Obama supporter thinks he can prevail in Michigan's 42nd district Republican Primary.
And man parts the size of watermelons.
That is the only way I can describe one of the ‘Republican’ candidates in Michigan’s 42nd district State Representative race. The former general manager of the Livingston County Daily Press & Argus entered into the four way Republican primary April 11, and apparently offers himself up as the RINO candidate. (sorry Kevin, this one sticks)
And other Republican In Name Only candidates could only be jealous of the nerve Rich Perlberg has demonstrated in calling such a socialist standard as Barack Obama, a good choice for conservatives. Jennifer Hensley documents the history of editorials from the Press & Argus including doozies like this endorsement:
“If Livingston County voters consider their conservative values rather than the party name, their choice for president will be Sen. BARACK OBAMA, D-Ill. …”
and extending the endorsements right down the line to the US Senate Race:
U.S. Sen. Carl Levin, D-Detroit, has spent 30 years looking out for Michigan’s best interests in Washington. He has earned a sixth term. Michigan voters should re-elect CARL LEVIN.
Yeah. THAT is a real example of a Republican endorsement. Not.
Hensley lays out a history of his support for the liar in the white house, as well as a disconnect from reality he seems to enjoy. Perlberg hardly espoused even the most moderate Republican principles in his paper’s editorials, and it seems a disconnect that he could possibly represent Republicans properly in the legislature.
Read the entire lot of them and laugh (or cry) at the ridiculous thought that the 42nd district might possibly elect this joker.

Hmm, yeah, as much as I despise the use of the term (principally because of overuse), I do believe that the RINO label genuinely applies here -- pending verification otherwise.
Honestly, I also apply the term to Governor Rick Snyder, based upon the investigative journalism done by Nick during the summer of 2009.
This made the Argus today. http://www.livingstondaily.com/article/20140622/NEWS01/306220001/Barbs-fly-42nd-House-race
This made the Argus today