Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)


Lets Throw More Money Away!

About that blue ribbon report on education?

Governor RINO-Burger’s newly formed ’21st Century Education Commission’ has performed as expected. One theme seems to stand out.  In the end, all will be well if we follow some not-so-surprising advice from the best socialist minds around. – Free college. Preschool for every child. No more grade levels.

A report released last week from Gov. Rick Snyder’s office offered lofty goals designed to overhaul Michigan’s public education system. The state needs to offer free community college, expand preschool access, and restructure K-12 public schools, the report suggested. District leaders in northwest Michigan agreed, but they’ll need more clarity on the details.

Sure.  why not?

Government employees shilling for expansion of government?  But wait!  More clarity?

“My first question would be if it’s free, who’s paying for it?” asked Sander Scott, superintendent at Glen Lake Community Schools. “That’s what any taxpayer would say. There’ll be a cost to be able to offer these things. … The state is really struggling to fund its public schools so adding more is interesting.”

Yes, “interesting.”
The state is struggling to accurately provide (yes, “accurately.” ‘Adequately’ is a word I would use if it was called for) funding that provides for the best education for our declining youth.  As opined previously, dumping nearly an additional $billion bones into the Detroit school system last year was a seriously flawed legislative act.
You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Impunity In A One Party State

A Washtenaw County 22nd Circuit Court judge is demonstrating the supreme impunity immunity enjoyed by the liberal elites in a modern one party state: Ann Arbor. Washtenaw County Trial Judge Carol A. Kuhnke has just dodged all legal consequences for possessing prescription narcotics not prescribed to her; narcotics which were used by her adopted son in his fatal overdose last year.

At this point, you probably have some sympathy for Judge Kuhnke. Opioid addiction is sweeping our country and there are a lot of tragedies occurring which parents simply cannot prevent. But there are twists to Judge Kuhnke’s story which sets it far apart from the typical overdose tragedy.

Judge Kuhnke’s curious story began on November 25th of last year when her son was found dead from oxycodone toxicity, but only got its first airing in the press yesterday. Young John Kuhnke allegedly broke into a locked tool chest where Judge Kuhnke was storing both drugs and alcohol. The drugs included oxycodone, hydrocodone, trazodone, dexmethylphenidate, and tramadol. All nasty items. These drugs were originally prescribed to John Kuhnke, Judge Kuhnke, her wife Elizabeth Janovic, Janovic’s parents, and the Kuhnke/Janovic’s next door neighbor. John Kuhnke is alleged to have stolen ten prescription pill vials from the broken tool chest and taken some of the next door neighbor’s oxycodone pills to a friend’s house where he overdosed and died.

Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office Detective Craig Raisanen requested warrant for Judge Kuhnke and her wife Elizabeth Janovic from the Washtenaw Prosecutor’s Office for possession of up to 25 grams of Schedule II narcotics prescribed in another person’s name [MCL 333.7403(2)(a)(v)]. The Washtenaw County Prosecutor asked AG Schuette to appoint a special prosecutor and that special prosecutor then decided that charges “would not be appropriate”. The Special Prosecutor appointed was Livingston County Prosecutor William Vailliencourt, who happens to serve in the county immediately north of Washtenaw. He fobbed the case off on the Judicial Tenure Commission, and it now appears that they too will take no action.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(1)

March 4 Trump Video

It’s been a week since the March 4 Trump event across the country.

There are apparently plans to have some other support rallies nationwide, and it would be no surprise if they are well attended.  After the March 4 rally in Traverse City, a number of folks indicated they want to attend the next events, and some wished they had better notice so they could have made it to this one.

For those of you who missed March 4 in Traverse City or somewhere around where you are, here you go.

Enjoy as you can.  We did.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Subject: Debate on Obamacare Repeal Centers on Medicaid.

Here’s How States That Expanded It Are Doing.

Jack Bergman needs to vote NO on the Ryan Plan for Obamacare reform. The hell with Snyder and the Rhinos in Lansing! DRAIN THE SWAMP!  See Michigan results in the PDF attachment. —>  ObamaCare-Expansion-is-Shattering-Projections

Why are we funding Medicaid for ABLE BODIED ADULTS?

From the Article at Daily Signal:

“But health policy experts say the Medicaid expansion has been detrimental to the budgets of states that embraced it and the resources available to populations the Medicaid program initially was designed to help.

“We see this as a moral issue, because what states have done is create this new category within the Medicaid program, which is a program that was originally intended to serve [the] aged, the blind, the disabled, low-income families, pregnant women—[those] we think about as the truly needy and truly vulnerable,” Nic Horton, a senior research fellow at the Foundation for Government Accountability, told The Daily Signal.

“Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion changed that in states that accepted it,” Horton said.

In a November report, the Foundation for Government Accountability examined enrollment projections for states that expanded Medicaid.

Twenty-four states projected that 5.5 million newly eligible Americans would sign up. In reality, the number of able-bodied adults who enrolled in Medicaid was more than double that, nearing 11.5 million, according to the most recent data available.

The Deplorable One!
Cedar/ Sedona

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

So Why The Change Of Heart?

I cannot stand DDAs.

They operate surreptitiously, are usually populated with egotistical good-of-the-community jerks, and have little regard for process or the rights of taxpayers. I know, its just my opinion.  I just don’t think its too much to ask for some better accountability.

One Judge pretty much agreed .. Until he didn’t.   Nothing to see here:

“Exactly why Gillis changed his mind was not clear today. Paperwork filed Monday cancelling last week’s order cited “reasons state on the record” at a hearing on Friday. The hearing was about the DDA’s objection to Davis’ latest complaint. Davis said neither he nor his attorney were notified of the hearing and, therefore, didn’t know Gillis’ reasons. A receptionist for Gillis said the judge was on vacation and unavailable for comment.

Davis wasn’t even invited to a hearing about his complaint?

H/T Sue Schwartz

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Traverse City March 4 Trump

About 150 turned out for the Traverse City Trump rally today.

At the time we had decided to hold it, the weather forecast looked bleak.  Instead of the predicted rainy day, it was sunny and in the upper 20s to low 30s by the time we started the noon event. We were blessed with as perfect weather as we could ask for in early March.

Opening with a prayer and song, attendees were rallied to support the president and mix it up with others who share their values.  The coffee and donuts provided by Daylight Donuts took care of the chill and munchie aspect.

One thing missing from our rally which we had actually expected was the lefty protests.  Apparently they decided to hold their event and not try to interfere with ours as we had heard in the grape vine.  Their event turned up 20 folks or so according to latecomers who passed them on the way in.

Local news station 7 & 4 streamed the first fifteen minutes of the event, and then went to spend five minutes at the ‘we hate life’ rally mentioned above.

Pictures below the fold.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

The Price of Political Failure

The Detroit News launched a hit piece on Michael G. Ford, the CEO of the Regional Transportation Authority of Southeastern Michigan this morning. Reporters Robert Snell and Christine MacDonald breathlessly review Mr. Ford’s expense accounting and employment contract details over the 33 months since he was appointed CEO of the RTA.

The closest they get to finding any real improprieties is Mr. Ford’s car allowance and mileage reimbursement, but that does not stop them from reporting salacious details of hotel room charges and his very generous employment contract. No illegality or budget overruns are found, but the tone of the article is supremely negative. Mr. Ford’s contract happens to be up for renewal and the RTA Board tabled a $ 16,300 raise for him two weeks ago.

A special meeting of the RTA Board of Directors was held this morning, including a closed session. Public bodies operating under the Open Meetings Act are only allowed to close meetings when deliberating personnel matters and contracts. It is not much of a leap to speculate that Mr. Ford is today’s main course at the RTA Board meeting.

The Detroit News duo filed an FOIA request for Mr. Ford’s contract details and expense reimbursements shortly after Paul Hillegonds, Governor Rick Snyder’s appointee to the RTA Board, began reviewing Mr. Ford’s expenses. Coincidence? Hardly.

What is going on here?

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Dan Gilbert Begging For Taxpayer Money Capture – Detroit News Says Please Give.

Set the example, right?

Cronyism is still alive and well, and Detroit interests still have their hands out. And maybe it’s not JUST the developers? Detroit’s high taxes, and expensive operating environment has created impediments to natural growth.

Years after Dan Gilbert took money from taxpayers to move his employees into Detroit where they would pay a new income tax, and endure travel challenges, he want to see more of the bottom of the taxpayer purse through capture strategies. And he has cheerleaders.

The Detroit News has opined in favor of taking money from Michigan families and giving it to big developers to subsidize otherwise unprofitable real estate projects. The News wrote:

“In Detroit and other older Michigan cities, rents are still not high enough to fully offset construction costs without incentive packages.”

If the News extended the same logic to its own situation, we might see something like this in a future editorial:

“In Detroit and other old two-newspaper towns, subscription and ad rates are still not high enough to fully offset continuing operations without incentive packages.  If we were to get subsidies captured from the taxes paid from our employees, our success would be guaranteed, and [those] taxes would increase!”

Just think of the page rent decreases it could offset!

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)