The American Way.
Few multilevel marketing platforms have ever produced like the one by Rich DeVos and Jay VanAndel.
Free market philosophy and a determination by the pair proved that success was not conditional upon what social status one begins with. By offering others the opportunity with little personal financial investment to pursue the American Dream, they tapped into what fundamentally makes this country great; individual exceptionalism and entrepreneurial reward.
Their company Amway, became the foundation for the DeVos family’s personal wealth, but it reached out much further in philanthropic efforts and community effect. It was quite literally, the marketing of a commonly used household product that has built hospitals, schools, funded missions, and grew a worldwide empire that generally supports so much of what this country is about.
Rich DeVos leaves a legacy the family could be proud of. As noted in the Freep:
“The Lord was good to me and I gotta go out and try and tell how good God is,” said DeVos. “I’d like to be remembered by enjoying the time we were given here by loving what the good Lord gave us, and we did the best we could with it.
God Bless, and may you rest in peace sir.
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