
Humpday Around Michigan – Islamic Invasion Edition

Don't hold your breath on Rick Snyder's commitment to protecting Michigan citizens.

Paris happened, but it is not spectacularly unique as has been chronicled since 911.

These are some takes from around the state on the federally assisted invasion of high risk into our state.

The Shekel –  The Governerd Begins To Get A Clue  “That he thought it was a good idea in the first place shows rather terrible judgment on his part .. ”  Indeed.

The Michigan Review (April 02) – From One Direction to ISIS: The Zayn Malik Story  Boy band to propaganist recruiting tool.

Muskegon Pundit – The Way Black Lives Matter Responded to Paris Attack Will Boil Your Blood Comparing Paris to Mizzou? yeesh.  Remember CMU too!

Muskegon Pundit #2 – Is his plan national suicide?—–Obama sticks to his plan for at least 10,000 Syrian refugees — unvetted! Unlikely to change really.

Muskegon Pundit #3 – This entire “refugee resettlement” scam is ALL ABOUT MONEY and MUSLIMS. Not compassion!—–Must see! (only 4 min) Ann Corcoran on Refugee Resettlement Truth. must see then call our governor.

Enjoy the rest of the week.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Thank You.

Unlock your hand from your side.

honor-guard-3A friend who had served in the Korean war passed away last year.

He didn’t spend a great part of his life in the military but he and his brother (still with us) put on the uniform and served as so many do.  He was rightfully proud of his service, and kept his duffel full of those memories for over half a century.  Some vets continue their tradition and serve their brothers in arms, and the families of those who fell before them (see image) without hesitation.

There is much worth remembering, and likewise probably much that is worth forgetting during in the service of our nation.  Sometimes our veterans may not be able to choose which parts they carry the most. And for all of the challenges they faced there are rewards, but the costs can be greater yet.

Each day we have opportunities to interact with those who have fought for us in foreign and strange places. And for the risks they have taken, we sometimes drop the ball on letting them know how much they are appreciated.

On this Veterans Day, take 5 seconds to extend a heartfelt Thank You to those who protect our way of life in ways many of us might not be able to fathom. Let them know why they fight for us.

We offer our most sincere gratitude to those who put on a uniform and fight for the prospects of liberty in our stead.

Thank you.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

More weasel words from Gov. Rick Snyder

It’s all about the roads!

Remember: It’s about the roads.

Say it with me again so there’s no forgetting: It’s about the roads.

No, it’s not. And I’ve got it straight from the horse’s mouth on why this actually isn’t.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

Hey, Gov. Snyder? Sen. Meekhof? You do not need to abandon your republican principles any longer.

Rich Studley: "Lawmakers who think the condition of Michigan's roads can be improved with "fairy dust or wishful thinking or Monopoly money," rather than through raising new revenues, should be held accountable for taking that position,

Richard StudleyI couldn’t agree with you more, Richard.

Michigan Motorists need not worry about Michigan Roads. Rich Studley and the Michigan Chamber of Commerce have got this one covered.

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(0)

Pro Gun Advocacy Group Did It.

The mistake in Sunday's Record Eagle was undoubtedly not purposeful, however ..

R-E-ResponseIt is unnecessary to dig the hole any larger or deeper.

The Traverse City Record Eagle editors have been bombarded with negative FB posts, and probably filled in boxes since the posting of Sunday’s page three error. They have been accused of having an agenda that is anti gun, and purposefully going after the ‘headline readers;’ those folks who scan the newspaper and rarely read the content.

It was a doozy of a mistake, and likely one they painfully regret.  And however unlikely it is that the newspaper would try such a thing purposefully (I am sure it was not intentional), it does underscore one aspect of today’s journalism.

The “shooter” key is used more frequently in the newspaper environment than the “backspace” key.

It is pre-programmed whenever there is a mass killing (unless abortion is involved) anywhere in the county.  In the front page response to the mistake and its ‘notoriety’ the editors apparently cannot accept that their own perspective and that programming has not perhaps led to this unfortunate error.  The image to the right suggests such an attitude.

Its tough to be the news I suppose.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)

Three Cheers For The B Team

House Democrat turns on the heat.

Steudle-GranholmKirk Steudle was appointed long before Rick Snyder was the new sheriff.

Jennifer Granholm appointed Steudle to the Michigan Department of Transportation post in 2006. He did such a bang up job leading to our current road conditions across the state, that no local communities have had to pursue their own millages for road fixes, and the trunklines, bridges and arteries are in top notch shape.  In fact, we have been able to lower taxes, return money to taxpayers and by-golly, put shock absorber companies at risk due to lack of business.

Now, [SARC OFF] a Democrat legislator is doing the job that any one of dozens of Republicans should have done LONG before ever asking taxpayers to bend over last May.  From the Lansing State Journal:

In a news release late Wednesday, State Rep. Scott Dianda, D-Calumet, a former MDOT employee and state employee union official, said he’d introduced a bipartisan resolution citing numerous issues — from idle railcars that cost millions of dollars to state auditors’ repeated warnings about weak oversight of MDOT’s warranty program — that he says show Steudle is “unfit to lead the department.”

Huh, I wonder where we have seen that before?

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Get a load of the latest Michigan republican party spin

Does anyone even proof this before it gets posted?!?

As if they were not already utterly clueless regarding what they allegedly stand for (Hint: I’ve included a small sampling below of what they have obviously forgotten/willfully chosen to ignore (source)):

I BELIEVE free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity.

I BELIEVE government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.

You need to see what came in my e-mail this morning on how the “conservative” republicans are trying to cover up the massive stench from their latest batch of stink-burger bills pertaining their road funding “solution” by releasing this nifty little informational graphic so that we can all drink the kool aid all look the other way and pretend that there isn’t a dime’s worth of difference between Michigan republicans and the democrats.

{No, you will not be able to un-see the horror, er, I mean, stop laughing at the patent hypocrisy below the fold}

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(1)

Do You Miss Her Yet?

House GOP membership toes the line like good little minions.

gamratAs the inflation protected taxes and unnecessary fees are imposed, the shame of those who ‘unelected’ a particular representative from Allegan County should be pronounced and clear.

Cindy Gamrat would have provided you with cover Representative Gary Glenn. I don’t see you bragging this one up like your near-miss confiscation legislation. You voted to remove her to keep your house overlords happy.  Aren’t you proud?

Farm bureau will still love you Triston Cole, as the fuel taxes and registration don’t hurt your lobbying buds.  Never mind the rest of the suckers who bought the AFP nonsense in the last election cycle that you would fight for the taxpayers.

Oh yeah those guys..

Sure enough, something must have happened to AFP along the way to the bank.  Ever since Scott Hagerstrom was departed from the ranks of the organizing 501(c)4, it seems to have lost its way. What was once the messenger of a clearly recognizable message of no new taxes, or growth of government, has now apparently blessed this newest blasphemy of conservative principle. Representative *Larry Inman says in a response to a text:

“Hi Jason, Pete Lund says he will accept our package, mostly coming from the General fund and user fees. We needed some gas tax. Senate and Governor told us to do it to fix the roads.”

So now AFP calls the shots along with the RINO governor?

Pete Lund of the AFP says “he will accept” the package.   How special. Why do we bother sending anyone to Lansing anymore if they cannot abide by the principles they campaign on.  Why do we bother with pretenders?

What about it Lee Chatfield?  Is the same moral compass which drove you to throw out due process last month pointing North now?  Are you happy to have been pushed into a corner where you can no longer appropriately represent your district; many of whom in it cannot afford the trivial increases you just voted to support in ever increasing perpetuity?

You Betcha! (30)Nuh Uh.(0)

Arlan Meekhof needs to go and pound sand!

I cannot help but wonder if Sen Meekhof was ever given a copy of the MIGOP "Principles"?

“The senate passed a road funding plan this summer.  The senate plan prioritizes state spending, generates new revenue for a long-term solution and returns tax dollars to hardworking taxpayers. ” – Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof (October 20, 2015).

Is it just me, or does that highlighted part of his quote contradict itself?

I’m going to keep this one short today.

{Click below to read more}

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The Only Genuine Flint Water Expert: Josiah Willard Gibbs

Albert Einstein Called Him "The Greatest Mind in American History."

Josiah Willard Gibbs 1839 - 1903

Josiah Willard Gibbs
1839 – 1903

The second phase of Governor Snyder’s plan to restore Flint’s damaged water infrastructure was announced today. Michigan’s taxpayers will pay the pirates at Detroit Water & Sewerage $ 6 million to reconnect the Flint water system to DW&SD’s Lake Huron water supply. The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation will ante up $ 4 million more and the City of Flint will will pay $ 2 million extra as well. Governor Snyder said: “The technical experts helping the city on its water advisory all agree this move back to the Great Lakes Water Authority provides the best public health protection for children and families.”   Note that our devious Governor gives you the impression that the funds will be going to the GLWA.  No, they will all be going straight to the pirates at DW&SD unless Flint’s new Karegnondi water pipeline is seriously delayed.

As we pointed out last week, the Flint water distribution system has been seriously damaged by 17 months of amateur chemistry and government incompetence after resourcing their water supply to the Flint River. Incompetent control of water chemistry after April 2014 has dissolved protective pipe linings, allowing lead, iron and steel corrosion which has released lead and iron compounds into Flint’s water on its way to customers. A process called leaching. The finished water coming out of the Flint Water Treatment Plant is seemingly fine, but it certainly isn’t by the time it arrives at their customer’s taps.

Because the damage to Flint’s water infrastructure commenced with this resourcing, a hue and cry went up to reconnect Flint to Detroit water. A logical fallacy. Detroit water did not damage Flint’s water infrastructure when it was used prior to April 2014, at least as far as we know. (Do we really know?) However it cannot – by itself – repair the damage done since. Flint pipes may not have been corroding before April 2014, but they certainly are now. Detroit water is controlled just enough to prevent damage to water infrastructure, but not enough to repair damaged infrastructure.  Flint is going to require a distinctly different water chemistry than Detroit.

The technical experts are touting corrosion control plans to stop the corrosion in Flint’s water distribution piping. By corrosion control, they intend to load up Flint’s water with orthophosphate forming chemicals to prevent further corrosion and attempt to restore the protective scale linings in Flint’s water piping. This is the EPA’s stock recommended practice, derived from their statistical analysis of water systems across the nation. The problem here is those statistical analyses were made of more or less functional water distribution systems. Not a heavily damaged system like Flint’s. Flint’s water problems are an ex novo case. The only recent case of lead pipe leaching even close occurred in Washington, DC, but is enough different in its particulars that Washington’s corrective actions do not provide an assured plan of action for Flint.

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