
Malfeasance Or Involuntary Manslaughter

Could a Supreme Court decision open the door to legal sanctions?

Michigan’s governor continues to violate the law.

Tomorrow begins that part of the process where our state’s highest court decides whether it agrees with our laws and constitution.  It will decide whether it will join the executive branch and perform legal ju-jitsu to ‘protect’ Michigan citizens from the pandemic, or whether it will take the absolute legal and uncomfortable route of holding each of the branches to the purposefully limited and separated authority they wield.

There are reasons each branch of our government hold powers that are separate and distinct.  This pandemic has very much revealed what happens when that separation is not upheld immediately.  People through no act of their own will die needlessly.

A case before the Michigan Supreme Court suggest as much.  An opinion piece in USA today highlights the plaintiff’s many concerns for the patients under his care.

One of my patients came to see me when he felt like he had nowhere else to turn. The governor’s orders prevented him from getting regular treatment for his diabetes. By the time he came to me, he was in a full-on medical emergency. He told me about an odor coming from his foot — it turned out to be gangrene. His kidneys were in full-blown failure.

We rushed him to the nearest hospital, but it was too late. His foot had to be amputated. And then, just days later, he died from complications.

None of this trauma had to happen. But happen it did, because of shortsighted executive orders issued unilaterally by Gov. Whitmer.

Irresponsible action from the governor, and the slow-to-act courts have resulted in misery and death for Michiganians.

Add to this the already huge death numbers of those exposed to the China virus in nursing homes due to the governor’s actions, it should give pause to those who think government protects us in any meaningful way.  Clearly we cannot put our faith in those who are willing to break the law, if even ‘for our own good.’

Malfeasance and criminal disregard for the law must have consequence.

Such a concept is no stranger to the rest of us.  Should it give pause to the state’s highest court as deliberations are made?  Should the court waffle in it’s responsibilities in order to protect the sanctity of absolute government authority, or should it uphold the law which renders government leaders accountable and responsible?

And should an affirmative verdict that the governor has broken the law be issued, what are the consequences?  What should they be?

We know.  We know what the answer is.

And it should never have to be decided in such a way again.


You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(0)

Pusscakes Was NEVER A Republican

Former cow box king joins the losers club.

There are Republicans, and there are those who abuse the title so they can assume power.

Power is the aspiration of the leftist. And even ‘nice’ leftists want to have power so they can perform their niceness on the population. Benevolence and ‘caring’ are more important than the truth and harshness and character building of real life.

And heaven forbid anyone is a bully. Pusscakes Snyder, noted abortionatarian and politically cross dressing slide-rule sucker is following his mentor BK Bill, and John Kasuck into the oblivion of former governors who were elected as Republicans but proved the point that even a chicken can dress as a dog.

The Two Term Michigan serial Killer, nerd funder, and Obamacare expander is the latest to dislike that big bully president Donald J Trump.

“A great leader treats people with respect even when they present different opinions. Without a variety of views and opinions, we would have no innovation or creativity in our nation. Being a bully and being strong are not the same thing. Being strong is standing up for your convictions. Being a bully is trying to intimidate those who are perceived to be weaker or a threat. As a proud nerd, I had to deal with bullies over many years; it is tragedy watching our world suffer from one.”

I suppose one might take a lesson from this.

He did not get enough swirlies.


You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)

There Are No Coincidences

Conspiracies theories are no longer theories when facts bear them out.

I cannot imagine the level of work it took to produce this video.

Clearly it threatens someone. Efforts to dissuade people from taking it seriously have been non stop since it was announced. Effort to outright ban it are next.

Already, Twitter warns users that they might get a virus from watching it, FB deletes when they find it, Google gives you some amazingly synchronized results when searching for it, and the maker’s site has been DDOS attacked non stop since it was released.

It is one and a quarter hour long.   For those of you who know how, please download, share, and keep it alive. The makers grant a full license to distribute freely.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(1)

Absentee Common Sense

A reasonable absentee system already showing signs of stress.

We are told that opposing mail-in voting is “suppressing the vote.”

We are told this by the progressive left which has designs on permanent minority rule, ala socialism.  Clearly, opposition to fraud is straight up patriotic IMO, and one has only to look at those who promote such dangerous (to our Republic) activity to know what the right position is on this.

Mail-in voting, while related to absentee voting, is not quite the same.  Absentee voting has historically had a fairly reliable record.  Even with the substantial damage done to it by Michigan’s proposal 3 in 2018, it was – and has been considered ‘safe and trustworthy.’

Even so, there are issues that apparently need to be managed better, and may give pause to expanding such issues legislatively.  The August primary in Michigan has already revealed that even with Absentee voting.

There appears to be evidence of attempted fraud. Today’s Epoch times reports:

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Why democrats are suddenly pushing so HARD for mandatory mask “laws”.

Hint: It has NOTHING to do with YOUR health.

While speaking at a rally in Denver to “Back the Blue”…well, I’ll just let the video in the links speak for itself.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

You little snake.

When you’re the president of the Michigan SBA, wouldn’t it stand to reason that, I don’t know, YOU ACTUALLY STAND UP FOR THE MEMBERS YOU REPRESENT?

I don’t even own a business, but I do depend upon someone who does for my paycheck. I also don’t need someone to punch their lights out because they are compelled to follow some nonsensical “order”.

What has got me be cheesed off, other than the fact that we don’t have Waffle Houses here in Michigan?

{You know the drill}

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

Succumbing to fear porn (or how to utterly destroy Michigan’s economy in one easy step).

If you’re like me, you were probably looking forward towards traveling around our state with family & friends over the spring and summer to enjoy the amenities that it has to offer. Maintaining traditions like those are one of the things that I had enjoyed about living in our state.

That was how things used to be.

Welcome to the “new normal”.

{More on that troubling reality below}

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Happy Independence Day

The right tone, the right time.

Trump’s speech last night was just was this country needed.

All of what is going on can be stopped in just a few short minutes if we want to stop it. Riots, damage, and even the dreaded Chinese Flu, Covid-19.  Below are some of my thoughts, and below the fold, a great message by our president..

Covid deaths and high mortality were exacerbated by our governor and others putting recovering folks in with the most vulnerable to the disease.  We knew by the first week in March that the older population was a high risk group.  There is NO excuse.  Oh, and BTW, Hydroxychloroquine works!

BLM? Antifa? Seattle provided one of the greatest lessons with it’s Chaz nonsense.  The Mayor allowed the kids to play ‘country,’ even tolerating two deaths during their playtime, and ruining millions of dollars in local businesses and property.  It was cleared up in 30 minutes the day after those kids wanted to play ‘invading nation’ at the Mayor’s house.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)


It is your choice. - There is no LAW that forces one to wear a mask.

Your mask is making you stupid and subservient.

I’ll admit, I carry one in my pocket.  I do so for when I absolutely MUST patronize an establishment, and cannot enter without playing the game.  I respect private property, and those owners have to deal with their own licensing, etc.

I was even told to leave a hardware store because I wouldn’t comply, so went down the street to buy the paint I needed.  But the doctor’s office for my physical? A slightly different story.

Whitmer, in her need to stay relevant and IN POWER reminds us regularly however that we must wear our masks!  In fact, she uses all the resources the state of Michigan can afford for such propaganda and tweets:

um ..no.

There are a great number of replies to this brilliant tweet that really inspired this post.  Of course there are the typical sycophants and afeared folks.  But true patriots are aplenty, and let her know where she can shove those masks.  I figured I would share some of them.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)