
Rhetoric and Scatology

Allegedly setting the record straight, Melanie Foster continues to blow smoke

Those who know the basics about me are aware that I’m a native of Iosco County, specifically western Oscoda Township. Due to the nature of life in rural Northeast Michigan, I’ve also spent some time in and around various other parts of northern Iosco and southern Alcona Counties. Farms are a fact of life up there, and seeing, not to mention smelling, cows and/or horses is fairly common. I know what manure is primarily because I spent so much time stepping in it while attempting to impress the first girl I had a romantic interest in (long story, and it didn’t work out anyway).

It would appear to me that a certain education board candidate, who happens to have an agriculture background, is also quite familiar with manure. I say this because she’s been slinging it around quite a bit of late, most recently in a damage control effort that can only be described as a spin job.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(4)

Mondays Divertere: Ya Know What I’m Saying?

Not a whole lot for you all today. Have an afternoon booked full of peeing green and passing gas! Above is just one of the things, be it written or, spoken – Up Talking – and, I reflexively tune out that individual. Just the way it is, and I’m too damn set in my ways for changing that to accommodate the moronic or, thin-skinned.

Happy St. Paddy’s Day, y’all!

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When Rulers Play, and the Rights They Slay

Are Michigan courts so easily compromised?

harry-martinI want to put a finer point on recent activities seen in the judicial system of the banana republic of Michigan.

While observing the actions of Asst AG Harry Martin just prior to him throwing in the State’s towel on the Mark Baker case, the untrained eye easily recognized the disdain being heaped upon a private citizen in a courtroom.

But there was considerably more on display, and I’d like to point it out to you.

All attorneys are required to live and work in accordance with a Code of Ethics. The Code is written, very specific, and well-known to all who have passed the bar exam, and to many who did not. At no time is an attorney allowed to address another attorney’s client without the express permission of the clients attorney, and it must also be in the presence of the client’s attorney so the client is protected.

You Betcha! (3)Nuh Uh.(1)

Denny and Kenny: Blundering into Uncle Tom Territory

Just disgraceful the divide they’re driving.


Flint activist Stacy Swimp has provided the most malicious assist yet.

Really, Mr. Braun? Well, I’d like to provide another assist from New York City’s Harlem…

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

She Is Right

There comes a point where there is sufficient evidence that we can make adequate judgment on the pretenders of conventional wisdom.

Liars and propagandists for structural destruction of our values, traditions and mores will chip away with a 1000 lies or mis-representative arguments, that say the same thing but attempt to gain entry into the psyche in 1000 different ways.  This hen peck method is successful over time until or unless the rogue chicken is beheaded.

Jen Kuznicki says Ken Braun is Over-the-Top Awful.

Every time Ken wrote about Dave Agema, he lied.  Ken has called Dave and Dave’s supporters, “vile,” “Agemites,” a not-so-subtle reference to sodomites.  He has called Dave “malicious” and “un-American in the most toxic of ways,” equated Dave with the Birchers, the list is endless. But the most disgusting lie is the one he mentions in every damn article. That a facebook link contained Dave’s actual thoughts.

Every time Braun mentions it, the nose grows another inch, but he doesn’t care, he’s on a mission to destroy, and in doing so, he targets us all.

And she doesn’t stop there.


You Betcha! (0)Nuh Uh.(0)

Fostering Distrust

Wasteful stewardship of university resources characterizes convention candidate.

According to Michigan State University Board of Trustees Conflict of Interest Policy, some of the responsibilities of the individual and several members of the Michigan State University Board of Trustees are:

  • Fiduciary Responsibilities: Trustees will act in a manner consistent with their fiduciary responsibilities to the University. Trustees will place the University’s interests ahead of their private interests. Trustees will exercise their powers and duties in the best interests of the Board and the University and for the public good.
  • Conflict of Interest: (a) A conflict of interest exists when a Trustee’s financial interests or other opportunities for personal benefit may compromise, or reasonably appear to compromise, the Trustee’s independence of judgment in fulfilling his/her Board duties. (b) Trustees will endeavor to remain free from the influence of, or the appearance of, any conflicting interest in fulfilling their Board duties. Trustees will exercise care that no detriment to the University results from conflicts between their interests and those of the University. (c) Trustees will attempt to refrain from accepting duties, incurring obligations, or engaging in activities that would be incompatible with, or in conflict with, their Board duties.

Now, I’m not a Harvard-trained Philadelphia lawyer, but I am an educated man who is perfectly capable of understanding basic legalese. And I gotta tell you, I’m having one helluva time reconciling that with this here 7 Action News investigation from WXYZ-TV in Detroit.

You Betcha! (3)Nuh Uh.(0)

Thanks, Doc: But I Will Be Getting A Second Opinion

A commentary piece as read by a Rep. Benishek constituent, via the good folks at MCC.   

U.S. Rep. Dan Benishek speaks out against vague language in legislationBy Rep. Dan Benishek

Imagine government without responsibility toward its citizens — let me give you a hint, it looks a lot like Syria’s Bashar al-Assad regime.

America is blessed with a Constitution that protects Americans so they are not afraid that each new leader will turn the country into a fascist nation. No matter how much anyone disagrees with a president’s policies, we can take solace in the protections of the Constitution.

The Constitution’s authority is supreme and every piece of legislation must fit within the Constitution’s limits.

Roger that, Doc.  So far, we’re on the same page.  Let’s continue…

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