
26 Cent Gas Increase?

We expected the gas tax increase to bring about a $0.07 gas, and $0.11 diesel bump, but ..

We are getting reports from around the state show increases are a little higher.  In Traverse City, Gasoline that was at $2.33 per gallon jumped to $2.47, and stations with  $2.35 gas jumped to $2.59.  It seems there is some confusion caused by the GOP led legislature’s ‘Christmas’ present of 2015.

What is happening where you are at?


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And If You Were Wondering

Michigan Poised to end this nonsense once and for all.

objectionCanvassers meet today to determine if they ‘accept’ the objection to the recount.

As best I can tell, (with a minor exception of two) the scheduled recount counties are those which have a traditionally higher Democrat voting, an/or did fairly well for the indicted criminal, Hillary Clinton.  If there were errors or machine missed/uncounted ballots, the percentages advantage Democrats in these counties.

If you are in the most conservative areas, Jill Stein (AKA Campaign for Hillary) does not want to recount your votes.

If the objection is accepted by the board of canvassers, its done, and Trump Wins Michigan.  If they do not accept the objection, then next Tuesday will be the beginning of the ‘fun.’

Stay tuned.

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Um yeah, about that Detroit Pistons move…

Normally, sports doesn’t have much to do with politics here in Michigan.

Only in this case, what is happening behind the scenes should be of concern to everyone living in Michigan.

Hint: Think politicians being generous with other people’s money.

{Continued below the fold}

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Old Men Throwing Tantrums – A Sad Account of the Oakland County Republican Party Convention

Although Trump may have won the state of Michigan in unexpected and dramatic fashion, it didn’t feel like that was the case at the Oakland County Republican Party Convention yesterday. Whereas we should have been singing Kumbaya and toasting the imminent demise of liberalism, there was instead strife, turmoil and mayhem due in large part to many dubious local swamp rats chomping at the bit to be drained.

Let’s cut straight to the chase, I will cover the insipid bureaucratic squabbling later. The conquering heroes did all they could to keep order during the event. The chairman was put into place fairly, and he was immediately confronted and challenged by the fringe minority. This unhinged minority presented confusing and contradictory motions. They yelled obscenities. They staged histrionics designed to trick unwitting delegates into siding with them in the frenzy of the madness they artificially created.

Chairman Matt Maddock entertained the motions of the crybaby minority, going out of his way to hear concerns that were frankly rude, unnecessary and embarrassing. This fringe minority called division on a motion to stop discussion that took roughly thirty minutes to sort out amidst constant chatter in the audience and poor audio quality staged throughout the venue. Old men were throwing tantrums like little children. Obviously, egotistical infighting had taken precedence to party unity and crushing liberal scum within these petty, desperate individuals.

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Michigan’s Energy Senate Bill 437/ VOTE NO!

Cronyism alive and well in Lansing with renewable energy mandate 'lighting' it up.

fuscaldoThe Michigan Chamber of Commerce and the two energy oligopolists in Michigan, through their lobbyists are attempting to railroad through a lame duck Michigan legislature Senate Bill 437. The bill would line the pockets of the energy oligopolists with subsidies and alleged necessary rate increases. The “climate change” advocates are being bribed to support the legislation because the legislation includes the production of more renewable energy in Michigan via windmills, etc. pursuant to Granholm’s 2008 Renewable Energy Mandate.

The following quote is from the linked article that substantiates the claim that in view of the 2016 Presidential Election results the legislature should stand fast and not support this wind fall profit package to the energy oligopolists and climate change advocates.

QUOTE: “The election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States and the GOP maintaining control of the U.S. House and Senate means the key reason for pushing forward with Senate Bill 437, a bill that will revise utility regulations in Michigan, has effectively gone away.”

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Honest Admiration & Final Thoughts

cwssgojxgaat-cx-jpg-largeYeah, it has hurt to see the crappy lying, out-of-context, and completely overplayed Hillary ads in the last couple of days.

There are fairly uninformed people who cannot see the bigger picture, and will allow such messaging to influence their voting sanction. Whether Hillary provides any benefit to the nation on any level is of no concern to them, it just that their feelings are hurt, and we don’t want a ‘misogynist bully’ in the white house.

Our precious cupcakes, frosted at the indoctrination centers we call higher education, cannot handle such unchecked machismo, yet ignore countless real crimes of the one who would also laugh as she gets a rapist off. Even the slightest off-color joke, comment made by a man who has aggregately enjoyed incredible success is a nuclear nightmare, yet the trusted mechanisms of justice are corrupted permanently by a family that would put the mafia to shame.

I have honestly had a revelation during this election cycle.

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Michigan Board Of Education Picks

A change is needed at the Michigan Board of Ed, and it couldn't be soon enough.

choose-your-own-bathroomThe current Michigan State Board of Education has strayed from its mission.

It seems so long ago but it was only at the end of August that it approved its socially manipulative recommendations for bathroom use in our public schools. It thus confused the role of government in our children’s education, and is ensuring psychological deformation in our publicly educated youth going forward.

This doesn’t have to be this way.  Perhaps the public and parents can educate themselves, and elect a Board of Education that has education as it’s core mission?

The following candidates meet this need, and we recommend their selection next Tuesday.

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Because paying twice for the same things always makes more sense.

"First rule in government spending: Why build one when you can have two at twice the price?" - S.R. Hadden (John Hurt) "Contact"

I’m going to throw out a few hypothetical questions to the readers here at RM, and I’d like to get your candid response.


Here we go…

{Click the red box to continue}

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