Moderate Democrat Dies at 97
The most obvious example of what a RINO is, may have gone on to warmer climes than Northern Michigan.
The pro-abortion, high taxes, consummate milquetoast, yet super ‘nice guy’ Bill Milliken has passed. I offer prayers for his immortal soul, and to his family that they find a path to Christ, one not usually found by pretending that God condones the unholy murder of his children in the womb.
As only God is our final arbiter, perhaps we will someday see how he responds to those who openly advocate for the destruction of His gifts. In our worldly plane however, we can still offer respect and pray for a level of forgiveness that our creator alone can grant to those who have consistently violated His trust.
However, while we are still here, it may be prudent to remind folks why BK Bill Milliken was wrong. In 2016, much to the horror of Democrats and a few moderate GOP types, some of us did
Indeed, we could be passive and obtusely respectful. Or better yet, use the occasion to remind why just because they have our colors on, some folks are simply not on our team.
You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(3)