Democrat candidate for the 106th State House seat steals GOP signs.
Oops he got caught.
But of course, he was only trying to help.
You Betcha!
(5)Nuh Uh.

Democrat candidate for the 106th State House seat steals GOP signs.
Oops he got caught.
But of course, he was only trying to help.
"Improperly placed" campaign signs?!?
Is THAT the excuse they're using now?
After having 3 Trump signs STOLEN from the front of my house already (my dogs are watching sign #4 and have already scared away several curious "strangers" in my neighborhood) it's disappointing to see Team "d" resort to this level of campaigning.
"Sue Allor has chosen to not press charges."
That answered my questions about Sue Allor. Why the hell would I want to send her, as a "lawmaker," to Lansing, when she cannot even fight criminal Democrats during an election.
Cuckservatism is a mental disorder and it's why Sue Allor isn't getting my vote.