
Rational Thought Required

fuscaldoWhile the women in the media and other “never Trumpers”  fret over Donald Trump’s alleged personal versions of the Vagina Monologues, they ignore how Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are destroying this country with consistently bad decisions and policy pertaining to the safety and security of this nation.

They and their minions of deceit, with a compliant Congress and incompetent Justice Department, cover up their failures and border line acts of treason. See link below (the fold) to the Benghazi failure and coverup.

Don’t you think it is time to use rational thought, reason and facts to determine the future of American sovereignty and exceptionalism? Regrettably, too many voters and the media are focused and rely on “genitalia” identification, alleged sexual improprieties and political party loyalty to do their thinking.

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About That Roe v Wade

Clinton, Trump and Wallace Fumbled the Abortion Question/ Supreme Court Discussion

fuscaldoIt appears both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and the media (Chris Wallace) know very little if anything about the legal parameters pertaining to the alleged “constitutional right” to an abortion.

This conclusion is based on the discussion pertaining to the candidates’ position on abortion set forth in last night’s debate. The same is true for the main stream media and their “puppet” hosts, authors and pundits who defend Planned Parenthood. In short they don’t know enough to know what they don’t know.

Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), ruled that an illusionary right to privacy existed under the “penumbra” of the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment. A decision that has been criticized by many constitutional scholars on both sides of the aisle. This granted a limited right to a woman to have an abortion. Judge Blackmun held there is a broad right of privacy, although not explicitly set forth in the Constitution, that lurks in the “penumbras and shadows” of the Bill of Rights. This right of privacy allegedly grants women a right to have an abortion. Really? Contrary to popular belief, the Bill of Rights is not a positive grant of rights to the citizens, but a negative Bill of Limitations on what the Federal Government may not do, namely interfere with the rights retained by the states under the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution.

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Not Her Brightest Day

Michigan republicans have a bad habit of making national news for all the wrong reasons.

According to Article IV, Section G, Paragraph 1 of the Bylaws of the Michigan Republican State Committee, “The Chairman shall have the power to declare vacant the seat of any officer who refuses to support the Republican nominee for any office within the State of Michigan.” That’s the language, and it’s straightforward. If you’re one of the officers specified in Article IV, Section A of those same bylaws, then you support the republican nominees, up and down the ticket, or else risk immediate termination . . . end of discussion.

That paragraph is something that a certain lady, whom I still consider a friend, should have considered before shooting her mouth off, knowing the cameras were rolling, last Friday.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(5)

Michigan Entrepreneurs Still Active

" .. America’s embrace of the free market has done more than simply reduce malnourishment, homelessness and disease. "

business-planImagine my thrill at watching a wonderful lady several years my senior seek to make her fortune at an advanced age.  I’m a chicken whose spring passed many years ago and this lady was scratching worms from the summer soil long before I ever witnessed my first equinox.

I discovered the spirit of America knows no age limit.

I truly appreciate inventiveness and the entrepreneurial spirit because, among other reasons, I verily appreciate America and the American spirit.  America embraced the free market and capitalism at its founding and was willing to suffer decades of transition from the cash-poor/barter heavy society at the founding to one that burgeoned a slowly developed wealth as its first century waned.

And wealth is a wonderful thing for it is wealth, principally created by those who had a better idea, process or product, that produced a society largely capable of eliminating hunger, homelessness and disease.  This is not to say that there are none who suffer hunger or homelessness or disease in this country, but only that those who are willing and able to interject themselves into the mainstream economy are largely capable of living lives today that completely avoid toothless scurvy ‘neath a cardboard box.

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Yes I Pray

michigan-capitolIts hard not be  callous sometimes.

I think it is getting harder actually, given the rampant stupidity exhibited by our political class, and promoted by a media populated by ideologues and vermin.  The boy who saw that the emperor has no clothes has had to scream it so often that he must now feel like a pariah being scorned as the boy who cried wolf.

And the wolves dear reader, are here.

If you are in Lansing today, take a minute to stop by the capitol.

Details which popped in the ol mailbox this morning are below the fold.

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In Sheep’s Clothing

Upcoming Alinsky video a "must see?"

I am not sure of the last time I would have spent 10 minutes or more on the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN).

For no reason other than that I generally watch TV to provide ‘escape’ on some level, EWTN is not usually my go-to channel.  Of course given the content of an upcoming program, there might be a little self reflection in our future. What we find ‘acceptable’ today, is markedly different than what might have passed not too many years ago, before the damaging effects of relative change.

Saul Alinsky was a smart cookie. But he was also a terrible influence on our nation.  Hat tip to submitter John, who notes the interesting juxtaposition of the programming, and the way in which the Church has participated in some way with some of what a video on it’s network is targeting.

“.. With organized religion (in general) such an integral portion of any present/future societal-based solution; it is incredible that the Catholic church has promoted this negative view of past(?) American church leadership as a history primer for succeeding generations.

A must see for those who believe that the church (long playing an intimate role) simply doesn’t ‘get it’ in terms of where we’ve been and where we’re fast headed ..”


Enjoy the trailer, and consider setting the DVR for Saturday Night at 10:30.

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Lions Packers Sunday Memo

If it's something you want to do, it ought to always be available at the right price.

dsc_1702Truth be told, both teams have some work to do.

Packers broke out the catnip in the first half going to the locker room ahead of the Lions 31-10.  In the second half, the Lions held the pack to a lousy 3 points, scoring 17 of their own.

Funny how math works.  The seven point win over Detroit  was a relief to Packers fans watching live, or in person by the end of the matter in Green Bay on Sunday.  Both teams have talent, but remain unpredictable as the game clock is running.

One interesting highlight of the game was the use of the NFL out of bounds rule to move the Packers ball return up to the 40 yard line by touching the ball while out-of-bounds.


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Define “Blown Away”

Will Michigan continue to provide unchecked investments for unworthy results?

pure-somethingI would say that yes, we were indeed “Blown away” by the abuses of our state government allowing such abuse by the taxpayer.

Pure Michigan has become the key phrase for all thing corruptible and cronyist. According to Cap Con, much of the taxpayer largess spent on economic development has yielded zero benefit. They point out:

“.. In addition, some investment groups received millions through the fund but created zero jobs and no proceeds ..”

“Investment”  ..It has a catchy ring to it, yes?

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So What About The Big M?

The 'progressive' left will leave no institutions standing when it is through.

msu-towerHas the left destroyed all of our traditions yet?

Perhaps not, though progressives cannot abide by any roadblocks to the ultimate agenda of ‘change’ toward their vision of a Utopian prison for all.  David French in The Left Is Weaponizing Sports, reminds us that it ain’t over till every institution has been destroyed, and the bonds that hold us together have been severed:

While the NCAA — as perhaps the peak representative of progressive hypocrisy and cheap virtue signaling — is an easy target, its action raises a much more significant concern. Simply put, there are not many cultural spaces remaining where Americans can meet on more or less neutral ground — where Americans of all faiths and political beliefs can meet, unite, and share a positive communal experience.

Our political polarization is but one symptom of our increasing Balkanization. When I speak, I sometimes challenge audiences to name one significant cultural force or trend that is binding Americans together, rather than pulling them apart.

The NCAA is being used as a weapon.

Which begs a great big question:Aren’t we supposed to store weapons in a safe place?”

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Because It’s More

There are some things that simply cannot be trademarked.

m22Bill Schuette was right on this one.

His opinion in 2012, and recently compounded with a lawsuit to deny the Myers brothers their trademark is clear.  The M22 signs you see on apparel, coffee mugs, stickers on cars and used to profit a  Northern Michigan business cannot be claimed for their exclusive use:

“..  In documents filed with the U.S. District Court in Grand Rapids, the state argues that highway signs can’t be registered and that trademarking signs violates the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which sets the federal standards for signs, signals and pavement markings. Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette wrote in a 2012 opinion that “no entity can lawfully claim exclusive control over use of the state’s highway route marker design, because the design is in the public domain and is otherwise not subject to protection under trademark law.”   ..”

In other words, we all bought and paid for this design.

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