
Truth and Charity

'Giving Tuesday' finds a surprising headline.

united-wayI have never been a fan of pressured giving.

It’s giving Tuesday, and one might wonder if the United Way is, or ever was an organization that speaks to our collective benevolence in conscience. We might ask what joy is there in supporting organizations that encourage business to round up it’s employees and make them actively acknowledge that they are “not giving today, thank you.”

As an employee of UPS in Traverse City a couple of decades ago, I attended the Friday morning Charity of the week sessions where United Way sent representatives to talk about the good it was doing with our pulled-from-the-paycheck donations.  We stood around for a half hour (paid by UPS) listening to the mandatory presentation on why we should continue giving.  I Didn’t much care for that; I was there to work.

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You Don’t Say?

Inside Michigan Politics ranks its most conservative and most liberal legislators, and guess what?

HB4736Susan Demas, not exactly known for sympathy to conservative causes must be having fun.

Recently editing the Inside Michigan Politics scoring of conservative and liberal state representatives, she gets to shame Republicans with their own rhetoric, and as a bonus, can gloat over the self inflicted loss of true conservative voting in the Michigan house. Her report:

Inside Michigan Politics has compiled the definitive rankings of the “Most Liberal and Most Conservative” members of the House of Representatives for 2015. The rankings are based on 28 litmus test roll-call votes this year.

“Most Conservative” winners Courser and Gamrat both notched 4.8% liberal voting records. Following them is Rep. Gary Glenn (R-Midland) with a 7.1% liberal record. Reps. Jim Runestad (R-White Lake) and Lana Theis (R-Brighton) tied for third by posting 10.7% liberal voting records.


A reminder BTW, that such ‘diehard’ conservatives Glenn, Runestad, and Theis all voted yea on the expulsion of Gamrat, and the expected expulsion of Courser prompted him to resign prior to expulsion.  Gosh, they could have used a vote or two of support on HB4736, as each voted correctly to deny the government beast more of our kibble.

Hello Birthday Tax.

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Well Worth Your Time: Rally at Worcester, MA


Due to footage from yesterday’s live broadcast, please forward video to 18:50 for speaking to begin.

The UniParty’s lone anti-establishment juggernaut in this election continues on the path to the White House.

H/t Sundance


Tell me again that Progressivism isn’t a mental disorder…

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You DON’T say…

Apparently, the idea of picking up his wife and three children from the county morgue is weighing a little too heavily on the mind of one “Relentlessly Positive” Governor.

According to this mornings Detroit Free Press, Gov. Snyder has reversed course from his earlier ill-conceived decision to allow Syrian “refugees” into Michigan following the Islamic Terrorists attacks in Paris that have claimed at least 129 lives as of the latest count.

Gov. Snyder is quoted as stating, “Michigan is a welcoming state and we are proud of our rich history of immigration. But our first priority is protecting the safety of our residents.”

Better late than never. But in this case, no damage has been done through Gov. Snyder’s actions.

Naturally, this has the proponents of the original scheme up in arms over a “perceived” overreaction.

From the same Freep article, Maged Moughni, an Arab-American advocate said, “It’s doing what ISIS wants. … He’s just basically buying into what ISIS wants: Muslims against the West … Gov. Snyder is buying into the rhetoric.”

Again, the families of at least 129 victims of Islamic Terrorism have a different take on that.

Further down, Sean de Four, vice president of child and family services with Lutheran Social Services of Michigan had this to say,

“I certainly understand and appreciate Gov. Snyder’s desire to be cautious and put the safety of Michiganders first. But the State Department already uses an overabundance of caution in its screening of refugees before they gained entry into the United States. In fact, refugees spend an average of five to seven years in refugee camps being screened and background checks before access to any country.”

If I were Mr. de Four, I’d reexamine the validity of his argument.

Most people know that I don’t agree, with oh about 99%, of what Gov. Snyder rams through, mostly due to the fact that he doesn’t adhere to anything even remotely conservative when he does so.

This time around, and perhaps the very likely possibility that he might appear on a future casualty list himself directly due to the actions of those he blindly lets into our state, he finally gets things right for a change.

Let’s see how long that lasts.


Hopefully not coming to Michigan anytime soon!


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Two Billion Dollars For This.

Are we getting bang for the buck or being ...

Michigan spends two billion dollars a year funding its colleges and universities.

Michigan is required to support through appropriation our institutions of ‘higher learning’ as described in Section 4 of Michigan’s constitution:

§ 4 Higher education institutions; appropriations, accounting, public sessions of boards.

Sec. 4.

The legislature shall appropriate moneys to maintain the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Wayne State University, Eastern Michigan University, Michigan College of Science and Technology, Central Michigan University, Northern Michigan University, Western Michigan University, Ferris Institute, Grand Valley State College, by whatever names such institutions may hereafter be known, and other institutions of higher education established by law. The legislature shall be given an annual accounting of all income and expenditures by each of these educational institutions. Formal sessions of governing boards of such institutions shall be open to the public.

What this does not stipulate however, is the amount to be taken from our wallets and given to these indoctrination centers.

The video to the right is an example of the enlightenment your kids might experience in the pursuit of intellectual exceptionalism.  We feed this nonsense by acquiescing to higher taxes and remaining silent when our representatives sell us out to the money interests and the left which profits heavily from our laziness.

Perhaps it is time to starve the beast.

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How Refreshing This Would be to Hear in Michigan

Sorry, we’ve got our perpetually bowing to Obama, nasally Progressive quisling, and his obedient toad, so, forget about that, Boobus Michiganderus.

Yessirree, we’re about to get the *best* energy policy that money can buy in Lansing, and get it good and hard.

H/t Sundance

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I’ve Heard It Snows In November

Natural disasters, or 'states of emergency' CAN happen in our Great Lakes State.

circled-wagonsMichigan is not immune to the effects of nature, and the SoS may have once again missed an opportunity to protect the electorate.

“Once again,” I say because when it mattered, Ruth Johnson sided with the governor in his lawbreaking. In the Proposal 1 (loser by 80%-20% statewide) leadup, the governor broke the law in front of Johnson, Schuette, and nearly every single lawmaker and judge in the state.

Nothing was done, and in-fact there was an effort to circumvent the process that had been defended only years before.   Even the Michigan GOP’s pet poodle Greg McNeilly noted the infraction saying “.. it was “inappropriate” for Snyder to use the televised speech to advocate for a “yes” vote on Proposal 1.” yet stopped short of calling a misdemeanor what it is. Flame Hard indeed.

But this recent failure by the SoS is a little more local, yet profound.  When a natural disaster prevents voters from reaching the polls, ought not the top elections official be a little more proactive?  In the case of an Elmwood township millage question, Johnson’s office went from a failure to uphold the law to negligence and simple abject failure.

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