Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(5)


Seven Years Of Bad Luck

mirror-mirror copyI received this from the Michigan Republican party yesterday.

Fair enough, it is the standard partisan preparation used when the opposing party has the soapbox.  Tonight, the president delivering the final state of the union speech of his tenure happens to be a Democrat, thus the Republicans must attack.   The co-conspirator who the GOP identifies is not Joe Biden as you will see, but Hillary Clinton, the former Bolshevik diplomat apparatchik of Obama, and the presumptive nominee of the Democrat party.

I take some issue with the presentation of this, as Obama and Clinton, and the Democrat party have done only what they have been allowed to do by Republicans. Our state Republicans included.  It begins:


In our ongoing effort to arm you with information, we are pleased to send you talking points on the failed policies of President Obama and Hillary Clinton in advance of the State of the Union address tomorrow. It is vital to our nation’s future that we point out of the failures of the Obama presidency and all join together to elect a Republican who can defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016. As always, thanks for all that you do!

Naturally, the choir has assembled and is going to get its first sermon.

The stage is set; Obama/Clinton equal failure.  Don’t forget however, that we must elect a Republican who can defeat Hillary in 2016 (assuming she is not wearing stripes).  Of course this must be mentioned, as most certainly that person has not yet risen to the top of polling.  Yet.

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(5)

Hey, wait a minute…why are we doing this again?!?

If you are gullible enough to buy into Gov. Snyder’s, along with the Michigan GOP’s (working behind the scenes, of course), hype surrounding the “saving” of Detroit through a massive Michigan Taxpayer bailout via the “Grand Bargain“, a little more than a year later you would think things were humming along wonderfully and everything in The D was just swell.

Well, let me be among the first to smash those rose-colored glasses they have been distributing to the masses, knock that cup of Kool Aid in your hands to the ground and show everyone why it all is about to come crashing down…hard…again.

{Continued after the fold}

*** Quick Note: I’ve received a few messages asking me why I referred to EX-Detroit Federation of Teachers President as being “recently reinstated“.

There is an upcoming “hearing” with the American Federation of Teachers next week to consider the matter of his reinstatement. I’ve been told that hearing is nothing really more than a formality at this point, but that he is not currently officially back in his old position.

It should also be noted that the size, scope and frequency of these “sickouts” are next to impossible to orchestrate and coordinate without significant union involvement. So take Steve Conn’s “official” status with the DFT for what you will.***

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

2016 Annual Personal Property Tax Exemption Reminder

5076-2016Folks its that time again.

Our annual duty to make sure you pay not ONE MORE DIME to a bloated government than necessary.

Recall that 14-1 didn’t do away with the PPT entirely.

Michigan business with $80,000 or less in fixtures, desks, computers etc., are STILL required EVERY YEAR to fill out the form to get their exemption. You must fill out the MI Treasury Form 5076 with your local assessing offices by Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2015. You can use the link to the affidavit form (once again) here.

Fill it out and for best results deliver by hand to your assessing office ASAP.  You have until February 10, 2016 to turn this in.  Do not get this confused with the February 20th due date on PPT reporting of over $80K.

Never, EVER, give em no more than is absolutely necessary.


You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(4)

Absentee Voter Ballot Applications Available Now

Absent Voter Ballot Application HeaderThe standard form required to request an absentee ballot in the upcoming March 8th Michigan presidential primary is now available online as a .pdf file hereThe large print version of the application for the visually impaired as a .pdf is here.  Completing and filing this application also gets you the ballot(s) for any local candidates and/or issues also voted on in March.  Note that you have to designate your political party preference on this request form to receive the presidential primary ballot you wish to vote.  A neat way to get you into someone’s big data file.

Just download this application form, fill it out, and mail it to your clerk.  Completed applications which request an absentee ballot be mailed to you must be received by your clerk no later than 2:00 PM on Saturday, 05 March.  However, this is cutting things awful close.  You will receive your absentee ballot in the return mail, but bear in mind that U.S. Postal Service First Class mail is running slow in the age of Obama.  Late absentee ballots are not counted and this has become a significant issue as of late.

You will probably have to mail your ballot by Thursday, 03 March to be assured that your clerk receives your ballot by election day.  You can always hand deliver (or have a friend deliver) an absentee ballot to your clerk before the polls close on election day.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Pure Michigan D’Oh!

Sometimes our community promoters try just a little too hard.

Or not.

In Bay City, there was the contest which celebrated its 150 year anniversary. Business owners were probably told that hundreds and maybe thousands of folks would be flocking in and around to party down.  Whoo hoo! Way to go marketing team!

The contest had one winner.  It also had only one entry.

A man has won prizes worth nearly $2,000 after being the only person to enter a contest to celebrate a Michigan city’s 150th anniversary.

MLive reports that Taylor Langstaff had to do 25 activities in the Bay City area and stamp them off on a “passport” to win the prizes. ..

..Because Langstaff was the only entrant, he also received second through 10th place winner prizes.

Did I already say “Way to go marketing team!?”

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(2)

Don’t You Have Pots To Scrub Julie?

What about binkies and blankees?

there is news that the wife of L.t Governor Brian Calley will be making a run for a Michigan House seat this year. Commissioner Julie Calley has created a campaign committee to run in the 87th House District, a safe Republican seat that includes Barry as well as part of Ionia County.  While Calley is already engaged in the political theater, perhaps she doesn’t understand the time investment difference between duties as a commissioner, and that of a state rep.

nowAnd yeah.. I get it.  The title is a little provocative.

I realize the life of a housewife (or beta male) isn’t all laundry, cooking, and washing dishes.  Though we hope the Calley household has some of those things taken care of (for the sake of the chilluns and hygiene), a realistic life at home is far more fulfilling.  Even while the National Organization for Women (see picture of iron-Clad logo at right) might suggest to impressionable young mothers’ (or other less dominant members of our species) minds that getting out of the house away from the kids is good, perhaps there ought to be an examination of the whole situation first.

The family unit needs to be a little more traditional to produce good results.  Focus on the Family’s Jill Savage outlines some of the most important facets regarding why a stay at home parent is a good thing.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(13)

Gordie Howe Bridge On A Slow Roll to Oblivion

The estimated cost of constructing the NITC DRIC Gordie Howe Bridge between Detroit and Windsor has now more than tripled since the Canada agreed to fund the entire cost back in June 2012. Its total cost, including interest payments, is now over four times the 2012 estimate. The recent, sharp collapse in the value of the Loonie – the Canadian currency – is being blamed. But it appears that deliberate lying cost underestimation in 2012 and project creep over the last 30 months play a much bigger role in the eyepopping new cost estimates.USDCAD

Financial markets trade the U.S. Dollar and the Canadian Dollar back and forth as ‘USDCAD‘, which is the equal value ratio of Loonies per greenback. The higher USDCAD is, the weaker the Loonie. USDCAD is now quoted around 1.40 (1.4 Loonies per greenback). The Loonie was 37% stronger back in June 2012 when Governor Snyder and then Canadian Prime Minister Harper worked out their agreement; USDCAD was then about 1.02.

Direct construction costs are now estimated to be C$ 2 billion ($ 1.43 billion USD) higher than the C$ 973 million ($ 950 million USD) estimate touted back in 2012. A 37% increase due to currency adjustments would be only $ 360 million (USD), so we know the 2012 deliberate lie underestimation was in the vicinity of $ 1.64 billion (USD). Additionally, the collapse of the Loonie now requires the establishment of a C$ 1.5 billion ($ 1.07 billion USD) reserve to offset the expected rise in Canadian dollar denominated bond interest rates. The Canadian government bond yield curve has doubled at its short end since the middle of September 2015 in response to the collapse of the Loonie. The Gordie Howe Bridge will be financed at those higher Canadian bond interest rates. The total Canadian government cost estimate is now C$ 4.8 billion ($ 3.43 billion USD).Snyder Harper Image

Harper’s Conservative government was defeated in October of last year after NDP voters abandoned their own party for the elysian promises of Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party. Virtually the same promises our Dear Leader made in 2008 – ‘Hope and Change’ recycled for a northern audience. Harsh reality is already wrecking the promises Trudeau made to win the October election, so will the Canadian government continue to throw money at an unneeded bridge?

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(3)

Tom DeWeese Back In Michigan

In August 2015, Tom Deweese made a swing through Michigan.

He is coming back, and with urgent news.  The Progressive left is still plodding on with a ‘new and improved’ Agenda 21 guaranteed to relinquish us of our private property rights.  From the LATP Website:

Happy New Year! Join us on the heated patio at The Uptown Grille for our January Lakes Area Tea Party Meeting!

Monday, January 11th, 2016

Dinner/social time at 6:00 p.m. Meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.
Please plan on joining us for dinner. Come early to make sure you can get a seat and to also enjoy great food and drink at the Uptown Grille. 
3100 E West Maple Rd, Commerce Township, MI 48390 map

Awareness of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development is racing across the nation as citizens in community after community are learning what their city planners are actually up to. As attention grows, so does the demand for Tom DeWeese’s riveting presentation on
Agenda 21!

Read the rest THERE.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

2016 Michigan Congressional Races

Cross-posted at The Western RightRight Michigan, and Red Racing Horses.

Michigan will see several interesting congressional races in 2016, with two open seats and possible competitive primary challenges.  Michigan now has 14 congressional seats.

There are several articles that analyze the general political leanings of the districts.

Michigan Redistricting: Congressional Map Passed
Republican Michigander Congressional District Profiles (Sidebar at right)

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