
Bow Tie Bad Ass?

Former Michigan Supreme Court chief hits the ground running.

Bob Young knows how bad Debbie Stabenow’s performance has been.

He knows she is a tool of the crazy left who [just prior] to each election cycle plays a little more accessible to the normals and puts on a conservative face.  H eknows how bad her policies have been for Michigan and the nation.

I suppose anyone with an IQ above room temperature would know these things as well.

Of course, until Kid Rock actually files and demonstrates that he is a serious candidate, Young is the easy favorite.  Others who have entertained the idea of occupying the seat that the meat puppet now enjoys are now looking at more attainable goals.



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They Never Quit – Updated

Michigan Civil Rights Commission meets Monday September 18 to potentially redefine sexual identity.

You all might recall the whole Frank Foster Fiasco?

In an effort to force the public into accepting deviant lifestyles as normal, the Elliot Larsen civil rights act was seen as an avenue of success.  Certain GOP representatives were lobbied for maximum influence and given vast sums of ‘campaign’ cash to encourage inclusion of homosexuals a separate protected class under the act.

Foster, a ‘tea party’ favorite when first elected, allowed his political ambitions to put at risk all that he purportedly stood for.  Foster gambled on money being more important than blatant disregard for the people he represented, while pro homosexual activists were betting that an avowed ‘conservative’ would be the best path to the change in Elliot Larsen, they failed to properly estimate his constituents.

Instead of getting the change they desired, other GOP legislators in the state were clearly warned that flirting with the goals of the fringe left was nothing short of a political death wish. Elliot Larsen Changes were abandoned, and until now, the path to ‘normalcy’ a freakishly far-off dream.

Yes, “until now.”   Because in a few days, the Michigan Civil Rights Commission could be contemplating redefining the definition of sex.

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Social Media

The little guys could very well become little again.

We use Facebook, Twitter, Google, and some other platforms, but a recent experience with our internet oriented family business has left me a little concerned.

For 20 years, we have operated a web based security camera equipment business.  For 20 years I have fought for keyword optimization, good search results, and developed a reputation befitting the nearly first store of its kind on the internet.

It has always been tough, and others now do the search optimization a little better.  But over that same time I have developed good relationships, and the customer base remains sufficiently strong.

Strong enough in fact to have missed the impact of some serious subversion that was going on for nearly two weeks.

Late in August, I was reviewing visit statistics for CU1.COM, and noticed a sudden drop of about 300 daily visitors starting on August 12. Followup revealed that the website had been completely scrubbed from the Google search engine.  Even using the EXACT domain address as a search term, Google returned only an alternate possibility with it’s “Do you mean ..?” suggestion.

I was able to reach a support person at Google, and explained my concern, and the site appeared later that day as-if it had never had been missing.

Consider that the internet has provided those new ways in which we can communicate.  First we had chat rooms, then the blogs.  At the point of that last, a new investigative phenomenon had been born.  Citizen reporters and pundits.  Big Media had it’s grip broken, and no longer was there a leash on the truth.  When Twitter, facebook, and other social media  venues began and the phenomenon of facebook page likes became a rage, it appeared there was even more opportunity to get ‘the message’ out.

Partly True, until it no longer is.   Really.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference Deadline

Today is the last day to register if you wish to attend.

Today is the last day to register online for the conference! You can register on the island for an additional cost. We wouldn’t want you to miss out on this memorable Grand Hotel experience.

The 32nd Biennial Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference will feature RNC Chairman Ronna Romney McDaniel, Betsy DeVos, Governor Eric Greitens, former Congressman Jason Chaffetz, former Governor John Engler, and many more.

Join Republican activists and elected officials from across the state and the country as we discuss ideas, share the Republican message, and celebrate Michigan’s success.

Please visit http://www.mackinacgop.com/ to register before close of business today!

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So You Want To Be In Government?

Why would anyone bother getting involved JUST because of a class?

Some folks think that citizen engagement is pitiful, so we are going to have classes on how to be engaged.

Let that sink in.  You are too busy dealing with all of the complications of life (jobs, family, American Idol), added to the complications of government (Taxes, zoning, naming of trail systems), and frankly, you have zero interest in managing the community budget.  Is there time left in your day to fully engage?

Unless Idol is cancelled, your box under the bridge falls apart, family members around you stop going to school, or stop getting married, or never need to go to the hospital, those few extra moments you are blessed with are precious.  That free time is becoming rarer as the more dedicated mini-Stalins take the reigns at all level of government. (yes, I purposefully avoided the ‘Hitler’ word. )

We are over managed by an out-of-control Federal bureaucracy, and our local governments have never been so in-your-face with private property rights deprecation in the history of our ‘conquered’ new world. (Columbus day wasn’t that long ago)  Dealing with what used to be the simplest of issues now requires a council meeting, permission, a check, and a rubber stamp.

But MSU extension has the fix.  Lets teach more dunderheads how to rule effectively!  The TC Ticker lays it out:

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A Big Nothing

Happy Labor Day.

There was certainly traffic, but..

I was all psyched about getting up in the air and videotaping the expected back ups along I-75 and US 2 with the closure of the Mighty Mac today.  I Had the video camera ready, had the glass on the cameras, and then nothing.

Storms rolled through the region, and the flight plans changed from getting to the trouble spots on time, to about 2 hours late. We hit the bridge about 40 minutes after it had already opened.  No cool video of 50 miles of traffic back-ups, and no pictures of the throngs of people breaking in a new set of sneakers.

Chalk it up to how things can go sometimes.

So until the next over-hyped thing we promote here, enjoy an aerial picture of the bridge as it rests underneath a rain cloud.

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The Bridge

Monday's bridge closing to traffic highlights willful ignoring of reality.

On Monday, the Michigan Department of Transportation will have a mess on its hands.

I will be doing some special reporting on the day’s fun if all goes well.   In the meantime, enjoy a picture of the calm before the storm.  A shot taken at 2:30 this morning. 

Stay tuned.


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Oh My – Text Alerts For Mackinac Bridge Walk

Because .. well .. just in case.

What could possibly go wrong?

If ever you were going to do the bridge walk, this might be the year to do it.  Because of expected traffic backups and associated complications, it is doubtful that there will be a walk after this year’s soon-to-be catastrophe.

Should it be any surprise that as leadership fully embraces their faces with their ass-cheeks, that the terrorists have our number?  We pointed out a few months ago that The Islamists continue with their version of winning.

Our way of life has changed, and our liberty has been indeed exchanged for a modicum of security.  Ironically, at the same time admitting more of the problem into our communities; the very ideology that has destroyed nations, slaughtered innocents, and subjugated women and men for 1400 years.

Try to deny it.

And now we walk on eggshells, and tiptoe around the problem that our own Governor willfully invited to this state.

What a legacy.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

The American Cultural Revolution Kicks Off On November 4th

Michigan College Towns Should Be Hopping With The Latest Chinese Import

The fun loving boys and girls of Antifa met in cities across the nation on August 19th to plan a new, national round of antidemocratic riots and intimidation which will kick off on November 4th. They are planning an American Cultural Revolution, no less. The only omission from the full Chinese experience will be Mao Zhedong, who has been shoveling thunder out of hell since 1976.

The enthusiastic and fawning media which Antifa received after Charlottesville and Boston seems to have emboldened them. Five cities – New York, Chicago, Austin, San Francisco, and Los Angeles are expected to be ground zero for this new wave of highly disruptive ‘protests’ that should continue until the snow flies. This time around they won’t even need the pretext of ‘Nazis’ or ‘White Supremacists’, nor politically incorrect historical monuments. Anyone questioning these rioters will be immediately targeted as Nazis or Klansmen, including police.  Anything offensive to the revolution will be destroyed.

In their own words, here is the plan:

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Imagine what these kids could do with a broom and some yard tools?

The circus never ends.

This weekend instead of doing something (anything) fun, entertaining and constructive over the weekend (we had an Air Show at Selfridge celebrating its 100th Anniversary, the Armada Fair, the Woodward Cruise and many others events here in Southeastern Michigan), a group of adolescent protestors with obviously way too much free time on their hands decided to go after their 15-minutes of fame and emulate their fellow Antifa comrades in Downtown Detroit.

And who did this bunch of rabble-rousers target its ire at?

{the comedy continues after the fold}

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