If Rove was Aware in ’04, What did Yob and Snyder know?

I must say we are living through some very interesting, and disturbing times, of which, makes for some strange bedfellows (no pun intended).

By now, most readers are aware of the dysfunction that is the NeverTrump organization The Lincoln Project, with their predicament of one of the founders, John Weaver using his position to make sexual advances on young men. Of the 21 men who have came forward one states he was 14 years old when the advances started. It is also coming to light that Karl Rove first made mention of Weaver’s then in the closet behavior in 2004, which like all swamp rats do, they try to dismiss everything as if your eyes are lying to you.

OK, by now you’re asking what the hell does this have to do with Michigan? Well, the common theme here tied to Weaver is NeverTrump, and that faction raised $100 million of dollars working hand-in-hand with Fake News to oust our incumbent Republican President. It is no secret that Rick Snyder was onboard with them.

The Michigan Republicans listed as part of the group include former Congressman Joe Schwarz, former Congressman Dave Trott, former Michigan Chamber of Commerce legal counsel Bob LaBrant, Sterling Heights Mayor Michael Taylor and former state Reps. Doug Hart, Mikey Knight and David Maturen, according to the group’s website.

The group is affiliated with and paid for by The Lincoln Project, an effort backed by prominent Republicans to oust Trump from the White House. Though Republicans and Independents for Biden have the same goal, it is a separate initiative of The Lincoln Project, said Mark Ranneberger, a spokesman for the group.

Snyder, who championed a “Relentless Positive Action” motto while in office, distanced himself Thursday from The Lincoln Project.

“I don’t really support The Lincoln Project,” he said. “They have a negative approach to things largely, and I’m a positive person.”

Sure. Do you see one positive policy position about Biden written here or, a Boomer g-g-g-generation liberal spewing negative word-salad about our sitting President? Snyder is a Lincoln Project bird of a feather, and why would anyone think they are not- John Weaver invented the phony nerd persona. My God, there’s even an article on it with the most cringe headline ever.

But in Weaver’s deft hands, Snyder’s vulnerabilities—namely his lack of experience and charisma—were transformed into strengths. Contrasting himself with the three “career politicians” he was running against, Snyder eschewed suits and ties and campaigned in a French blue dress shirt, projecting the air of a new economy executive. He dubbed his economic plan “Michigan 3.0” and detailed it on the stump in a PowerPoint presentation. And then there were Snyder’s TV ads—$2.4 million worth of them during the GOP primary, financed largely by his personal fortune—which branded the man with the accountant’s mien as “One Tough Nerd.”

“Nerds get results,” Snyder said in one ad that aired to great fanfare during the 2010 Super Bowl. “Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett. Shoot, Clark Kent saved thousands of lives.”

“I can’t think of many general consultants who’d let me do that kind of ad,” says Fred Davis, the ad man who came up with the “One Tough Nerd” spots. “But that’s what makes John a genius.”

Creepy stuff with what’s coming to light surrounding The Lincoln Project now when factoring in the Hollywood casting couch angle that Weaver enjoys with boys, and this Team RINO weirdo. Then it goes on to reveal this oddity.

Sure enough, on November 2, 2010, Snyder was elected the 48th governor of Michigan. But Weaver was not the one to give Snyder the good news. That August, less than a week after the primary triumph, Weaver, according to multiple sources, had been dropped as Snyder’s strategist. The move was handled in such a quiet fashion that it has not been made public until now, more than five years later. One Snyder campaign aide likened it to a scene from The Godfather. “It was the settling of all family business,” the aide told me. Another Snyder campaign aide recalls that on the day of Weaver’s exit, “They made sure there was nobody in the campaign office. They divided everyone up and told them, ‘This is what is happening.’”

Weaver acknowledges the parting of ways, but he maintains that he was not fired and insists there was never a conflict over money between him and the Snyder campaign. “It’s categorical bullshit,” he told me. According to Weaver, he and Snyder, who declined to comment for this article, had always planned for him to leave the campaign after the primary and to shift his contract over to the Michigan GOP, so that he could advise Snyder on general election strategy while having the state party pick up his tab. (A source familiar with Weaver’s state party contract disagreed, telling me: “At the Snyder campaign’s request, John had absolutely no involvement with any work on the gubernatorial race.”)

None of this stopped Weaver from continuing to tout himself as a Snyder adviser—both to potential clients and to reporters. “He and I talk, we trade emails,” Weaver told me when we met last year, describing their relationship as “very good.” But a few days after my conversation with Weaver, when I asked Snyder aide Kyle Robertson whether Weaver continued to advise the Michigan governor, who was then in the midst of his reelection campaign, Robertson replied in an email: “John Weaver’s contract with Rick Snyder for Michigan ended on September 23rd, 2010. He has not had any affiliation with Governor Snyder or his campaign since his contract ended.”

And yet, in a testament either to Weaver’s political talent or to Snyder’s capacity for forgiveness—or, perhaps, both—none of this stopped Snyder from thinking of Weaver earlier this year when the Michigan governor was considering a run for the White House. “We were looking at what it would take to run,” says one current Snyder adviser, “and John had obviously worked with Snyder before and had obviously worked on presidentials before, so we talked to him. Should the governor have decided to run, I think John would have been part of the team.”

So, what to make from all that? Liars lie, I reckon but, this I do know… everything that surrounds the RINO Nerd from the beginning has always raised questions.

Lansing — Questions continue to be raised about the behavior of college students at the state Republicans’ leadership conference on Mackinac Island with some asked to vow to vote for their candidates or risk losing their rooms and others charging that underage drinking was rampant.

Some of the hundreds of bright-green clad students who Snyder brought to the island were asked to sign a “contract” which reads, in part: “I have read the above and understand that my staying in a Rick for Michigan sponsored hotel room and traveling on a Rick for Michigan ferry is contingent upon voting for Rick Snyder in the straw poll.”

Snyder campaign spokesman Jake Suski said the form was created to help ferret out “infiltrators” from other campaigns who were trying to get a free trip and didn’t support Snyder. He also noted the island was swarming with volunteers sent by other candidates, lobbying firms and the Republican Party.

“To come up with our group and not to support Rick or to support other candidates would have been dishonest,” Suski said.

Video dated 09/27/2009, and Snyder’s “mastermind” via John Weaver and Fred Davis.

The one name involved is left out: John Yob. The funny thing with him is no matter where one looks there is always something bizarre to be found… and, strange bedfellows.

It seems fairly obvious that the committee worked with Yob’s Conservative Connector company, so the speculative question is: Does Weiser have a financial interest in one of Yob’s LLCs?

Things that make you go 🤔

You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(1)

  4 comments for “If Rove was Aware in ’04, What did Yob and Snyder know?

  1. Corinthian Scales
    February 2, 2021 at 11:26 am

    You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(1)
  2. maidintheus
    February 2, 2021 at 3:04 pm

    So again one wonders why the GOP/RNC sucks or is absent for concerted vetting of .. anyone. As for the NT'ers, they are an insignificant lil' group of whiners who are so comedic they can be picked from a lineup. Always promote where you're headed and then keep your eye there: choice in education dollars, give me FairTax.

    You Betcha! (1)Nuh Uh.(0)
  3. David D’Arcy
    February 3, 2021 at 9:14 am

    Wow! What can I say? Michigan allowed themselves to be fouled up, it’s no wonder we’re a Blue state! Snyder’ DNR messed up the Flint River deal without fixing the problem. Gretchen’s DNR messed up the dams near Midland and nothing happened. I grew up in Michigan but I’m moving into a Red state come this summer! Doubt I’ll step foot into Michigan again except for funerals!

    You Betcha! (1)Nuh Uh.(1)
  4. Corinthian Scales
    February 3, 2021 at 6:59 pm

    Interesting find. . .

    You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

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