Can you believe that? Team D is down to pushing “one term” of the Great White Dope with hair plugs because their relic vajayjay with cankles has Kalamazoo born, Moonslime Brotherhood troubles.
Folks, ignorance is their strength.
Can you believe that? Team D is down to pushing “one term” of the Great White Dope with hair plugs because their relic vajayjay with cankles has Kalamazoo born, Moonslime Brotherhood troubles.
Folks, ignorance is their strength.
H/t Sundance
As I pointed out the other day, the flow of federal funds used for welfare is, and has been huge in our state.
I also hinted at the ka-ching of ‘excess moneys that local communities get to use. It keeps them on board and in line. For example, in this case:
In July 2010 Michigan received $498.6 million in federal Hardest Hit Funds (HHF) in response to the housing crisis that led to an unprecedented decline in home prices and high unemployment. MSHDA created the Michigan Homeowner Assistance Housing Corporation (MHA) to oversee distribution of the funds through a program called Step Forward Michigan.
“The Step Forward program has helped unemployed and under-employed people remain in their homes and in our state as they searched for new jobs as our state recovered,” Gov. Rick Snyder said. “That’s important for families who were struggling as our state started its recovery.”
While the title reads:
“Michigan’s hardest hit families have received $241M worth of assistance since 2010″
Efficient distribution, yes?
Just sayin.
Read between the lines or around the 'strikeouts.'
Don’t get me wrong. I personally like some of the players in the bureaucratic mess we know as state government.
Elsenheimer in this story for example, is a relatively right of center guy. Yet he has to feed the family, and the overly high taxes on his estate in GT County have to be paid. It would be an extraordinary act of courage to sit as executive director of a redistribution agency and wind it out of existence. Even declining such an appointment might actually lead to worse people occupying the position and if market forces work, perhaps even be paid more.
How we can eliminate this type of government interference and theft, and return the high wage lackeys of ‘social justice’ back to honest wealth creation is the hard part. In the meanwhile, ‘givers’ gotta give, and making the inexcusable seem oh-so-reasonable is just part of the job.
As an example of how words matter, one might look only as far as the most recent press releases propaganda from MSHDA.
It rolls just like clockwork…
Hillary Clinton confirmed during a rare Q&A session with the press on Monday that she found Donald Trump’s “blood” comments about Fox News’ Megyn Kelly “outrageous.” However, she added that some comments about women’s health from Trump’s rivals at the GOP debate were equally “outrageous.”
“I said it was outrageous, I stand by that,” Clinton said of Trump’s words. “I think more people should say the same.”
More ad nauseam here
Not much more can be stated than has been stated numerous times before.
State of Michigan Cautions human carnivores ..
The state has made an exceptionally important announcement for those who would consider buying from an unknown person who shows up at your door selling ..meat.
“Although door-to-door meat sales can offer the ease of being able to shop at home, these types of transactions can also provide an opportunity for some bad actors to take advantage of their customers,” said MDARD Director Jamie Clover Adams. “Consumers should always do their homework before making a purchase, to safeguard their health and their pocketbooks.”
Never buy meat from an unrefrigerated vehicle or from the trunk of a car.
This taxpayer funded intellectual exercise brought to you by a full time bureaucracy, funded by a full time legislature that is too busy planning gas tax hikes.
And if the meat doesn’t taste so fresh?
Door-to-door meat sales are also regulated by the Michigan Home Solicitation Sales Act, Public Act 227 of 1971, which outlines your rights as a buyer and your right to cancel the sale and return the product within three business days. Details of this law can be found at
“Excuse me, I would like to return this raccoon meat you sold me a couple days ago”
Murdoch’s network has really gone in the toilet. It is what it is. But, there is an upside to what Phaux news pulled at their debate as it also put the final nail in the coffin to RedState and Erick Erickson.
Do note that the candidates who participated at the RedState debate have lost my vote as well. They’re complicit.
Trump and the 16 dwarfs
Reposted from For permanence. ( I am again deviating from the ‘Michigan’ centric mission of this site for obvious reasons – JG)
The talking heads and putative conservative pundits have it very wrong.
A palpable fear of Donald Trump becoming the Republican nominee consumes the media from left to right. Fox host and debate moderator Megyn Kelly’s first question to Donald Trump “You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals. On your Twitter account, your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about women’s looks,…” might well have been asked by Candy Crowley, or nearly any other left wing operative determined to ruin a GOP debate.
Kelly wasted Trump’s – and our – time by advancing the theme that ‘Trump is too brash, and says things that are hurtful or boorish’. By focusing on his periodic extravagant statements, perhaps she felt the viewers would be persuaded to abandon Trump and his candidacy. ‘The Donald’ can indeed be brash and say things that are both hurtful and boorish, but with 10 candidates to evaluate and a two hour time limit, it just wasn’t a productive line of questioning.
Kelly and many other talking heads who profess conservatism seem to think that ‘brash and boorish’ is a fatal flaw in Trump’s candidacy. Civil discourse, in their opinion, is the only acceptable path to the Presidency of the United States. Trash talk, such as calling people “stupid,” “moron” or even “disgusting animals” does not elevate the campaign discourse to the level they seek.
Perhaps our self appointed media censors should reassess ‘The Donald’ in light of our current predicament.
Did Watergate teach you nothing? (Yet another case of not learning from history.)
I got wind of this via a phone call at around 07:41 this morning, while I was still getting my head screwed on straight (on my first actual day off in about three weeks), and quite frankly, I have no idea how to categorize this one. “Wrong-headed thinking” seems like a solid characterization, and I’m well-aware of the double entendre involved.