

Pure Michigan Schadenfreude.

Michigan authorities say the influx of seasonal workers [Illegal Aliens and H-1B visas] into the job market drove the unadjusted unemployment up 1.3 percentage points to 8.6 percent in the latest month.

Well, no kidding. Nearly $1 Billion a year is cooked into our state budget for those “seasonal workers“. Just wait until the self-invented Nerd persona really sticks it in all your unemployed/underemployed asses [I’m retired] with Rick’s “Office” for 50,000 STEMinist “jobs” scAmnesty.

Home Team comes first, with Rick Snyder? Completely laughable.

So be it. Enjoy your undischargeable student debt loans, kiddies… ‘hic

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

You Don’t Say…

For regular readers none of the following should come as a surprise.

Really? You don’t say. Yet, there are still some Boobus Michiganderus out there that *think* they’re really cutting a hog in the ass by turning over control of their Rights to an unelected, public sector unionized, centralized State bureaucracy.


You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(4)

And people wonder why there isn’t any faith in the legal system any longer?

Yeah, I know that this isn’t much of a huge surprise.

But what caught my attention, and will make people scratch their heads wondering how things could get any more screwed up, happened yet again just within a week.

Twice, even.


{More after the fold}



You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Hospice – Another ACA Casualty

Hospice has been a way to deal with terminal situations in a compassionate way that suits patients and their families.

The way it has evolved with medicare has made it an affordable option; one that allows the passing of loved ones in comfortable and appropriate surroundings.  The medicare component has been affected by the ACA however, and the continued meddling by government in its attempt to provide broad health coverage to all has accelerated the financial troubles experienced by all in the health industry.

H/T Raffi Williams

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(1)