The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)


Some Questions

Got one of Adam’s heads up messages via the in-box a few minutes ago. He notes the Lame Duck Democrats…



Sometimes it just gets way too busy.

It was unfortunate that I had a library board meeting at the same time the Ted Nugent appearance with Bill Schuette & Lisa Lyons was happening.  It was also unfortunate that the meeting which should have lasted 20 minutes, went on for a half hour because I had to defend the first amendment and fight for better crafted policy.

Sometimes the fun stuff has to wait. 

And though I was unsuccessful in defeating a poorly written screed not worth the ink used to print, I was at least fortunate enough to catch the headline crew as they worked their way out the back door.   I don’t think I broke any speeding laws in my 20 minute drive from Kingsley back to the heart of TC, but even if I had?

These pics below would have been worth it.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Whitmer’s Swamp

I told ya so.

Snyder’s cronies mean business. And the gators love themselves a progressive Democrat.

Government insiders pick Whitmer to protect them after Schuette stood up to the Lansing establishment on Flint and Ingham County establishment on Nassar and Dunnings

The Bill Schuette for Governor campaign said today that endorsements of Senator Gretchen Whitmer by members of the Lansing establishment are a signal that Gretchen Whitmer is the insiders’ choice to protect the status quo.

Stu Sandler, spokesman for Schuette says

“As Attorney General, Bill Schuette has been standing up for victims and families.  Gretchen Whitmer has made a career of standing with special interests and Lansing insiders.  It’s not a surprise that the same people who have been trying to stop Schuette from getting justice in Flint are the same people supporting Gretchen Whitmer.  Schuette is willing to take on Lansing bureaucrats, Gretchen Whitmer will always side with special interests,”

Schuette takes on the establishment, even of his own party

As Attorney General, Bill Schuette has taken on the establishment at many levels, putting him on the side of Michigan families instead of government insiders.

–       Flint Water: Schuette was the first to stand up and start an investigation into the poisoning of thousands of children, women, and men. In fact, Schuette stood up to an administration of his own party to do so and continues on today despite a non-stop onslaught of opposition to ongoing criminal cases taking place in a court of law by those who have endorsed Whitmer today.

–       Nassar:  Bill Schuette was the only prosecutor to step up and take on the Nassar investigation and prosecution, successfully putting Nassar behind bars, giving survivors the opportunity to face Nassar and address the world, and investigate and charge officials at the university.

–       Ingham County Corruption: Bill Schuette is the prosecutor who challenged the Ingham County government establishment and cleaned up the corruption mess created by former Prosecutor Stuart Dunnings by charging criminal activities and securing a conviction.

Sandler rightly points out

“Gretchen Whitmer has an unaccomplished record as a public official, passing only three bills into law in 14 years and failing to successfully take on the establishment in Lansing, Ingham County, or anywhere else.  Bill Schuette has a strong record of doing the right thing, even when it meant going against his own party to do so.  He took on the Lansing and Ingham insiders as attorney general and will do so as governor,”

The Deep State …yes?

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(0)

Coming up next: Christians against Christ!

In a move that I heard rumblings about them for some time now, but felt they had slightly more of a chance of existing than, say, The Nain Rouge, Dogman, The Little Blue Man or even Luke The Spook, The Detroit News reported today that a group calling themselves “Republicans and Independents for Whitmer” have finally made their existence known.

Yes, the name is exactly what is says, although the “republicans” in the aforementioned name aren’t even on the radar when it comes to promoting anything even remotely close to Conservative Values.

Calling them RINO’s would actually be a complement to them.

I’m a little pressed for time today and have to keep this short, but will share one quick quite from Sen. Shirkey and Rep. Chatfield on these knuckleheads before I have to run.

“Anyone claiming to be a ‘Republican for Whitmer’ is someone opposed to lower taxes, limited government and fiscal responsibility.”

I will be touching on that glaringly obvious problem within the Michigan GOP and expanding on this post a little later.


Who loves ya, baby!

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Wango & Tango

Bill Schuette and Lisa Posthumus Lyons rally with Ted Nugent in Northern Michigan with Sportsmen and Sportswomen for Schuette Coalition

Bill Schuette, Lisa Posthumus Lyons, and Ted Nugent will rally in Northern Michigan today with members of the Sportsmen and Sportswomen for Schuette coalition at events in Marquette and Traverse City.

Schuette and Nugent kicked off the day in a with a radio interview in Traverse City, where Nugent expressed his support of Bill Schuette and his campaign for Governor.

“I’ve watched Bill Schuette as Attorney General, and he’s always been the law and order guy. And that’s why I support Bill Schuette and Lisa Posthumus Lyons, they are absolutists that God gave us the individual right as Americans to keep and bear arms,” Nugent said.

The campaign also announced that Bill Schuette has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association (NRA), and has received an A+ rating from the NRA.

“I’m going to support your Second Amendment rights and I appreciate the endorsement of the NRA. Gretchen Whitmer will take away your Second Amendment rights, and that would be a step backwards for Michigan residents and our Constitution,” Schuette said.


Michigan’s outdoors key part of Michigan economy

Michigan’s great natural resources are not only a key part of our quality of life, but also key to Michigan’s economy.  Schuette’s Paycheck Agenda focuses on protecting our natural resources to encourage Michigan as a destination for hunting, sport fishing, and tourism, with billions of dollars at stake, and as an attraction to draw new residents to the state because of our high qualify of life.


Schuette/Posthumus Lyons/Nugent Rallies today:


11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Rippling River Resort

4321 M-553

Marquette, MI 49855


Traverse City

5:30 PM – 7:00 PM

Sleder’s Family Tavern

717 Randolph Street

Traverse City, MI 49684

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)


Several months ago, we were warned.

The video on the right appeared amidst the nonsense of a US senate race elsewhere.  It is probably the only time in your life you will see the word “penis” in a seriously considered political video. (The ad is actually STILL posted on her official site – I have saved a copy as well)

The “P” word in this ad, is of course used to make sure that the viewers are advised that those who wear the aforementioned appliance are to be viewed with suspicion and disdain. That we cannot wait to show it off in just about every environment.  In short, that “Men are evil pigs.”

Aside from the absurdly overblown reaction to the false accusations of events supposedly 4 decades past, this candidate displayed a bizarre sense of propriety and judgement.  It was not enough for her to simply ‘hate men’ and let us know that the memberful sex was to be feared, but she actually believes that leaving such inculcation present and viewable during a statewide political contest is wise.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(0)

Prager NPV Video

Just putting this out there till the next article on the disaster that is the NPV.

What-if …

California decided it was going to allow ALL of the illegal aliens to vote? What if they encouraged it? What if they Required all election precincts to accept any ballots cast by anyone who had identification or not?

What if it added a couple million to the voter rolls? What if that was the ‘popular vote’ difference and forced states who are bound by the NPV to cast for those with the greater vote total number? Therein lies the rub.

Legislators in Michigan who would support such fraud should be tarred and feathered for such malfeasance.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

NPV Gets GOP #Resistance In Northern Michigan

Nothing is guaranteed folks.

State Senator Wayne Schmidt may not withdraw his sponsorship of SB1117, a bill that if ultimately effected, would have made it possible for Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 election.  He may not change his mind after looking at the reality of what is being peddled to GOP lawmakers just in time to create dissension within the party.

But Wayne Schmidt does have folks in Grand Traverse County wondering what he was thinking.  He has fellow party members raising eyebrows, and asking “why on earth ..?”  And Wayne has a decent sense of political measure, so..

The Grand Traverse County Republican party executive committee today offered up and passed unanimously, a “simple resolution in opposition to the National Popular Vote, with notices to be sent to our representatives.”

This is Wayne’s ‘home team.’  These are the folks who must rally the troops, and the response to this particular NPV effort has seriously damaged the volunteer hours and interest.

It was an easy vote.

We encourage other county parties to follow suit and remind our GOP legislators that NPV is a bad enough idea, but bringing it out when the debate alone will have the worst possible effect on the GOP ground game, is really the true intent of it’s lobbyists.

Where have we heard this before?

You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(0)

Discord & Disarray

Lobbyists know that our legislators have blind spots.

Its not that all legislators are blind, ignorant, foolish, or even downright incompetent.  Just most of them falling into one or more of those categories.

Unfortunately, some have gone back to the trough of stupid ideas a little too often.  Enough in fact, that they don’t even see the real reasons they are suddenly inundated with far reaching demands for change emanating from the pits of hell masquerading as fixes that are long overdue.

The convention of states (COS), and National Popular Vote (NPV) are two such changes that if successful, could threaten our very Republic.  The COS, in a way that opens the doors to quite literally writing out the very protections enshrined in our constitution.  The NPV, as a means to enable mob rule, and permanently entrench those who can then control media and other information sources.

And what about that NPV?

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