
As If On Cue

Rush correctly reveals connections with "Main Street" Republicans and the left's operatives.

We see some of the relationships that have developed, explaining how self professed Republicans can stray so far from principles for no other reason than maintaining power.

As alluded to in the article previous to this, it takes a special kind of donkey to carry the water for the Democrat party into the Republican camp. Rush’s update this morning struck a serious note of truth; especially given some of the the operatives here in Michigan.

Indeed, the “Main Street” “Republicans” Are neither.

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Dumb Dumb Dumb

More and more the left side reveals its mission to undercut the principles within the Republican Party

lennox-corpsNeedless to say, if I were to write a response that is in any way appropriate to this nonsense, it would almost assuredly result in a lawsuit.

A guy who has (as far as I know) never held a REAL private sector job, never owned a business, seems to travel the world on pixie dust, and is a persistent cancer within the Republican party has now hit the pancreas.  When Dennis Lennox says:

Instead of falling into the left’s trap, Republicans should go on the offensive with a bold manifesto focused on creating opportunities that not only raises the minimum wagean increase to $12 would impact 40 percent of working Americans — but reforms welfare and reduces taxes on main street innovators, entrepreneurs and job creators.

It has to be a trap itself.

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Bentivolio Safe Federal Websites Act Secures 100 Sponsors

100 Congressmen Cosponsor Rep. Bentivolio’s Safe and Secure Federal Websites Act


The Information security community agrees: is an urgent national security risk

Following new revelations that the ObamaCare website,, still lacks basic security protections, support for Rep. Bentivolio’s Safe and Secure Federal Websites Act attained 100 cosponsors this week. More information can be found in the Greengeeks reviews.

Four committee chairmen, two-thirds of the Republican members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and three past and present chairmen of the Republican Study Committee count themselves among cosponsoring supporters of Rep. Bentivolio’s bill.

“I thank my colleagues for giving this issue the attention it deserves and responding quickly to the national emergency that this is,” Rep. Bentivolio asserted.

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Now why might this be?

Something interesting to note with battleground state data that has been released a short while ago.

Gallup: January 2-December 29, 2014

Obama Approval ratings in Senate Battleground States (this is the YEARLY average, the President’s current numbers are actually lower in EACH of these states).

  • Alaska: 33.5%
  • Arkansas: 34.9%
  • Colorado: %42.3
  • Georgia: 45.4%
  • Iowa: 42.5%
  • Kentucky: 35.1%
  • Louisiana: 40%
  • Michigan: 47.7%
  • Montana: 33.1%
  • New Hampshire: 44.6%
  • North Carolina: 43%
  • Oregon: 45.4%
  • South Dakota: 31.7%
  • Virginia: 46.4%
  • West Virginia: 25.1%

The current numbers may be lower, but I see one particular thing that makes sense.

You have to love Michigan’s push for medicaid expansion, and ceding to the Obamacare plan along side other progressive Obama ‘likes’ such as common core, A21, and transportation schemes. The highest appreciation for Obama, coming from the state that is controlled by Republicans.

Because Republicans manage those failed progressive schemes so much better than the Democrats.


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Dave’s Not Going Anywhere

So-farAnd there appears to be no strong sentiment outside of the Democrat party, and a few belligerent GOP party thugs who are looking for him to do so.  A recent interview including this:

According to Agema, when fear and intimidation are applied, those would speak against the party’s status quo “immediately shrink back and say Boy, I’m going to be quiet, because if I say anything I’m going to get the same ridicule.”


Along with the article is a running poll asking if Dave should step down, or stick it out.

Not surprisingly, as of my own vote in support, the results are near unanimous.

Staying The course for conservative values

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Land Making Potholes for a smooth Gary Peters Victory

The cognitive dissonance is just staggering.

“Detroit is central to our state. It’s very important, it’s the home of the auto industry. As Detroit is successful the whole state is successful.”

What better way to convey that message than by doing it with a discontinued niche vehicle built in Texas, by a corporation headquartered in Illinois?

And seriously, is it possible this dweeb is so out of touch, along with the rest of the Schostak Party apparatchik, that they do not know they all are being laughed at?

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Hearts In The Right Place But

There are definitely better ways to leverage the [accounting trick] found money into a better revenue generating machine.

Watch the video below, then recall that the rate was supposed to return to 3.9% by 2015 anyhow. And in the end we still must fill out a tax form. (MI Fairtax would take care of that)

Truthfully, if the legislature really wants to make this state job friendly, and presumable spend off that pretend surplus of a billion bucks, there is another place far more suitable. They might consider attacking something that raises that much, and is a business punisher.

ELIMINATE a whole tax infrastructure.  Finally rid the scourge that is the personal property tax, levied on businesses.  Quit talking around the edges and looking to exempt one type of industry or another.  Just break out the eraser and do Michigan business owners justice and make it disappear.

It would encourage manufacturing to return, and make the state more appealing to potential start ups.

But, perhaps some might think we are whistling in the wind.

Is it because income tax reductions are more sexy than solid business inviting policy

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Mike Lee Response To SOTU

Last night the Prevaricator did what the Prevaricator does; he lied through his teeth, pretended that his policies are effective, and then complained about how much of a failure government has been, as not doing enough.

It was an exercise in pandering to all groups and deflecting any responsibility for being the lousiest of leaders.

The GOP response was predictable and boring, but provided no inspiration and left  those of us right of center with a sadness and nostalgia for Reagan’s bold colors.  Not surprisingly, the alphabet networks, and even Fox left out the only response worth listening to.

Sen Mike Lee  – R has been a solid conservative who like most of us here, rejecting Corporate cronyism, and supports a return to the constitution. His efforts reject the ongoing destruction of our culture and country by the Prevaricator in chief, and his party; the Democrats.  He stands apart from those within his own party who appear to be cowering in the corner, afraid to speak out against the lawbreaking by this administration.

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