
The Good The Bad & The Other

Expected Republican candidates for governor reviewed.

The Michigan Republican field can be quite interesting sometimes.

As many might already realize, a Democrat candidate could be a criminally challenged former State Representative, and still get the full (and active) support from the party of the left in a bid for major office. The bland but nevertheless regressive nature of the left allows even the most obscene stupidity in it’s ranks.  No special prerequisites for candidates other than kill babies, deny God, and let little boys be little girls if they want.

Republican contenders must have their own specific characteristics and features.  No such amorphous qualities are allowed to exist on the right (as they do in the left) to win over all factions of the GOP brand. Below is a list of the expected and declared Republican candidates for governor, and my own estimation of their specific advantage and disadvantages in securing maximum support from GOP supporters and grassroots.  They may or may not be in the order suggested by the title of this piece.

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We Could Be So Lucky?

Hey Brian Calley, I double dawg dare ya!

Next to Rick Snyder, John Kasich is about as crappy a GOP governor as they come.

Swamp dwelling, crony, big government.  But enough about Mr Snyder, as he will be soon relegated to the back pages of the lousy Michigan RINO politicians catalogue.

I suppose however, I could expound upon the fact he led us exactly where Ohio’s Governor Kasich Did. And in contrast, other state leaders understood what a raw deal Obamacare was, and refused to play in the healthcare toilet with the former president.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal Was one of them. Unafraid to opine, he clearly presented medicaid expansion for what it was, a dependency scam that leadership failures like Kasich and Snyder embraced.

But speaking of Ohio’s governor, his protege is about to embarrass him further than he has already with his pitiful presidential bid.  The loser is going to be shown by his Lt. Governor how good government is done. The student becomes the master.

Republican Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor said Monday she would end the Medicaid expansion in Ohio if she is elected governor – a clean break from the man she has served alongside for the last seven years, Gov. John Kasich.   …

“Medicaid expansion is fiscally unsustainable and will be ended under a Taylor administration,” Taylor said. “I believe that we must identify new, innovative, market-based reforms to address the issues Medicaid currently addresses today. I want to return Medicaid to its original mission of serving the people who need it while incentivizing work and ensuring opportunities for long-term success for those who are able.”

Don’t we all love happy storybook endings?

Of course, what can we say about the guy who was one changed vote away from having to cast the tie breaking vote of HB4717?  Or the eight who really never had a clue which goal line was their own.

Anyhow, we wish the Lt. Grasshopper of Ohio the best in her gubernatorial bid, and thank her for her willingness to get out in front with some much needed political jujitsu.


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Bow Tie Bad Ass?

Former Michigan Supreme Court chief hits the ground running.

Bob Young knows how bad Debbie Stabenow’s performance has been.

He knows she is a tool of the crazy left who [just prior] to each election cycle plays a little more accessible to the normals and puts on a conservative face.  H eknows how bad her policies have been for Michigan and the nation.

I suppose anyone with an IQ above room temperature would know these things as well.

Of course, until Kid Rock actually files and demonstrates that he is a serious candidate, Young is the easy favorite.  Others who have entertained the idea of occupying the seat that the meat puppet now enjoys are now looking at more attainable goals.



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Gary Glenn Turns Back On Decentralization, Targets Medical Marijuana Industry Approved By Voters

09/15/2017 4:18PM  – EDITORS NOTE – See Comment below referencing Gary Glenn’s feedback

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Rep. Gary Glenn (R-Midland) was seen as one of the shining stars of the tea party movement, and was finally elected to public office after several attempts back in 2012. We all had high hopes for him, but as he ascended into a leadership position, he immediately wilted like so many others.

This becomes incredibly obvious when examining the text of HB4965, a bill designed to punish cities that choose to allow medical marijuana dispensaries. It would cut them off from state funds if their town votes to permit dispensaries within city limits. This is a sinister way to rob localities of their sovereignty as well as an anti-free market measure to punish a growing industry creating more jobs in a state that desperately needs them.

It reads as follows:


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Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference Deadline

Today is the last day to register if you wish to attend.

Today is the last day to register online for the conference! You can register on the island for an additional cost. We wouldn’t want you to miss out on this memorable Grand Hotel experience.

The 32nd Biennial Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference will feature RNC Chairman Ronna Romney McDaniel, Betsy DeVos, Governor Eric Greitens, former Congressman Jason Chaffetz, former Governor John Engler, and many more.

Join Republican activists and elected officials from across the state and the country as we discuss ideas, share the Republican message, and celebrate Michigan’s success.

Please visit to register before close of business today!

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Radicals vs. republicans (and the radicals are winning by a long shot).

I don’t know what has been more infuriating this week; watching the one-sided coverage on what unfolded in Charlottesville last week or watching what passes for “leadership” in the republican party seeing who can get away from President Trump the fastest?

The sad part here is that I can easily see what happened last week spread to Michigan much sooner than people think.

{More after the fold}

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RNC Chair Outperforms Expectations

If you asked me a few years ago who should be chair of the MIGOP, or even further on, the Republican National Committee, my answer would not have been Ronna Romney McDaniel.

I am pretty sure that most who regularly visit and comment here would also share the same sentiment.  Romney was seen as the continued extension of the establishment elite GOP, and viewed with suspicion by Michigan conservatives attempting to assert some more control in state politics.  As far as I (and perhaps others here) might have been concerned, she represented a step backward.

I was wrong.

When then MiGOP chair McDaniel didn’t flip on the GOP nominee for president like beta manlet Calley and other feminized Michigan politicos, it was revealing, and reaffirmed her commitment to the win. She didn’t back down, and between an incredible effort by the MiGOP team Trump, Michigan was won.

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Fox Conned

Go Big, Or Go Home

Just as Governor Snyder signed the SB 242 – 244 ‘Good Jobs’ subsidy package yesterday, Foxconn announced that they accepted Wisconsin’s insane subsidies. The new Foxconn industrial campus will be built in the Badger State, not Michigan. The Foxconn competition, however, was the bait used to stampede the Michigan Legislature into passing the ‘Good Jobs’ package much sought by Michigan’s government and business establishments.

Wisconsin is going to lavish $ 3 billion in subsidies on Foxconn for somewhere between 3,000 and 13,000 new jobs. That works out to somewhere between $ 1 million and $ 230,769 in subsidies per job. Amortized over a 10 year period, the state of Wisconsin will be paying somewhere between $ 48.00 and $ 11.09 per labor-hour of every Foxconn worker’s wages using taxes extracted from other less fortunate Wisconsin workers. Subtract these per labor-hour subsidies from the headline wages touted for the future Foxconn workers and their ‘Good Jobs’ don’t look quite so good. Gussied up minimum wage jobs at best, wage theft at worst.

The little pig gets to feed at the trough, the hog gets taken to market and slaughtered.

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The Aftermath of Riots

Detroit's Decline And Bankruptcy Were Indeed Due To Its Riots - Plural!

Apologists for the 1967 Detroit rioters and the feeble responses of Mayor Cavanagh and Governor Romney to that mayhem usually start off by noting that Detroit’s population and economy peaked in the early 1950’s. The implication being that the 1967 riots were just another incident in the long running, preordained decline of Detroit. Detroit’s population did peak in the early 1950’s, but its economy continued to grow right up to the 1967 riots due to productivity increases. And Detroit’s economic decline was not preordained, it was very much the consequence of both of its two major 20th Century riots.

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) also studied the aftermath of the 1960’s riots in urban America, specifically their effects upon African-American economic well being. Two key NBER Working Papers examine the effects of the 1960’s riots on African-American income, employment, and real estate holdings. Unsurprisingly, these NBER Working Papers found the effects were decisively negative. Surprisingly, these NBER Working Papers found the adverse economic effects actually accelerated over time, with the worst hits coming well into the following decade.

The deceit in the apologists’ chronology of the decline of Detroit is their failure to mention or consider the June 1943 race riot in Detroit. The 1943 Detroit riot was unequivocally a race riot and its deaths and injuries were on a scale quite comparable to the 1967 Detroit riots. During the 1943 Detroit riots, 34 people were killed and 433 were wounded. Property destruction was then estimated at $ 2 million ($28.3 million in 2017 US dollars), but this estimate is probably quite low due to lower casualty insurance coverage rates at that time. By comparison, 43 people were killed and 1,189 were wounded during the 1967 Detroit riots. Property destruction in the 1967 riots is disputed, but was somewhere around $ 50 million ($ 366.7 million in 2017 US dollars).

The different ratios of deaths and injuries to property damage in the two 20th Century Detroit riots also reflects the fundamental difference in their basic character. The 1943 riot was most certainly a race riot whose participants targeted people, but not much property. The 1967 Detroit riots were an all out economic attack on small businesses, but 1967 rioters did not target people to any particular degree.

Prior to the 1967 Detroit riots, the 1943 Detroit race riot was tied with the 1965 Watts riot for the second worst American riot death toll during the 20th Century, and probably tied with Watts for the third worst American riot death toll of all time. The 1943 Detroit race riot had only been surpassed in death toll during the 20th Century by the 1921 Tulsa race riot at the time of the 1967 Detroit riots. The 1943 Detroit race riot has not been studied by academia or covered by the media in much detail because it exposed New Deal incompetence and reflected very poorly on the American war effort underway at the time.

The 1943 race riot certainly did affect the thinking of Detroit residents and Detroit’s economic actors well into the 1950’s. Most of them lived through those 1943 race riots and were intimately familiar with the the racial tensions it revealed, even if they were not much publicized. You need to consider the causality issue underlying the decline of Detroit’s population during the 1950’s.

Were the factors usually cited for Detroit’s population decline in the 1950’s sui generis, or a response to the 1943 riots?

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