
Codifying the Legality of Open Carry in Michigan

Michigan Open Carry has been involved in getting HB 5091 and 5092 pushed through.

Basically, these two pieces of legislation further define what constitutes brandishing, a definition that more clearly shows that open carry is not brandishing.

We also pushed forward some substitutions to make things even better:’13%20(H-1).pdf (for 5091)’13%20Star%20(H-1).pdf (for 5092)

These substitutions sailed through committee. Vote to report will most likely be next week.

Appreciation goes to Rep. Joel Johnson and Rep. Brandon Dillon for moving these through.

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A Short Treatise On Extremism

EOne of the most concerning comments a Constitutional Conservative Republican can hear from a fellow Republican is that they are “extreme” in their views.

The schism within the party should seem a remarkable thing if one was to examine what ‘extremism’ truly is.  Is there a defined line in the sand, or a point in which an accumulation of thoughts and philosophy render one susceptible to branding with a scarlet “E”? And like much of the politics playing out across the US, Michigan has developed what appears to be a Left-Right paradigm within a party presented as being on the right side of the political spectrum as long as can be remembered.

That, OR the window of tolerance for views once held as standards has been closed.

Extremism is subjective.  It is a moving target. And it is a relative condition that exists ONLY from the perspective of those who would label one with such hyperbole. This is unarguable.  If someone were to examine another person’s political views and agree with them, they would not likely make the claim that they too, are ‘extreme.’  Their philosophical centering at-rest is the foundation on which their opinions are formed, decisions are made, and with politics, support and votes are rendered.

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Straw Poll Eye Opener

Its already assumed by many within the Michigan Republican party that Governor Rick Snyder will essentially cruise to a win over a scandal ridden Schauer campaign.

wes-nakagiriWe have had a different take on it; essentially arguing ANYONE could beat Schauer, so why not have a robust primary on the GOP side?  Alas, as there are few who wish to spend money fighting both the candidate, AND risk being on the outs in the GOP in the future, we are relegated to the squishy liberal incumbent.

Someone HAS taken a cue from the weakness of the establishment in the supporting organization however.  When challenger Todd Courser came within a couple dozen votes to oust sitting MiGOP chair Bobby Schostak in a prior convention, it sent a message that a shakeup is in the works.  By the time the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference had happened, no challenger had yet appeared to depose Snyder, but a contender willing to stand before Republican Delegates in 2014 and challenge Sitting Lt Governor Brian Calley had made it clear he was in it to the end.

Wes Nakagiri announced his candidacy, and the Snyder Calley folks took him seriously.

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Nyet x2

This is why ANYONE who can unseat Snyder in the Republican Primary could cruise control into the governor’s mansion.

Presented in Specially patented ®BiParti-Vision. (click the start arrow of each; one right after the other)

We are doubly ‘pooched.’

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DNR Strategy & Land Grab Update

After Event Report - MUCC Hosted Event In Acme, Michigan February 17, 2014

DNR-trust-fundLast night’s Agenda 21 party (oops, I mean Land Trust Town Hall) showed Rep. Wayne Schmidt as the pro-government, anti private property progressive he is. Sitting on a panel hosted by MUCC, surrounded by reps from the Land Conservancy, MEDC, and League of ‘Conservation’ (NOT conservative) Voters; he pressed this audience for support of his bill (HB 5210) to remove the cap on State owned land in the Northern Lower and UP.

Apparently, 5 million acres of State owned land is NOT enough.

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GOP Party Unity – Fact or Fiction

We ask: "Wouldn't it be better for the party if David Trott were to actually challenge a Democrat?"

Trott_DavidbentivolioFabulously wealthy foreclosure attorney and generous friend of the GOP, David Trott, decides it’s time to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a United States Congressman.

He claims to be conservative, and Lord knows we need all we can get in Congress, so that should be a huge and appealing plus. But, instead of throwing his considerable assets and resources at a vulnerable and flaming liberal Congressman Sander Levin, who is older than dirt and an avowed leftist- Mr. Trott would instead prefer to challenge one our own, GOP freshman Congressman Kerry Bentivolio.

Granted, Trott does live in Bentivolio’s 11th Congressional District- but just barely.

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Too Much Private Property

If Schmidt has his way, Northern Michigan communities will see new challenges

DNR-trust-2One of the little deals with the DNR and its ability to purchase land, is that it is limited.

Limited to 4,650,000 acres in fact, with some exceptions, and not more than 3,910,000 acres north of a line between Mason and Arenac counties, to be exact.

This means that the amount of land that is available for private use and development will not continue to shrink indefinitely.  It means that the revenues from oil and gas lease rights are not forever used to remove land from local tax rolls. It also means that overzealous misplaced urban planner graduates from the MSU school of property theft have one less tool in their belt of American dream destruction.

in 2012 Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, signed a common sense piece of legislation (huh.. how bout that) that put a check on the runaway property acquisition of the DNR, and the way in which it distorts property values and makes desirable land unavailable for private use.  The ONLY 5 Republicans Voting against the bill at that time were Jon Bumstead, (R) Holly Hughes, (R) Peter Pettalia, (R) Bruce Rendon, (R) and Wayne Schmidt, (R).  They and their Democrat property rights thieving counterparts were sent packing, as the bad ol Republican bullies put that limit on the quite literal GROWTH of government through land purchases.

Surprise, surprise, now they are back. And they brought friends. And they seem to think Michigan has too much private property available to it.

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Northern Michigan Shake Up

Challenging the Republican in the 107th District is Lee Chatfield, who decries incumbent Frank Foster’s votes to expand welfare, (medicaid expansion) Common Core, and an effort to amend the Elliott-Larsen [Civil Rights] Act.”

He might add to this; Cronyism and constituency rewards.

Below is a video of Lee Chatfield speaking in Petoskey. More information on his candidacy can be found at Izzy’s WatchDog Wire column.

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