
New Mary Treder Lang Radio Spot Highlights Expertise

To Combat Cyber Threats to Elections, Elect Mary Treder Lang, a Cyber Security Expert

The Mary Treder Lang for Secretary of State Campaign today unveiled a new statewide radio advertisement reminding voters that when our elections and electronic data are on the line, Treder Lang’s cyber security and technology management experience make her the best candidate for Secretary of State.  I have done a quick video to the right (at no cost) which might make it easier to share.

    “Mary Treder Lang has over 15 years of experience in cyber security in the private sector,” says the ad. “Mary Treder Lang has what it takes to protect the sanctity and security of our voter rolls, election records, and your personal information. Don’t send a law school professor to do the job of a cyber security expert. Vote Mary Treder Lang for Secretary of State.”

    The ad is on air now and is expected to be broadcast on radio stations across Michigan between now and Election Day. The ad is also available online.

    “Mary Treder Lang’s experience as a cyber security expert and leader at some of the world’s most well-known technology companies makes her the best candidate for Secretary of State,” said Ian Barber, campaign manager for Mary Treder Lang for Secretary of State. “When hackers or foreign governments try to meddle with our elections and steal voters’ personal data, Michiganders know Treder Lang has the experience and the modern day skills to make all the difference.”

    Treder Lang has a modern set of skills, developed over a 30 year record of accomplishment using technology to find efficiencies and improve lives. An expert in cyber security and the meaningful use of technology, she’s spent decades shattering glass ceilings, launching her career at KPMG in Detroit before filling a series of management positions at SBC / Ameritech and LINX Technologies. She later joined Siemens, Inc., where she held various senior management positions. Since 2013, Treder Lang has served as a Vice President at Vista Maria, a nonprofit organization in metro Detroit delivering innovative care, support, treatment, and education to at-risk youth.

    For more information, you should check out


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Protect The American Dream Tour

John James surging in Michigan, taking nothing for granted.

John James will be making a number of Northern Michigan Stops this Friday.

Friday, October 26th, John is making a tour through Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula– and you have the chance to meet him at one of four different rallies.

Alpena County Breakfast
Location: Alpena Victory Center, 1201 W. Chisholm, Alpena, MI
Event Time: 8:45 AM Doors Open, Breakfast 9:00 AM-10:00 AM

Marquette County Rally*
Event Time: Doors Open Noon, Event runs 12:30 PM-1:30 PM
Location: Marquette Commons, 112 South 3rd Street, Marquette, MI 49855

Iron Mountain Rally*
Location: Lake Shore Systems, 2141 Woodward Ave, Kingsford, MI
Event Time: Doors Open 1:00 PM, Event Runs 1:30 PM-2:30 PM (Central Daylight Time)

Traverse City Rally*
Location: Traverse City Victory Center, 1148 W South Airport Rd, Traverse City, MI
Time: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM

*Marquette, Iron Mountain, and Traverse City stops Congressman Bergman will be joining

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Damned Straight

Schuette fights 'misleading' health care claim, attacks Whitmer's vote cutting AG rate oversight

It had to happen eventually.

The theft by BCBS of Michigan of BILLIONS in taxpayer dollars may now be looked at a little more closely. And all it took was much of that money being used to promote Gretchen Whitmer’s candidacy for governor.

Whitmer,  who’s father once ran Blue Cross, has been working the former insurer-of-last-resort for Michigan for her campaign finances.  Her actions with regard to policy have reflected the cozy connection that has existed between her and the organization that controlled over $4billion in cash reserves as Michigan’s protected underwriter.

Bill Schuette rightly called out Whitmer today for this relationship, raising so many questions about who Gretchen Whitmer has been working for.  Is it the well connected fat cats who run health care policy with billions of taxpayer funded dollars? Or is it the taxpayers, who have seen their premiums skyrocket, and insurance worsen by her actions?

Corruption is real. There is big money in healthcare.  It would be a huge mistake for anyone to assume that because she is a Democrat, that it ain’t about taking the money.

Bill Schuette on Monday:

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League Of Women Voters Called Out For Partisanship

6 Republicans cancel appearance at LWV event in Traverse City

It might as well be a Democrat forum.

Republican commission candidates in Grand Traverse County Michigan are through with the league of women voters.The league has always been ‘suspect’ but appeared to be respectful, and provided a forum to all candidates with no spoken bias.

However, after CEO of the national League of Women Voters was arrested for engaging in civil disobedience protesting the Kavanaugh nomination, it was clear the illusion of neutrality has been blown.  There can be no way that the LWV can be trusted to perform such informational services without bias, and that their ‘neutrality’ is for IRS purposes only.

A press release issued Saturday:

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Ted Nugent, Bill Schuette, and Lisa Lyons light up Traverse City

Sometimes it just gets way too busy.

It was unfortunate that I had a library board meeting at the same time the Ted Nugent appearance with Bill Schuette & Lisa Lyons was happening.  It was also unfortunate that the meeting which should have lasted 20 minutes, went on for a half hour because I had to defend the first amendment and fight for better crafted policy.

Sometimes the fun stuff has to wait. 

And though I was unsuccessful in defeating a poorly written screed not worth the ink used to print, I was at least fortunate enough to catch the headline crew as they worked their way out the back door.   I don’t think I broke any speeding laws in my 20 minute drive from Kingsley back to the heart of TC, but even if I had?

These pics below would have been worth it.

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Coming up next: Christians against Christ!

In a move that I heard rumblings about them for some time now, but felt they had slightly more of a chance of existing than, say, The Nain Rouge, Dogman, The Little Blue Man or even Luke The Spook, The Detroit News reported today that a group calling themselves “Republicans and Independents for Whitmer” have finally made their existence known.

Yes, the name is exactly what is says, although the “republicans” in the aforementioned name aren’t even on the radar when it comes to promoting anything even remotely close to Conservative Values.

Calling them RINO’s would actually be a complement to them.

I’m a little pressed for time today and have to keep this short, but will share one quick quite from Sen. Shirkey and Rep. Chatfield on these knuckleheads before I have to run.

“Anyone claiming to be a ‘Republican for Whitmer’ is someone opposed to lower taxes, limited government and fiscal responsibility.”

I will be touching on that glaringly obvious problem within the Michigan GOP and expanding on this post a little later.


Who loves ya, baby!

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NPV Gets GOP #Resistance In Northern Michigan

Wayne Schmidt more likely to withdraw sponsorship of SB1117?

Nothing is guaranteed folks.

State Senator Wayne Schmidt may not withdraw his sponsorship of SB1117, a bill that if ultimately effected, would have made it possible for Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 election.  He may not change his mind after looking at the reality of what is being peddled to GOP lawmakers just in time to create dissension within the party.

But Wayne Schmidt does have folks in Grand Traverse County wondering what he was thinking.  He has fellow party members raising eyebrows, and asking “why on earth ..?”  And Wayne has a decent sense of political measure, so..

The Grand Traverse County Republican party executive committee today offered up and passed unanimously, a “simple resolution in opposition to the National Popular Vote, with notices to be sent to our representatives.”

This is Wayne’s ‘home team.’  These are the folks who must rally the troops, and the response to this particular NPV effort has seriously damaged the volunteer hours and interest.

It was an easy vote.

We encourage other county parties to follow suit and remind our GOP legislators that NPV is a bad enough idea, but bringing it out when the debate alone will have the worst possible effect on the GOP ground game, is really the true intent of it’s lobbyists.

Where have we heard this before?

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Discord & Disarray

Between bad proposals, and the best intentions the timing couldn't be worse.

Lobbyists know that our legislators have blind spots.

Its not that all legislators are blind, ignorant, foolish, or even downright incompetent.  Just most of them falling into one or more of those categories.

Unfortunately, some have gone back to the trough of stupid ideas a little too often.  Enough in fact, that they don’t even see the real reasons they are suddenly inundated with far reaching demands for change emanating from the pits of hell masquerading as fixes that are long overdue.

The convention of states (COS), and National Popular Vote (NPV) are two such changes that if successful, could threaten our very Republic.  The COS, in a way that opens the doors to quite literally writing out the very protections enshrined in our constitution.  The NPV, as a means to enable mob rule, and permanently entrench those who can then control media and other information sources.

And what about that NPV?

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NO To NPV For Crying Out Loud.

Out of the blue while no one is paying attention, THIS happens.

While everyone is watching DC, CRAZY CRAZY stuff is happening in our own legislature.

For God’s sake, its time for Saul to give this crazy bullshit a rest.  Saul is what one might call an ‘honest cop.’  He must have taken enough money from Soros and Tom Steyer, that he feels it’s worth his reputation to guarantee that the next Trump presidency never happens.

Yesterday, September 5, 2018, a bill was introduced by Reps. Kelly, Marino, Canfield, Alexander, Lilly, Wentworth, Sheppard, Miller, Rendon, Bellino, Cochran, VerHeulen, Leutheuser, Maturen, Cole and Guerra and referred to the Committee on Elections and Ethics.  It reads:

” A bill to enter into the interstate compact to elect the president by national popular vote; and for related purposes. “

Full stop.

What self respecting Republican would sabotage the presidential prospects of his own party permanently?  The brilliance of the founders was to make sure that large population centers like Los Angeles, Chicago, and NY city were not going to be the permanent arbiters of who gets to be president.

Be watching the money folks. This kind of stupidity must be very expensive.  I cannot even use the ‘Sexy but stupid’ icon, because it’s not even

Shaking my head at this right now.




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