RightMi.com top stories for 2015
We’ve reached the end of 2015.
Running the gamut from man eating roads to bald face lies, Michigan politics is a ‘special’ place. RightMi.com highlights certain aspects of our system by bringing certain aspects not typically examined by the mainstream to the forefront. With writing from folks in all parts of the state, we have been able to add perspective not found elsewhere. Please enjoy, be active, and keep coming back!
Coming out of 2014, that session’s legislative knuckleheads carved out a wonderful political battle extending right up to a special vote May 5, which was soundly defeated 80 to 20. Add to this the cost of the special election that could be as high as $10,000,000, and the resources necessary on both sides to fight it.
In RightMi.com’s opening salvo for 2015, KG One says
“But, I’ve also heard that very same sales pitch before (going back at least several decades, in fact), and have been very disappointed by the outcome each and every time.”
And he was hardly wrong in hedging his optimism as disappointment has once again begat the theme with the political class we have learned to trust so implicitly. <sarc=off>
The ‘safe roads’ nonsense was replete with payoffs to just about every single constituency, and the majority GOP legislature made sure that those ‘po folk’ would get their due if the tax hikes would pass.
The PowWow happened, and we promoted, then reported on it. The Mackinac Center made an unexpected decision to withdraw from the opportunity to reach 400 or so Michigan activists. Apparently, Dave Agema, a white haired old veteran ‘racist’ (seen on the right with one of his ‘mortal enemies,’ Pastor Phil Smith) was too overwhelming and politically incorrect that he might rub off in some way. We gave them a “bad doggie” award and moved on. (I still love you guys.. just don’t do that again, OK?)
A shame they didn’t show up. One guy who did however, was Lt. General William G Boykin.
Now that guy was the real deal. He offered an inspirational speech (click the link above), and was later used as an example of concern about the lack of will by a couple of ‘tea soldiers’ to fight in Michigan’s legislature. Though with a couple of highlights, the powwow takeaway in the end, was less than stellar from the perspectives of attendees and some organizers.