Among other things, the state needs to pay up.
And we’re here to remind them, as this isn’t the first time its been said.
Here’s hoping every township, and county clerk is ready with a bill for services on May 6, 2015. In fact, maybe it might not be a bad idea to remind your local election officials to ready the receipt pile and get a stamped envelope ready to submit the invoice for officiating one of the most senseless proposals yet.
Proposal 15-1 is going to cost us money no matter what. Legislators added about $9 million or more dollars to the cost of doing state business when they punted to the citizens of Michigan in that December lame duck. A recent special election in Grand Traverse County cost over $85,000 and we have about 90,000 for population. At a cost of about $1 per Michiganian, each county, city, and township government is having to officiate what is accurately called a ‘special election.’
And how special is it?
When going for to the well for their needs, schools in Michigan pay 100% of the costs of a special election. If they piggyback on a special election, they pay 100% of the additional cost when provided with proof of costs provided by the clerk. Metropolitan districts must pay the same. Even libraries as well. And according to Act 116 of 1954 (amended)
MICHIGAN ELECTION LAW (EXCERPT) 168.487 Reimbursement to county, city, and township for cost of conducting special election.
Act 116 of 1954Sec. 487.
(1) If a statewide special election is called to submit a proposed constitutional amendment to the electors of this state, this state shall reimburse each county, city, and township for the cost of conducting the special election as provided in this section. The reimbursement shall not exceed the verified account of actual costs of the special election. This state shall reimburse each county, city, and township under this section notwithstanding that the county, city, or township also holds a local special election in conjunction with the statewide special election.
(2) Payment shall be made upon presentation and approval of a verified account of actual costs to the department of treasury, local government audit division, after the department of treasury and the secretary of state agree as to what constitutes valid costs of conducting an election. Reimbursable costs do not include salaries of permanent local officials, the cost of reusable supplies and equipment, or costs attributable to local special elections held in conjunction with the statewide special election.
(3) The legislature shall appropriate from the general fund of this state an amount necessary to implement this section.
(4) To qualify for reimbursement, a county, city, or township shall submit its verified account of actual costs before the expiration of 90 days after the date of the statewide special election. This state shall pay or disapprove all or a portion of the verified account before the expiration of 90 days after this state receives a verified account of actual costs under this subsection.
(5) If this state disapproves all or a portion of a verified account of actual costs under subsection (4), this state shall send a notice of disapproval along with the reasons for the disapproval to the county, city, or township. Upon request of a county, city, or township whose verified account or portion of a verified account was disapproved under this section, this state shall review the disapproved costs with the county, city, or township.
History: Add. 1994, Act 181, Imd. Eff. June 20, 1994
And even if this was not here, Headlee alone would require it.
” State financing of activities or services required of local government by state law.
Sec. 29.
The state is hereby prohibited from reducing the state financed proportion of the necessary costs of any existing activity or service required of units of Local Government by state law. A new activity or service or an increase in the level of any activity or service beyond that required by existing law shall not be required by the legislature or any state agency of units of Local Government, unless a state appropriation is made and disbursed to pay the unit of Local Government for any necessary increased costs. The provision of this section shall not apply to costs incurred pursuant to Article VI, Section 18.” (judicial salaries) “
Funny how we haven’t seen more discussion on this added expense to taxpayers in Michigan.
The owner of this ballot in Traverse City, MI has seen enough.

How special? Very special:
Just sayin'...
Proposal 1 adds to the evidence and disproves that voting Republican is always the lesser evil. Republicans in Michigan have held the Governor's mansion, the Michigan House and the Michigan Senate... and yet look what we've gotten: an ever growing budget (by billions!), Medicaid Expansion (key component to Obamacare), the Detroit Bailout (and we're not done yet), Common Core (nationalization of lower education), a hike in the minimum wage, unrestrained crony-capitalism and pushes for a unnecessary public bridge one mile from a fully functional privately owned bridge, green energy mandates & subsidies, ...and pushes for higher taxes! Proposal 1 is government GREED. It establishes an ever growing slush fund for the opportunistic political elite. Republican does not always equal statesman. We must hold them accountable. Recall. Primary challenge. Vote them out. Do what it takes to get them to act like statesmen. Do what it takes to elect statesmen.
FYI, the state be picking up the total cost of the May 5 election.
FYI, the state will be picking up the total cost of the May 5 election.
Need to cut down on the coffee...