
Big Gretch Blows a Kiss to the FSA

Color me not surprised

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has extended a statewide suspension on evictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, her office announced Thursday night.

Under the executive order, which had been set to expire Friday and now is in force through June 11, tenants and mobile home owners can remain in their residences even if they are unable to pay their rent.

It relieves courts from some statutory restrictions so they can stay eviction-related proceedings until after the coronavirus outbreak has passed, the governor’s office said in a statement.

So, what’s the next goalpost waiting for Big Gretch to move?

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Executive Order … number … 84?!?!

65 days.

65 days from when sweaty greasy-forehead Big Gretch was busy campaigning for pervy creepy Sleepy Joe Biden, when first EO was issued to today, 65 days later- EO 2020-84

One can only hope for Nuremberg-style trials to happen with this farce of an administration.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Wait, what was that again?

Prior to today’s Judgement Day Rally put on by Michigan United for Liberty, Gov. Witless, AG Karen and the media dutifully marched in lockstep belittling us and misrepresenting the true purpose behind the protest.

“This is old news, KG, tell me something I don’t know,” you may be asking yourself.

All true, except for the fact that AG Karen just got caught overplaying her hand.

I give you Exhibit “A”:

“The AG’s Office is ‘unclear’ as to whether this will be enforceable in a court of law???”

What might have been her first clue?

BOTH Chambers will not be holding session today, so aside from a few radical black nationals showing (maybe) up to stir up some trouble (and the rain), I don’t see there being any problems later today.

Stay free, everyone!



You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

It’s as if Big Gretch and Nasty Nessel are Setting the Stage for Another April 19, 1775

Well, as expected, Big Gretch has LARAed Mr Manke into submission.

Karl Manke’s license and the license of his shop, Karl Manke Main St. Barber & Beauty Shop, have been “summarily suspended,” said David Harns, communications director for the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. The documents confirming the suspension were sent to the barber and his attorney.

Harns said he was unable to provide further comment on the pending case.

Separately, Manke faces “$1,000 and 1 year in jail per haircut” under a Department of Health and Human Services order, said Manke’s lawyer David Kallman.

Meanwhile, convicted prisoners are being released into public. This is a sick game the Democrats are playing.

How sick?

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(0)

Virtue Sniveling is NOT a Good Look (Caution: NSFCucks)

This kind of stuff must be a gray hair, plutocrat “normie” thing?

OK, Boomer. 🙄

You know, one would be led to believe that our still getting their paychecks Republican Nancy-boys would have figured out all this “cruel as it is illogical” crap by now with the absolute corn-holing Big Gretch gave them on the budget, right?


You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigan Capitol Gun Ban—A solution devoid of a problem”.

It is clear that some in government and in the media detest guns and use every emotional opportunity to drive a wedge between law-abiding citizens and their firearms. They have seized upon imagery in the Capitol to push yet again for Draconian and unconstitutional gun control.

Michigan is an open carry state, and one of 18 states which allows people to lawfully carry in the people’s house, their Capitol.

Protesting at the Michigan Capitol has been a traditional exercise in principle for several decades, inside and out—generally without incident and not one incident with a firearm. Aside from triggering emotionally-unstable leftists, zero damage has occurred.

The most recent incident was in 2012 during the right-to-work protest. Many thousand union members stormed the Capitol, and some were arrested after breaking onto the Senate floor. Violence took over a peaceful protest on the lawn of the capital, as a tent which was erected for pro-RTW demonstrators was torn down by violent protesters. Michigan State police had to wear riot gear. Capitol sergeants were on high alert. A friendly sergeant even asked me “if we could get some of the militia boys to come down as back-up.”

It turned out to be one of the most violent demonstrations in recent Michigan history, and yet not one single gun was pulled and not one shot was ever fired.

Fast forward to April 2020, after weeks of government taking extremely controversial steps in handling the coronavirus pandemic by stealing the liberty and livelihood of the citizens. People are restless, bored, struggling, succumbing to depression and alcoholism, and pissed off.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)

Remembering Morris Hood III

Video description: In Michigan’s primary election yesterday (Aug 2, 2016), a Project Veritas undercover journalist could have voted for Michigan state senator Morris Hood. Hood is a Democrat from District 3. Polling Location: Charles Drew Academy. This is the fourth video in a series of ballots Project Veritas could have cast under Michigan’s voter ID laws.

Move along, no underlying kidney transplant condition… it was the Chinese Communist Party Virus.

If you disagree- Dat’s raycis!

Now, I return you to regularly scheduled virtue signaling, and corrupt Democrat Big Gretch.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(2)

May 14 Fundraiser for Big Gretch

Am so impressed with the spirit of our hard working, freedom loving, Constitution protecting, patriotic Machiganians out there. I mean, it’s what, like the third time peaceful, law abiding, citizens have gathered to exercise their God-given Right to protest the governor’s abuse of power at our State Capitol? That is just awesome, however, with all the great people displaying healthy civil disobedience against our lawless Executive Branch and rogue Attorney General, it makes me wonder why nobody has thought about this?

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(0)