Now, how do you suppose THAT got there?
One of my sources tipped me off to an interesting turn of events last night regarding Prop 1.
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Now, how do you suppose THAT got there?
One of my sources tipped me off to an interesting turn of events last night regarding Prop 1.
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Fantastic outcome for our veterans. This should have never happened.
Now, would any care to make a gentleman’s wager that had the weapon been an AK instead of AR in style, the politically correct members on Village Council would have been less inclined to raise said issue, which might be viewed as less offensive to their Camp Dearborn visitors?
You think about that…
THREE DAYS LATER… @MIGOP chair @RRMGOP just released a statement about the passing of ex-U.S. Sen. Robert Griffin, who was a Republican.
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) April 20, 2015
Well, you know, like, you know… #It’sTheWeekend #EntitlementMentality
Kill and steal edition.
And, because some MI-GOP fanboys got all dissin’ on Schuette butt-hurt with leveling appropriate responsibility at a sworn Oath to uphold our constitution Attorney General’s feet, Mr. Baker responded.
Never in our time has such vast amounts of knowledge been made readily available to mankind via the internet yet, has our nation as a whole populous, ever been so damn ignorant.
Both Party’s are not immune to said truth, which illustrates once again that 1920 was a banner year for Progressives and their ongoing deconstruction of America, to a new Unnatural Order.
The current battle is to simply stop the inertia of decline, but we need to follow through.
“Don’t fight a battle if you don’t gain anything by winning.” There seems to be some dispute as to whether this was actually said by either General George Patton or Field Marshall Erwin Rommel, but everyone seems to agree that one of them said it. Whether we’re discussing a military battlefield or a political one, it’s pretty sound advice either way, often more commonly worded as, “be selective about the fights you pick.” A logical corollary of this maxim is that if you’re going to accomplish anything, then (a) you should have a realistic expectation of what can be accomplished, and (b) know why winning this particular battle will advance the larger goal. And, as any strategist or tactician worth the title will advise, the smart thing to do is to already have a plan for follow-up in place . . . because you’re going to need one should you actually win.
This is where Michigan’s constitutionalist insurgency has done a marvelous job of dropping the ball post-2010, and as a result now has a task that’s four times harder than it needed to be. The upside is that this fight is still winnable, if we stay focused on a realistic expectation of what we’ll actually accomplish by winning it.
Decades ago, I grew up not but a stone throw away from Milford, and it’s obvious that citiot mentality has infiltrated rural Oakland County government.
You know what to do, folks.
Email the Council as a group at or, email them individually as follows:
Council President
Jerry Aubry (248-672-8657)
Council President Pro-tem
James Kovach (248-207-8455)
Council Members
Elizabeth Heer
Kevin Ziegler
Jennifer Frankford (248-787-6006)
David Pehrson
Thomas Nader
Light ’em up.
Huron County Pushes Stop Button on Wind Development
— MichCapCon (@MichCapCon) April 14, 2015
Hey, former Sen. Howard Walker? Screw you.
For that matter, this guy who bankrolled a bulk of this guy’s second term – screw them too!
Michigan traffic deaths fall 8% in ’14
Even the helmet-less motorcyclists strawman numbers are down. So much for the alleged ‘untouchable’ $18,000,000,000.00 *fund* that Lansing politicians are protecting for their insurance industry lobbyist friends, huh? It’s on the table for discussion now, governor Snyder.
You also have noticed that Snyder’s Martin Waymire, and McLellen is now pushing the repair cost meme, right?
Dave Waymire, a spokesman for the Safe Roads Yes ballot committee campaigning for the measure’s passage, said most residents do not claim itemized deductions on federal returns. Crummy roads cost drivers an extra $539 a year in vehicle operating costs [Snyder’s people really cannot keep their figures straight, can they?] due to repairs, tire wear and increased fuel consumption, according to the proposal’s proponents who cite a report from the transportation research group TRIP [another quasi-governmental organization like PASER – that’s a Fact].
“Many Michigan residents today pay a hidden tax for our poor roads by virtue of [incompetency bordering criminal intent] the high cost of repairs that are incurred due to potholes, extra wear and tear on their vehicles,” Waymire said. “If you consider the hidden tax [or the BIGGER hidden tax on top of the 16.7% hike that is Proposal 1], which our opponents refuse to acknowledge, this is a substantial [Zero] savings for Michigan.”
Another “unadvertised feature” of the plan is that taxes on fuel sold for boats, off-road vehicles and lawnmowers would rise significantly because the fuel would not be exempt from the sales tax, Anderson said. The new 7 percent sales tax [hike of 16.7%] would only be removed from fuel used to operate motor vehicles on public roads, raising compliance issues [see Here and Here] since the vast majority of fuel is sold by gas stations without regard to whether someone is filling up a car, boat or gas can, according to the nonpartisan Citizens Research Council of Michigan.
“Some promise it will be fixed. It’s not fixed now, so we included it,” said Anderson. He said he is not a “fan” of Proposal 1 but when his research company crunches numbers, “we do them straight.”
You do realize that you are being lied to by Snyder’s cabal of *safe roads yes* pushers, right?
Nope. Not a crook, move along pedestrians. Thanks for volunteering us all for your cause, Lt. “conservative voice” inside the Snyder administration™. Lord knows how Brian and his family love to promote the spirit of collectivism.
Not to mention Medicaid expansion and fuel tax hikes.
OABTW, 75 days and counting, Lt. “conservative voice” inside the Snyder administration™.
Lots more to that than is being allowed to meet the public eye.