If only Gov. Whitmer didn’t hate seniors so much.
Anyhoo, only in the evil mind of a Democrat will you see the pretzel logic of trying to tie a virus that originated in China, to the heinous actions of a sex addict weirdo.
The murder of 8 people in Atlanta, including 6 Asian-American women, is equal parts heartbreaking and horrifying. I want to make my values very clear: hate has no home in Michigan or the United States. pic.twitter.com/H0BVuzKMG9
— Gretchen Whitmer (@gretchenwhitmer) March 17, 2021
Um, what was Gov. Whitmer saying about President* Biden and Asians?
Two of the victims were White. https://t.co/GDkdTNEgjJ
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 18, 2021
But I digress.
There you have it, Big Gretch projecting again. Tho, I am glad she brought up the attacks on the Asian community and, who is responsible for the overwhelming majority of them as that has been known in Nancy Pelosi’s Congressional District 12, for over a decade.
“It is San Francisco’s dirty little secret,” said Mo, a former Safety Network Community organizer in the Sunset District. “It’s not news to us.”
Hundreds of people marched into Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting to express their fear, frustration and outrage. But so far the response has been disappointing, particularly from the San Francisco Police Department. It seems intent on downplaying the role of race and its impact in the community.
The recent incidents of black violence against Asians is the perfect opportunity to open a dialogue about racism. Instead, they are attempting to close the door.
So is Big Gretch. Only this time she is also trying to tie it folks who say the China Virus, which is only serving to offend … wait for it … Asians!
It doesn't matter that suspect himself tells you what motivated him. Biden admin, media, SJWs & moron "woke Asians" will all continue to insist he was motivated by "bigotry" so they can weaponize this against us. It's what they do.https://t.co/hXS10OqFle /2
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) March 17, 2021
Michelle is not wrong, folks.
City officials, including the Police Department, say these assaults are part of a larger crime picture where gangs of kids take advantage of a vulnerable group of small stature. But Mo participated in a 2008 survey by the Police Department in which about 300 strong-arm robberies were analyzed. “In 85 percent of the physical assault crimes, the victims were Asian and the perpetrators were African American,” she said.
What Gov. Whitmer, and all the actors from her Party within our new administration that requires barbwire walls and unconstitutional use of the National Guard, which really paints a true picture of their legitimacy, is only exposing more of their lies. It is also making good people like Steve Inman, into an American legend. Doubt it? Watch.
To our Asian neighbors, family, and friends. I know that the world seems more scary today. More cruel. Know that we love you.
We mourn those killed last night in Atlanta with you. We will dismantle white supremacy alongside you.
— Cori Bush (@CoriBush) March 17, 2021
How does that work out for the Democrat?
Fuiyoh! That is some righteous, hard-hitting Truth right there. I mean, it’s not as if everyone forgets 1992, right? Just imagine what would’ve happen to Asians if they didn’t have firearms.
Gov. Whitmer, and her lucifarian Democratic Party, are treading on very soft footing with offending the high intelligence Asian community the way they are and it’s going to backfire, Bigly.
liberals REACHING RN😭😭😭 the responses are unironically saying that white people are TEACHING black people to be racist to asian people💀💀BYEE i actually can’t the cope is so comedic https://t.co/uJopWdK0So
— lauren🦔 (@laurennkkim) March 18, 2021
Nobody believes Democrats, and woke morons.
Looking into the “massage parlors” that were shot up in the #Atlanta-area. The shooting suspect told investigators he targeted the businesses because of a sex addiction. Politicians and media around the world are reporting this as murderous anti-Asian hate inspired by Trump. pic.twitter.com/WQPI63YeOo
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) March 18, 2021
Mr. Ngô speaks the truth, and what does he get? More death threats from The Left.
Bottom line, this whole Democrats caring about Asians ruse is about pushing their one agenda- taking away firearms.
Yes, that is the Governor of Michigan in a very un-socially distanced situation yesterday with people who are not wearing masks. pic.twitter.com/1t8CjFxxoq
— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) June 5, 2020
15 people were shot at a party in Chicago this week and it never trended on Twitter + the national news ignored it. The media never told us the shooter’s name, motive or history. The media only highlights shootings that fit their preferred narrative to stoke division.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) March 17, 2021
🤡 🌎

What's the odds?
Democrats being Democrats... it's a Big Club and you ain't in it.