
By Golly: the fat, beer-swilling, menopausal schoolmarm – did it?

Greasy-forehead Empress in her own mind actually placed all unelected LEO within potential harm’s way?

Whitmer, in turn, rushed to issue new or adjusted executive orders late Thursday, including one that will keep casinos, restaurants, bars and theaters closed through May 28, barring a successful legal challenge.

The extraordinary day in the state Capitol left great uncertainty over what orders would be enforced around the state on Friday.

For shame!

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Rob Steele MD: “Stay at home is wrong”

Statewide Stay at Home Order is the Wrong Treatment for Michigan

The following arrived from the RNC Committeeman form Michigan Dr Rob Steele, a cardiologist, (and presumed expert.)

Note: Data from April 26 and 27

In my home state of Michigan, and around the country political battles and protests have proliferated regarding shelter in place and distancing orders. When it comes to medicine,” following the science” means following the data. Following is relevant data in Michigan and elsewhere.

Patients requiring hospitalization, ICU bed and ventilator availability have trended significantly in the right direction as have the number of positive tests. With increased testing in mildly or asymptomatic cases the newly diagnosed patients will be less sick and require fewer hospital resources and should not significantly inform the shelter in place order if numbers rise with increased testing.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

CD-3: 188 Days Until you are Liberated from Clown World

Want to hear a joke? Here, pull my finger.

I do so love our President.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Republican Schutzstaffel – Reporting for duty!

Senator Shirkey and Speaker Chatfield must be so proud of themselves.

I’m not sure how long this link will last before it gets ‘scrubbed” by Facebook.

See for yourselves.

You rights don’t apply here. Where do you think you’re at? America?


You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(2)


What was posted yesterday, well, it is NOT looking good for Michiganians.

Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey’s spokeswoman Amber McCann said Monday that the Republican has reached out to the governor to discuss the extension.

β€œThe Majority Leader and [House] Speaker have reached out to engage the governor in a discussion about conditions surrounding a possible extension,” McCann explained.

NO. No, no, no, no! Completely unacceptable and, totally stupid of both of them to place any ‘in good faith’ nonsensical flapdoodle associated with this Lawbreaking, power-tripping governor and her crony AG.

Besides, SML Shirkey, it was just 10 days ago you were saying?

You Betcha! (37)Nuh Uh.(1)

I Nominate Tara Reade

Never forget who Law breaking Gov. Gretchen “Half” Whitmer endorsed.

Okay, Sleepy Joe, I nominate Tara Reade, no matter how much the propaganda arm of the DNC Fakestream News media tries to bury the story and, yannow, ‘Weinstein Level Stuff’.

By now everyone here should know why.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Quick Message to SML Shirkey and Speaker Chatfield

We Michiganians have had enough of Whitmer’s political stunt and, we triple-dog dare you to approve any further extension of Stay-at-home stupidity from our lawbreaking governor.

SML Shirkey, Speaker Chatfield, you are not beyond the idea of facing a recall yourselves, especially, when the governor is using this Made in China so-called *crisis* as a fundraising event.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(0)

Herd Immunity be Damned!

Another day, another mind-numbing stupid headline: Whitmer orders shopping hours for vulnerable residents, masks for employees checking out customers

β€œThis is not the time to slow our efforts; we must continue to be smart. By establishing these guidelines, we can protect Michigan families and our frontline workers. When we come together, we can slow the spread of this virus and save lives.”

More bullshit here

You know who else used “it’s for your safety” as cover for abuses by the state? Germany from 1933 to 1945.

Oh, and piss off, Nasty Nessel. The phony good cop, bad cop routine you and Gov. “Half” Whitmer try to play only works on those Trump Derangement Syndrome, low IQ sheeple, yannow, the typical Democrat mouthbreather voter and sit-down-to-pee Recucklicans.

For full video, CLICK HERE.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)