
Michigan Taxpayers Could Save $2,000,000,000.00 A Year

Michigan pays dearly to self immolate.

We spend a lot on ‘adult education.’

Michigan’s 2019 budget includes $405,000,000.00 in community college funding, but a whopping $1,658,932,000 in university funding.  The sacred cow University of Michigan share of the taxpayer pie is nearly that of the total community college amount, yet my guess is that there are more Michigan based students attending those community colleges than at the 15 universities we sponsor.

We must of course remember that this is subsidies for institutions that cater not to the tender innocence of childhood, but rather to those who would be otherwise considered self supporting and responsible for their own educational progression and care.  Even so, they might still have minds of mush, which makes this other thing a little more poignant.

Our universities are destroying our nation.  And we have been giving them the fuel.  From the hill:

Today, after 22 years of being a college professor, and having traveled much of America to lecture, I am sad to say the situation is not the same. The core principles and foundations that keep the United States intact, that provide our citizens with their civic personalities and national identities, are being annihilated. The gravest internal threat to this country is not illegal aliens; it is leftist professors who are waging a war against America and teaching our young people to hate this country.

I agree with his point.

Read it in it’s entirety.  Its time we own this, and then act accordingly.

Or we have learned nothing.

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Where Was She Then?

Schuitmaker has opportunity To defend Colbeck at the most appropriate time, yet chokes.

Pat Colbeck was a champion for Michigan.

And for a couple more months he still will be a champion.  I’ll not mince words about it.  I support our nominee wholeheartedly, but truly I believe Pat was a man who by all measure attempted to find solutions and serve the people of this state with principles solutions, honor, and substance.

Pat had a long road to get to the point where he decided to run.  His eight year service as State Senator was solid, and he was/is unafraid to face down the jackals like Richardville and Meekhof; two of the swampiest representatives to ever find leadership roles in Lansing.

Still serving his constituents in Lansing until the end of this year, Pat Colbeck lost all committee assignments, and had all office control removed.  Why?  Because he wouldn’t play kiss the pollywog’s ass’ with Senator Arlan Meekhof. This is not a common occurrence in Michigan’s robust history, and could only happen with the thinnest skinned critters in leadership.

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Extremist Democrat Candidate For Governor Agrees With Abolishing ICE

Whitmer's leftist extremism on display in Lansing

They’re going to have to own this nonsense.

Tomorrow she might say something very different to salvage any middle of the road Dems, but folks have been wising up to the extremist views held by Democrat candidates. Gretchen Whitmer bobble-heads her agreement to abolishing our immigration enforcement in this video.

“I think we need a governor, who will stand up to the federal government” she says.  As governor, she COULD make enforcement of our borders problematic.




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Coming Out Swinging

Bill Schuette is immediately ready to face down the failed ideas of the left.

The left is bereft of ideas.

Well, maybe not ‘bereft’, but the ideas they have are generally failed attempts at creating equal outcomes instead of promoting equal opportunity.  Socialism, a well documented catastrophe of civilization’s epoch is now the new norm for the Democrat party.  The tragedy of the ‘best intentions’ has no equal in ways of starving and inciting misery in otherwise viable populations.

Venezuela is easily offered up as the latest misadventure of re-distribution.  Million Plus percentage inflation, pets on plates, and political corruption that would make the bolsheviks of old blush with envy.

Yet there are people in Michigan who still idealize such ‘planned society’.  They exist primarily in the Democrat party, and their newest flag bearer is not shy about pandering to the promises-that-can-never-be-kept in order to gain power.

Bill Schuette, having earned the nomination of the Republican party is wasting no time challenging the nominee of the Democrats.  In a press release today he appears confident that a comparison of her record and rhetoric will expose the regressive policies of those who once upon a time preferred to be called ‘progressive.’

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The Price Of Incompetence

Filling out a form is hard.

Its just a lousy address.

That is all it would have taken to get on the ballot; using his correct address.  Instead Matt Morgan, who apparently aspires to be one more representative of the disaster known as the Democrat party in Congress, failed at the mere task of properly gaining ballot access.

Aside from the institutional failure of socialist ideology, the Democrat party has had it’s own trickle down of success.  The bench is thin, and the possibility of getting a real live veteran (Morgan) who actually believes in redistribution, cultural denigration, and murdering the unborn has them ..energized.

This photo represents the full out effort of the local and state Democrats to drag him over and onto the November ballot.  This is duplicated throughout the district at each polling place complete with nearby Subaru with a ‘Bernie’ bumper sticker.

It says so much.

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In A Couple Of Pictures

Analyzing $500 Plus contributions to El-Sayed Gubernatorial bid reveals significant outside interest.

The total amount contributed to Abdul El-Sayed through contributions of $500 or more as reported to the SoS is nearly  $1,500,000.00

This is not the total amount he has raised, but simply the aggregate amount by contributors who really really really want him to be the first Islamic Governor in the United States.  It INCLUDES his own minor personal and in/kind mileage contributions, which in the tables shown are reflected in the Michigan portion.

Let this sink in.  Less than 50% of this particular candidate’s receipts $500 and more are from Michigan voters.

The BIG money comes from somewhere else.



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Dark Money

Hidden donors keep the swamp critters alive.

Cronyism is alive and well.

Clearly there are people with financial stake in certain players gaining the governor’s seat.  Some interests might be as innocuous as self preservation, and some may be to game the system.  But it’s all in play and the hidden stuff can be spooky.  From Crains this morning:

Three of the leading candidates to be Michigan’s next chief executive have benefited from large sums of cash that can’t be easily followed to their original sources because of federal laws allowing not-for-profit organizations to influence elections outside of the state’s campaign finance law.

Former state Sen. Gretchen Whitmer’s campaign for the Democratic nomination for governor has been aided by $550,000 in concealed donations from two entities that don’t appear to exist in public records.

Attorney General Bill Schuette’s bid for the Republican nomination in next Tuesday’s primary also has been boosted by $1.2 million in untraceable donations flowing from two so-called “dark money” front organizations that can legally conceal the identities of their donors.

And Lt. Gov. Brian Calley got $1.3 million of free advertising through a TV commercial promoting his work with Gov. Rick Snyder turning around Michigan’s economy that was paid for by a Snyder-led group that doesn’t have to disclose its funding sources.

The last guy listed here knows who is footing the bill for his spots I imagine.

He stars in those ads.

In any event, Blue Cross Blue Shield was let off its leash in 2013 walking away with Michigan taxpayer money and made untouchable.  It’s relationship with those who would restore much of its monopoly power should be noted.  However they are not squealing:

Those donations to the pro-Whitmer group have fueled questions from her Democratic opponents as to whether those mystery entities are operating for the sole purpose of concealing corporate money from a big business like Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, which has allied with Whitmer but not made a traceable donation to her bid to be governor.

“Build a Better Michigan is nothing but a shell for dark money PACs and unlimited money from corporate CEOs who have interest in a Whitmer-led Michigan,” said Adam Joseph, spokesman for El-Sayed. “There is only one reason these corporations and secretive groups are shelling out thousands of dollars to try and get Gretchen Whitmer elected: they want to keep their privilege in a Whitmer administration.”

But whether Blue Cross Blue Shield played any role in helping bankroll the pro-Whitmer group Build a Better Michigan is a lingering question the state’s largest health insurance company won’t answer.

Of course BCBS won’t answer.

Being un-collared, (Former AG Mike Cox was their best handler to be honest)  they don’t have to.  Once upon a time they were beholden to the legislature, but now run free-range and can bundle money where it serves their board of director’s interest best.  Anyhow they have been feeding the GOP as well.

Playing the field is not a hard thing to do when flush with unequaled cash reserves.  BCBSmi DID walk away with $Billions given to them by a GOP legislature and governor.

As for the complainer Abdul?  I suspect there is plenty of dark cash ready to fund his efforts.

The swamp is alive and well friends.  Read the complete piece.


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The Devil is DEFINITELY in the details.

Multiple news outlets have reported that the Michigan Supreme Court in a 4-3 decision upheld the democratic party “independent/grassroots” Voters Not Politicians petition initiative to create a non-partisan commission to redraw every voting district in Michigan.

In writing for the majority Justices Viviano, McCormack, Bernstein & Clement said;

“Here, that approach leads us to conclude that a voter-initiated amendment under Const 1963, art 12, § 2 is permissible if it does not significantly alter or abolish the form or structure of our government, making it tantamount to creating a new constitution.”

Yeah that’s sounds great on paper, but exactly how did they intend on accomplishing this nigh impossible feat?

{Well, I’ll go into that more after the fold}

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