108 search results for "detroit bailout"

Here Comes the BIG SCARE

Boy, the desperation is getting thick within the Ineptocracy that is Lansing, and D.C.

The Federal Highway Trust Fund, which accounts for nearly one-third of the state’s transportation budget, made about $1 billion available to Michigan in 2013. That’s 8 percent less than five years earlier and 15 percent less when adjusted for inflation, according to figures compiled by The Associated Press.

AutoBailoutVisitSo, where the Hell were Senators Levin, and Stabenow? Why did they allow our state to flounder while their man Harry Reid, was in charge? $3 Trillion?

The funding that generally comes from federal gasoline and diesel taxes was up 20 percent over a decade but down 5 percent in inflation-adjusted dollars [happens when .FEDGOV prints money].

The AP analysis also shows that Michigan ranked seventh-lowest among states in per-capita federal transportation funding in 2013 and second-lowest in per-capita overall spending on highways, roads and bridges [why is that?]. Only Georgia spent less per capita.

The same problem that has left the Highway Trust Fund teetering with insolvency [snip]

Go figure. Can you imagine why the Highway Trust Fund is insolvent? Remember, there’s 535 of them all doing the same thing.

is vexing Michigan — people drive less and with more fuel-efficient vehicles while paying per-gallon gas taxes unchanged for two decades. For the last four years, Gov. Rick Snyder and lawmakers have had to divert money from the general fund [snip]

Call it what it is. The diversion or, *stolen* money is a replacement, and an additional tax mostly because a Granholm era boob running MDOT is unaccountable for infrastructure spending, and frivolous railroad schemesmore here – among other wasteful nomenclature frills. Seriously, MDOT has been a documented rogue agency since at least 2006 (yes, guess who?), which oddly enough has ample resources for making videos. Try doing that in the private sector and one would be out of business or, fired, and sued for criminal and/or civil damages.

to ensure the state receives its matching federal transportation money because traditional revenue sources — state fuel taxes and vehicle registration taxes — are lower or stagnant.

Registration taxes are drying up? Well, gee, go figure what happens when Lansing’s Republican Majority loots what isn’t theirs. Went after pensions when it wasn’t necessary? Instantly $10,000,000,000+ flew the coop. Broke the 2007, promise by raising the State Income Tax, which they applied to those pensions. Those two raids alone stole money from folks who have decided to put off vehicle purchases, especially, the retirees who got plundered by Snyder. Look, it ain’t the undischargable student loan debt-slave Millennials who have money. Hell, they can’t even figure out that when borrowing for higher education it effects tuition rates to rise (another cluster**** conversation for another time).

Back on-point.

You Betcha! (38)Nuh Uh.(0)

Constantine is Giving us our Wings

Not sure if others noticed this in the Detnews.com yesterday, however, while our strabismus AG rummaged about his archaic footnotes of legalese, and even citing back to his Democratic Party predecessor as to somehow absolve an end to justify a collectivist means – there is this.

Macedonian_MafiaOlympia keeps all revenue, including concessions and parking, and any naming rights deal. In an earlier interview with The Detroit News, Christopher Ilitch, president and CEO of Ilitch Holdings Inc, defended the way the arena was paid.

“A public-private partnership is the only way any of these type of projects work in an urban environment,” he said.

He pointed out that while The Palace of Auburn Hills was paid for by private owners, the key difference is it’s an isolated venue in the suburbs.

“The Palace gets all the revenues from parking, concessions, retail,” Ilitch said, pointing out that those sources of revenue are key to the financial success of a major venue.

Did you catch that? Out in the boonies of alleged sparse populous, a billionaire with his own money, is to house his own business with rightful privilege to any and all revenue gained from his ancillary services provided to his customer.

Now, contrast the above with the “urban environment” festooned within a bailout, and the opulence of guaranteed populous in a 143 sq mile boundary, it is unequivocally noted by said li’l Caesar, that not only is what is his, his – what is ours is also his too.

Added bonus to us outside the bowels of “urban environment“?

The state reimburses schools for diverted money.

Well, golly gee. Thanks a lot for that, too!

You Betcha! (34)Nuh Uh.(2)

Red Ink and Bottom Lines

Are state taxpayers able to assign a dollar value on the Nerd’s $195,000,000 Grand “Bargain” for Ron? Sure we can – nerdy CPA’s haven’t cornered the market on owning “dashboards” yet – $17,330.25 per vote.

Add to this, taxpayers bankrolling the gifted $260,000,000 to the Ilitch family bringing the total to $455,000,000 funneled into Detroit, on just those two items alone, then it becomes – $40,437.26 per vote.

Source, or click on image to enlarge.

So, what does Thomas Adams, director of operations for the Rick Snyder campaign in Detroit, have to say? “I’m a Democrat.”

Says it all.

Congratulations, Boobus Michiganderus.

You Betcha! (43)Nuh Uh.(1)

Freep Editorial Board Endorses ‘Slow Progressivism’

Seeing little difference, the Ivory Tower goes with the 'devil they know'

happy-snyderThe Detroit Free Press has joined liberal Bill Milliken in endorsing a continuation of Rick Snyder’s governorship.

Admitting that it prefers the more effective measures of sliding towards progressive goals, it endorsed Rick Snyder over Mark Schauer. The Ivory Tower editorial board suggests that it doesn’t think that Schauer can accomplish its wishes.

Schauer says he’ll shape state government according to the progressive values the Free Press Editorial Board believes are embedded in Michigan’s DNA — expansion of civil rights, protections for workers, environmental stewardship, plus investment in schools, roads and the social safety net.

But only one candidate could bring his agenda into practical, achievable focus. And so by the narrowest of margins, with keen reservations, the Free Press endorses RICK SNYDER for a second, four-year term as Michigan’s governor.

Of course when they say “his agenda,” they mean the governor’s.

However, for those of us who question the anti transparency veto, higher gas taxes, ‘cool cities’, trains, [Granholm agenda item[ NITC,  welfare expansion, growing the Michigan budget, Elliot Larsen signalling to special right pro-homosexual groups, bailouts to progressive bastions, and failure to fully defend Michiganians’ right to keep and bear arms? We see little difference.

We know they do too.




You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(1)

Pay up Suckers

Never underestimate the local ‘Team R’ actors who will roll with RINO Ron’s DIA Bailout.

gingell_mike_smIn the letter, which Gingell read to The News, Gargaro said he wants to work on connecting the three art authorities — which are contracted with the DIA and collect tax money on behalf of the county — with compensation decisions by meeting with them three or four times a year.

“So the county art authorities have opportunity for input, so that’s a good measure,” Gingell said. “They would review the DIA audited financial statements and discuss it in an open forum with the art authorities. It’s definitely more outreach, more transparency, more practical steps to address compensation.”

Reached by The News Wednesday afternoon, Gargaro declined to discuss the specifics of the letter or what it was offering. “I haven’t had a chance to speak with the commissioners about it yet,” Gargaro said.

In other words, Eugene Gargaro hasn’t read the official script yet.

Gargaro is expected to meet with commissioners during their caucus Thursday morning, Gingell said. That will take place just before the start of the regular board meeting, at which commissioner Dave Woodward, D-Royal Oak, had planned to offer a resolution to dissolve the Oakland County Art Authority, which sends $11 million a year to the DIA.

Gingell said once all 21 members of the board read the letter and speak with Gargaro, “my personal opinion is things will move on” and the issue of dissolving the art authority will be over.


Yep. Easy peasy. Just another case of watching the layers of bureaucrats and their insider onion peel.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Study: 40% of Michigan Families Can’t Cover Basic Survival Expenses

Huge Decline in Wages for Michigan’s Working Families

Pay Falls for Low-Wage Men yet Women Still Far Behind,” found that real wages of Michigan workers have fallen by more than ten percent since 1979 for broad sections of the working class.

Hourly pay for low-wage workers of “prime working age” in Michigan fell 13.4 percent between 1979-2013, while pay for mid-wage workers of prime age fell 12.7 percent.

The collapse of wages in Michigan also illustrates president Obama’s and Governor Snyder’s “insourcing” policies, which involves pushing for lower corporate taxes and lower living standards and wages for workers in order to make American cities “attractive” for business. Snyder Obama Meet

Speaking at a Milwaukee factory in 2012, Obama celebrated the results of his and Snyder’s “bailout” policies in Michigan as a model for the rest of the country: What’s happening in Detroit can happen in other cities.

Declining work rates, stagnant wages, the rise of female-headed families, inferior education, and the arrival of millions of “immigrants” with poor education and low skills are little engines pushing up the poverty rate.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(1)

All Hail the Utopians!

Here comes yet another bailout of .FEDGOV web of entanglement for the Cesspool of Detoilet.

It’s a basic human right: water. [snip]

*cough*bullsh!t*cough* Provide where it is written. Anywhere. What passes for journalism, anymore.

But could the United Nations soon help the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department provide the service to struggling customers?

Water department spokeswoman Curtrise Garner says it’s a possibility — but for now, the water bills must be paid.

“We do have programs that do help those that are just totally in need; can’t afford it — but we also know that there are also people who can’t afford it would can not pay and we know this because, once we shut water off, the next day they are in paying the bill in full. So we do know that that has become a habit as well,” said Garner.

And while Garner says water is “a God-given right,” [like Ghey “marriage”. See what I did there?] she says there is a cost to move water from the water resource to the customer and that the infrastructure costs money.

According to the Free Press, the average Detroit water bill is now $75 a month — much higher than the nation’s average rate of about $40.

FourOdiousAssholesDamn near double the national average. I’m sure the Public-Private DRIC Bridge will be as efficient. I’m shocked, SHOCKED I tell ya.

Disgusting. Can’t come up with $2.50 per day but, have money for going to those three casinos, attending Go Team! nonsense, and plasma HD Tee Vees are a “God-given right” like Obamaphones are too.

Just try teaching our youth that Communism is wrong these days.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)

Deep Pockets – Short Arms

As expected

Detroit’s planned 3.3-mile $137 million Woodward Avenue streetcar project faces a $12 million funding shortfall, and Michigan members of Congress warn the project could be in jeopardy unless the Transportation Department gives it more money.

A two-page letter to Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx obtained by The Detroit News on Tuesday warns that the project urgently needs additional grant money to proceed. But even without federal funds, officials of the so-called M-1 project says it would survive — but concede it might have to be scaled back.

Whoa! Has anyone looked at the top two names listed on the M-1 Rail Board of Directors? Click here. So, you mean to tell me that Roger Penske, or Dan Gilbert, both billionaires, can’t reach into their front pocket and pull out $6M each? YGBFKM. Better yet, if one looks a little further down the Board of Director names listed one will see Ilitch Holdings. How about giving a little back to the rest of us in the state, Mike and Marian? There you go. Penske, Gilbert, and Ilitch, can all pony up $3M each to cover the “shortfall”.

Funny how yet another .gov subsidized P3 project always has these budget “shortfalls,” isn’t it?

The May 1 letter, which has not previously been made public, discloses that Detroit applied for a supplemental $12.2 million grant from the Transportation Department’s TIGER grant program. The project received $25 million in federal funds from the program in January 2013.

“Without the requested $12.2 million TIGER grant, this important project will be delayed indefinitely, and we fear the resulting costs could make the project unaffordable,” said the letter signed by Sens. Carl Levin of Detroit, Debbie Stabenow of Lansing and Reps. Sander Levin of Royal Oak, John Dingell of Dearborn, John Conyers of Detroit and Gary Peters of Bloomfield Township. The lawmakers, all Democrats, urged Foxx to “award a TIGER grant to close the funding gap.”

Ah, all Democrats Socialists. I guess that is where the Ilitch’s paid their “fair share” already.

Subsidies in perpetuity! Get ready to keep paying up, Nerd voting suckers.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Taxpayers Take Another Swirl Around the Detoilet Bowl

Efficiency of government solutions? Howza ’bout a 22.9% ROI Return On Coercive Theft.

Then, there is this anathema.

Contractors said it was easy for costs to escalate. Often, the worst homes on the block were selected. Some needed expensive foundation repairs, lead and asbestos abatement and new plumbing and electrical systems. And many homes, especially in Boston Edison, are just big, adding to costs for roofing and other materials.

“Wherever we go in the city of Detroit, it has to be subsidized,” said Lisa Johanon, executive director of Central Detroit Christian Community Development Corp., a nonprofit that did two renovations. “It is costly, no doubt about it, but I think we have some stabilized neighborhoods.

“It’s just what it takes right now to get Detroit on its feet.”

Exit question: When did His Word become the words of a wealth redistributing commie? I must’ve missed that memo. Folks, it’s pretty basic. See HERE, and HERE.


A pox on their ☝ house.

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