but we must also recognize an ultimate endgame when we see it.

And call it what it is.


You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(4)