
Good Luck George, You’re Gonna Need It

Late last month, Johann Deffert’s attorney, Steve Dulan, filed an amended complaint with the United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan. As you will recall, Mr. Deffert filed suit against the City of Grand Rapids, as well as the thugs officers that detained him, following a patently illegal detainment this time last year.

The amended complaint removes Stephen Labreque and then police chief Kevin Belk as defendants. However, the amended complaint brings up an issue that’s pretty damning for Grand Rapids – the fact that Mayor George Heartwell and the rest of the City Commission took no action to repeal the firearms ordinance despite the fact they were notified on the 8th of January – months before Mr. Deffert was detained. From the complaint:

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Wednesdays Divertere: How Law Should Work

There are the exceptions out there, and Officer Dale, from Austin PD, is to be commended.

“It’s one of those things to me, it’s. If you’ve got TV or, radio, probably not radio, maybe. TV and the internet. You already know this has been going around. So, it should make you update yourself going, ‘well, what is the Law?'”

The fact is that Officer Dale knows his odds increase with him making it home safe after his shift is over when there are Law abiding citizens exercising their Right to keep and bear arms.

Grand Rapids, and specifically Mayor George Heartwell, GFY.

H/t Eagle Rising

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She Is Right

There comes a point where there is sufficient evidence that we can make adequate judgment on the pretenders of conventional wisdom.

Liars and propagandists for structural destruction of our values, traditions and mores will chip away with a 1000 lies or mis-representative arguments, that say the same thing but attempt to gain entry into the psyche in 1000 different ways.  This hen peck method is successful over time until or unless the rogue chicken is beheaded.

Jen Kuznicki says Ken Braun is Over-the-Top Awful.

Every time Ken wrote about Dave Agema, he lied.  Ken has called Dave and Dave’s supporters, “vile,” “Agemites,” a not-so-subtle reference to sodomites.  He has called Dave “malicious” and “un-American in the most toxic of ways,” equated Dave with the Birchers, the list is endless. But the most disgusting lie is the one he mentions in every damn article. That a facebook link contained Dave’s actual thoughts.

Every time Braun mentions it, the nose grows another inch, but he doesn’t care, he’s on a mission to destroy, and in doing so, he targets us all.

And she doesn’t stop there.


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No Slap On The Wrist

Michigan Capitol Confidential Said:

“.. if the Secretary of State stays true to its history of enforcement, it’s likely the district will receive a slap on the wrist.”

In 2011, Michigan Capitol Confidential looked at the Secretary of State’s enforcement of school districts it found to have violated the campaign finance law from 2006 to 2010. The state fined two districts that broke the law $100 each. In the case of TCAPS for their part 57 violation, it appears there is a new sheriff in town.

TCAPS was assessed a $26,656 fine to be paid back to the district.

“By whom?” is the question being asked so far by our local paper.

TCAPS officials must decide by May 30 whether to accept the ruling and prove reimbursement, which cannot come from TCAPS general fund or other taxpayer-supported funds. If TCAPS officials refuse to pay, the case could be referred to the state attorney general’s office for criminal prosecution.

The state did not specifically state who is responsible for repaying the $25,656.

I can tell you that however.

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Shirkey: New Report Shows Electricity Competition Works

Illinois Study Clarifies Free Markets Provide Better Value

energyMike Shirkey says a new report shows electric monopolies cost families and job providers billions, and cripples local economies.

We knew that.

Apparently an Illinois study offers overwhelming Support for reforms Similar to Michigan House Bill 5184. State Rep. Mike Shirkey (R-Clarklake) highlighted the report today showing a dramatic $37 billion in consumer savings in nearby Illinois since that state replaced its monopoly-style electric system with competition and customer choice.  The report cites an $18 billion in savings for residential customers and $19 billion for companies and job providers.  Chicken feed. Yes?

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Schuette’s Assistant Attorney General – The New Norm

harry-martinWe like Bill Schuette.

At least I do. He knows it, and there are a lot of good reasons why.  Of course we have disagreements on a couple of issues, and will call them out as we see them, but he has done a reasonable job of representing the state and its constitution (reasonable – not great) during his term.

But he needs to get out front on this thing. 

In fact he could have done so a while back. The feral DNR issue has been a debacle from the get go, and THEN AG Schuette’s office sends out the guy in the video below.  He first verbally challenges the Mark Baker directly (bypassing the attorney) in way that certainly appears threatening, pulls the I don’t really give a $Hi# attitude with the rest of the crowd, and then decides the pledge of allegiance is not for him.

A real class act.

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And The Carnage Continues

Are we at all surprised?

Yesterday Local TV 7&4 had a story on the lay off of 43 employees, and the director had only alluded to the reaosns why.  Today the report is much clearer and more direct.  Add to the layoffs a little North of where I am at is the Munson health system which will be facing significant reductions in revenues to the tune of $15 Million averaged EACH YEAR over the next ten years.


Visit the Upnorthlive.com site for continuing updates on this.

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Codifying the Legality of Open Carry in Michigan

Michigan Open Carry has been involved in getting HB 5091 and 5092 pushed through.

Basically, these two pieces of legislation further define what constitutes brandishing, a definition that more clearly shows that open carry is not brandishing.

We also pushed forward some substitutions to make things even better:
http://rrfaae.com/dump/MOC/H03891’13%20(H-1).pdf (for 5091)
http://rrfaae.com/dump/MOC/H03299’13%20Star%20(H-1).pdf (for 5092)

These substitutions sailed through committee. Vote to report will most likely be next week.

Appreciation goes to Rep. Joel Johnson and Rep. Brandon Dillon for moving these through.

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China Benefits from Michigan Taxpayers with our Lansing Legislator’s Help

Snyder-China_GuvOfficeTaxpayers Lose Again, Fisker Automotive Sold to China’s Wanxiang
Wanxiang bought Fisker’s battery supplier, A123 Systems LLC, last year through a similar bankruptcy sale. A123 and Fisker were both recipients of a controversial U.S. Department of Energy loan program meant to support clean energy technology. Michigan taxpayers also suffered dearly when the quasi UN-elected MEDC give away tax dollars to A123 Systems in taxpayer funded subsidies.

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Baker Farm Still Standing

Michigan farm family has had to endure an out of control bureaucratic nightmare

pighuntMark Baker being interviewed a couple of days ago by the Alex Jones folks.

There is a great point made towards the end of the Mark Baker interview here. The Baker family has had to endure an incredible pressure brought on by an out of control Lansing bureaucracy. While other farmers have folded, allowing the state to destroy their property, the Bakers have remained firmly resolved that they are protected by the US Constitution.

They are correct. (Interview/segment starts at about 14:40)

We applaud and pray for the Bakers as they courageously face an ever increasing Statist government.

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