But first, a YUGE shout-out to this man here.
OK, now to the meat and potatoes.
Misdemeanor charges are being dropped against a Michigan barber who defied Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and reopened his shop last spring during the coronavirus pandemic, a lawyer said Monday.
The case against Karl Manke of Owosso fizzled after the Michigan Supreme Court on Oct. 2 said Whitmer used an unconstitutional law as the foundation for emergency orders to control the virus, David Kallman said.
….Kallman said the Shiawassee County Prosecutor’s Office is dropping the case.
Rule of Law and common sense prevails. Time for celebration? Mmmm, not so fast.
State regulators still are trying to revoke his barber license, Kallman said. A hearing is set for Nov. 19.
There you have it, folks. For the governor always whining about “turning down the heat” it all becomes a farce when you see what is still going on. Remember, “that woman from Michigan” is a lawyer and she knows damn well what she is doing is illegal.
This is one of the reasons Republicans in the Legislature don't take the Democratic governor seriously. PR stunts. https://t.co/eU4tH8OYH6
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) October 18, 2020
Wrong Chad, it is precisely why nobody takes the Democrats seriously. At minimum, Whitmer should be disbarred, and if Michigan didn’t have a corrupt AG, she would also be prosecuted for her crimes in a court of law.

Kudos to Mr. Manke for sticking to his principles.
It's a damn shame that there aren't any Republicans in the Michigan Legislature with even a fraction of the courage that he had shown!
KG, I could not possibly agree with more if I tried.
After every illegal act Whitmer and her administration has committed, all aided and abetted by Nasty Nessel, we still have a Millennial midwit kissing Big Gretch's ass. I mean like literally, yannow, like it's beyond cake, very nice guy.
Does anyone believe a Real Man like President Donald J. Trump, has any use for somebody like Chatfield?
Look at what he did to AG Barr: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/10/19/inflection-point-president-trump-ill-only-say-this-once/
Both are as useless as tits on a boar. President Trump knows it. You know it. And I know it.