The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)


Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…


KrisAnne Hall in Sterling Heights Thursday May 18

Traveling Constitutional scholar KrisAnne Hall is back in Michigan.

She will be speaking at Ike’s Restaurant located on 38550 Van Dyke Ave, Sterling Heights, Michigan 48312. The event will officially begin at 7pm EST, and the former prosecutor will be sure to set the room on fire for liberty!

Feel free to come by at 6:00PM for dinner and networking with great friends. KrisAnne is expected to talk about the current state of affairs in our tumultuous nation. How is Trump living up to his America First mandates? Is he abiding by the Constitution? What should we do about crazed leftist terrorists on the streets? These are questions that she may address, along with much much more! You know you want to go to this can’t miss event.

Please invite your friends and RSVP. Join the Events page on Facebook as well to remember the event so you don’t miss it:

She will be joined by Campaign for Liberty President, Norman Singleton who will be appearing via Skype to talk about key national issues.  Be there or be unaware!

Visit KrisAnne on her official website:
Official Website for the Venue:

Shane Trejo
State Director
Michigan Tenth Amendment Center

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)

Sunday Sermon – The Adventure

On April 11, 1970, 3 men set off on an adventure. They were the Apollo 13 crew, and their adventure was to be the 3rd manned moon-landing. Their spacecraft looked like this drawing. The main module, the Odyssey, was designed to be their home for the journey to and from the moon, and attached to that was the lunar module Aquarius, that would allow two of them to land on and lift off the moon.

A little over two days into the flight, they contacted NASA with these now famous words: “Houston, we have a problem” Now, that that turned out be something of an understatement. What they’d had was an explosion. Exposed wires had set off an explosion that destroyed one oxygen tank and damaged a second.

They still had enough oxygen to breathe, but those oxygen tanks were also used to power the fuel cells in the main craft. With those tanks gone, the fuel cells would be increasingly depleted to the point where the crew would never be able to make reentry into earth’s atmosphere.

They realized that if they could power down the Odyssey and move into the landing module they just MIGHT make it home. But that created another problem. The landing module wasn’t designed to hold 3 men that long. So, CO2 remained the biggest issue.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(1)


What just happened should scare the hell out of us.

Healthcare has officially become an entitlement.   You have whole communities full of government junkies and melted away personal responsibility. Elected bureaucracy remains the pusher of socialized (welfare) medicine, and you cannot put enough locks on the safe to keep it out.

Preexisting conditions will remain a mandate on insurers. Even with added penalties for lapses in coverage going forward, accepting, and maintaining responsibility for oneself and one’s family has apparently been cemented as a function of government.

The most humble beginnings

It started simple enough decades ago, with the accepted forms of ‘insurance;’ Social security, Medicare, and for the emergency needs of poverty stricken folks, medicaid.  Soon, it was forcing insurance providers to include pregnancy protection for men, and autism support for parents who won’t stay at home with their own children.

Michigan in total, has added 655,635 to it’s medical welfare rolls as of last Monday.  This taxpayer funded boondoggle known as “Healthy Michigan” was enacted under a ‘Republican’ controlled legislature, and signed into law by a ‘Republican’ governor. And it is sufficiently generous.  The thought of taxpayers providing insurance welfare for those who are 33% above poverty thresholds is maddening.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

90% Off Sale June 21 – Security Equipment

Pardon the off topic post, but, the family business is entering a new chapter.

There are details on Facebook as well, but we are closing the retail storefront operation down, and will have thousands of items available at 90% or more off the retail price.

2748 Garfield RD N, Suite 12
Traverse City, MI 49686

Bottom line? Its time to CLEAN OUT years worth of video gadgetry, security and surveillance components, gizmos, cameras. lenses, and a whole range of electronics. We are closing the retail operations of ICU, and our loss is your gain!

We will have items marked or web searchable at retail or lower, and you can take 90% off that price.

Cameras for $5? Yep, maybe less!
Complete systems for under $100? Absolutely.
Strange Gadgets, and spy toys? ..Its what we do.

We will also be selling the fixtures and furniture, and other bargains as well!

What we don’t sell we have to move. First come, first served, the best items will go first. Don’t let your tech junkies down, they gotta get to this one.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

And THIS is what we get when the republican party controls the House, Senate & White House???

Perhaps yesterday’s coverage of the May Day “celebrations” touched something inside of Congressional republicans?

Perhaps the were “channeling their inner Obama™”?

Whatever the reason, sometime over the past few days, Congressional republicans clearly demonstrated some severe cognitive dissonance with the American Voter (to say nothing about the election results from last November).

More below…

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Sunday Sermon April 30, 2017

Luke 24:13-35

Years ago, the producers of Sesame Street faced a dilemma. Will Lee, the actor who played Mr. Hooper, passed away, and the producers had to decide how to communicate the concept of death to the 10 million children who watched the show.

Child psychologists suggested they NOT say, “Mr. Hooper got sick and died,” because children get sick and they didn’t want them to think that they would automatically die. They also suggested NOT to say, “Mr. Hooper got old and died,” because little children think of their parents as being old.

The PBS execs wanted them to avoid religious issues and NOT say, “Mr. Hooper died and went to Heaven.”

So the show’s producers decided to say just a few basics: He’s gone, he won’t be back, and he’ll be missed. And they decided to use Big Bird to gently set the matter before the children. The show was aired on Thanksgiving Day so parents could watch it with their children.

Big Bird came out and said he had a picture for Mr. Hooper and he couldn’t wait to see him.

One of the cast said, “Big Bird, remember, we told you that Mr. Hooper died.”

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(0)

Congress Abandons Responsibility with Trumpcare 2.0

Rep. Tom MacArthur (AP)

Earlier this month, Rep. Tom MacArthur presented an amendment to the American Health Care Act to secure broad Republican support. And this week, Rep. Mark Meadows declared the Freedom Caucus’ support. But conservatives in the party should not be fooled: MacArthur’s replacement plan, “Trumpcare 2.0,” is a Trojan Horse. It comes as a gift, filled with options for states to opt out of some Obamacare rules. But it leaves the Affordable Care Act — better known as Obamacare — comfortably in place while Congress gets to grandstand.

While MacArthur’s plan may seem to have some constructive changes at first glance, the proposed measures would keep the worst parts of the ACA. One of the key provisions would shift the responsibility for decisions on healthcare standards to the state level. That means states could choose to opt out of the rules on “essential benefits” and “community ratings” by getting a federal waiver.

But there’s a catch. The default for states will be the same as it is now—keeping the ACA’s federal standards. Nobody wants to be the bad guy and take away popular rules. But Congress made this mess, so they need to clean it up. Representatives like Rep. Amash fought the last version of Trumpcare, and they can do it again.

The proposed provisions include a waiver program that lets states opt out of “essential benefits” — the ACA’s federally-mandated services healthcare providers must offer. That includes a laundry list of items individuals have to pay for, like maternity care and substance abuse care — even if they’ll never use either service.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)