Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)


First Amendment Or Firing?

I tend to be of the opinion that no employment robs one of his or her ability to speak and offer opinion.

Free speech is a win-win, right?  So what happens when a person who represents policy for an employer openly disagrees with that employer’s position on any specific subject? What if the employer is not only disagreed with, but is defamed in the process?

We may find out. From our favorite fish wrap in the North:

“The medical director for the Grand Traverse County Health Department contends county commissioners “crossed the line from illogical to irresponsible” when they passed a resolution that curbs messaging public health officials distribute in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. “

There is disagreement, which would be better served with an “I understand their concern, but this is wrong..” and then there is calling, ..yes?

In this case, it is about the resolution passed in order to reign in some of the messaging, and the inability of the health department to step outside its authority in the name of ‘science.’  Commissioners last week put the check on their subordinates, and it didn’t sit well with the ‘heroes’ of the plandemic.  This particular doctor’s feathers were ruffled, and in true Doctor speak (“I am better than anyone cause of my letters”) he made sure we all know it.

Perhaps 78 year old Collins may not care whether he is employed by the county, so open insubordination bordering on defamation is easy. Or perhaps Mr Collins ..MD, hasn’t in his nearly octogenarian status has yet to learn the role of the politicians we elect? ..That is protect our rights.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Pay Attention – Science Happening Here

The logic of her arguments are unassailable.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(3)

A Proper Application Of Government Policy

On Wednesday, the Grand Traverse County  Board of Commissioners will address in a small way, the potential for yet another round of mandates, and the pressures currently being made for the population to accept and receive as-yet unapproved and untested vaccines.

Those who oppose the effort, a resolution in support for your constitutionally protected rights, will attempt to abuse the constitution in their own way arguing for ‘general welfare’ as reasons to support mandates, lock-downs and other restrictions placed on your liberties.  Those who oppose the statement of liberty would gladly see government toss it’s constitutional limits any time fear can be applied successfully  – As it has in the past 18 months.

The resolution reads:

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(1)

Covid & The CON

A couple of our favorite subjects collide.

Backstory: early in the summer, a group of concerned citizens presented the Oakland County Board of Commissioners with an
anti-discrimination resolution to ban medical discrimination (related to vaccine mandates) within the boundaries of the county. Several other counties in Michigan have successfully passed similar resolutions.

For months, the BOC has refused to vote on the resolution– resulting in an ever-growing attendance and public comment section at each meeting which the BOC has never experienced before.

This has been a testament to the mobilization of the people, but also the blatant disregard of local politicians to the people they represent. What is happening in Oakland County — specifically to the medical workers — is both inspiring and alarming.

This video from yesterday shows Katie Kirn, a nurse with the Henry Ford health system–one of the largest hospital systems in Michigan rightfully resisting the jab, but feeling pressure that she is likely to lose her job if she does not comply with their demands. The problem however, is that this particular industry is regulated and protected by the state in a way that requires her to take her decision a little more seriously.

Where else could she go?

End the CON – and this nonsense stops cold.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(1)

Wu Flu to Blue Flu

Government is lying to you.

The vaccines are likely dangerous.  Yeah, my opinion, but consider how those in power have learned that there are more sheep than lions in our midst.  The elections were openly stolen, the fraudulent ElPresidente floated then presumably backtracked on a mandate that will get people more lead than DNA modifier in their blood,and the CDC at the executive’s direction, is in-your-face telling landlords that private property is no longer a thing.

And now ‘woke’ management is attempting to force workers to poison themselves with an unapproved and untested cocktail of mystery margaritas.   Home Depot announced yesterday that it would force its workforce to don slave masks, with Rocket Companies and others following suit:

“Rocket Companies Inc. will require unvaccinated employees to wear masks in the office and get tested weekly, the mortgage giant said Wednesday.

COVID-19 cases nationwide are on the rise as the more contagious delta variant spreads. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is recommending even vaccinated people wear masks when in public indoors to protect from the variant strain in areas with “substantial” or “high” transmission. “

Its time to walk.

Someone correctly pointed out recently to me, that it doesn’t take everyone doing it before it has real effect.  If only a small percentage of those who deliver goods, for example were to catch a cold and simply not feel good enough to work for a week, those goods might not make it to Washington DC markets and restaurants.  They might not resupply the major metropolitan areas such as Detroit, NY, Chicago, etc., which have been homes to so many of those who are an anchor around our necks, socially and culturally.

Perhaps like the police, who know how to use their personal/sick time while negotiating contracts, its time to renegotiate the power back to the Midwest which the rest of the nation cannot do without.

Now I have to rest – I feel a two week sniffle coming on.


Oh yeah Psst!!

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(2)

Stand Up Michigan & Fight for Medical Freedom Rally – Lansing August 6th

There will be a Stand Up Michigan & Fight for Medical Freedom Rally rally at the Michigan Capitol Building on Friday, August 6th from 3:00 to 5:00pm to address the recent trend in the medical and business communities to force their employees/students to place their lives at risk under the guise of promoting public safety.

There is an ever-increasing concerted effort across the media to promote this as a 100% safe and effective solution.

Just in case there is any doubt relating to this claim, here is one quick example that you will never see the media report.

More details on the rally are in the flyer below.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(2)

Ed McBroom Needs To Go.

It really doesn’t take much imagination to see the likelihood of fraud in the 2020 election.

At the very least, where this an appearance of something wrong in one of the most important aspects of government, we need to be reassured that all doubts about the election are unfounded.  Yet instead of pressing for a REAL audit, and not the sham of a spot poll of selected counties, Ed McBroom’s commission report not only says ‘there is nothing to see here,” but adds “..maybe we arrest anyone who dared to say otherwise!”

Which has correctly earned the rat a little appropriate shame from at least some in the Michigan Republican Party. It needs to be spread a little more.  The Detroit news reports:

A committee inside the Michigan Republican Party plans to consider Saturday a proposal that calls for the resignation of GOP state Sen. Ed McBroom, who led a probe finding no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election.

He needs to be shunned completely.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(3)

Accountability Must Be Achieved Before Party Unity Can Be Tenable

A frightening hellish reality has been thrust upon us. From the COVID-19 disinformation campaign and subsequent lockdowns to the Black Lives Matter terror uprising and demonization of law enforcement to the third-world style vote rigging in Detroit and other inner-city fraud centers on election night, our current reality is outpacing many of the dark prophecies laid out by the literary greats of the 20th Century about the technological enslavement that was to come.

And it’s all about to get a million times worse. We can all feel it. If there was a time where political unity was desperately needed among Republicans with the burying of internecine squabbles, it would be now, right?

Well, it’s not quite that easy.

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(0)