
Mecosta County Austin Blair Day Dinner

2016austinblairflyerMilwaukee Sheriff David Clarke will be Keynoting the Mecosta County Austin Blair Day Dinner.

Hosted by the Mecosta County Republican Party, the common sense constitutional sheriff will speak to dinner guests September 29, 2016 at the Holiday Inn in Big Rapids. Reservations and more information here.

6:30PM  Dinner (Doors open 6:00PM)
VIP Reception (100 club) 5:30PM
Holiday Inn
1005 Perry Avenue
Big rapids, MI 49307

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Define “Blown Away”

Will Michigan continue to provide unchecked investments for unworthy results?

pure-somethingI would say that yes, we were indeed “Blown away” by the abuses of our state government allowing such abuse by the taxpayer.

Pure Michigan has become the key phrase for all thing corruptible and cronyist. According to Cap Con, much of the taxpayer largess spent on economic development has yielded zero benefit. They point out:

“.. In addition, some investment groups received millions through the fund but created zero jobs and no proceeds ..”

“Investment”  ..It has a catchy ring to it, yes?

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So What About The Big M?

The 'progressive' left will leave no institutions standing when it is through.

msu-towerHas the left destroyed all of our traditions yet?

Perhaps not, though progressives cannot abide by any roadblocks to the ultimate agenda of ‘change’ toward their vision of a Utopian prison for all.  David French in The Left Is Weaponizing Sports, reminds us that it ain’t over till every institution has been destroyed, and the bonds that hold us together have been severed:

While the NCAA — as perhaps the peak representative of progressive hypocrisy and cheap virtue signaling — is an easy target, its action raises a much more significant concern. Simply put, there are not many cultural spaces remaining where Americans can meet on more or less neutral ground — where Americans of all faiths and political beliefs can meet, unite, and share a positive communal experience.

Our political polarization is but one symptom of our increasing Balkanization. When I speak, I sometimes challenge audiences to name one significant cultural force or trend that is binding Americans together, rather than pulling them apart.

The NCAA is being used as a weapon.

Which begs a great big question:Aren’t we supposed to store weapons in a safe place?”

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Because It’s More

There are some things that simply cannot be trademarked.

m22Bill Schuette was right on this one.

His opinion in 2012, and recently compounded with a lawsuit to deny the Myers brothers their trademark is clear.  The M22 signs you see on apparel, coffee mugs, stickers on cars and used to profit a  Northern Michigan business cannot be claimed for their exclusive use:

“..  In documents filed with the U.S. District Court in Grand Rapids, the state argues that highway signs can’t be registered and that trademarking signs violates the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which sets the federal standards for signs, signals and pavement markings. Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette wrote in a 2012 opinion that “no entity can lawfully claim exclusive control over use of the state’s highway route marker design, because the design is in the public domain and is otherwise not subject to protection under trademark law.”   ..”

In other words, we all bought and paid for this design.

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I Remember And I Haven’t Forgotten

Today is the quindecennial of a morning I cannot ever forget.

I originally posted this first-hand account five years ago on the original version of this site, and today seemed an appropriate time to publish a revised version of the original here.

My late father, who was old enough to fly P-51D Mustangs for the USAAF during World War 2, once told me that he could remember exactly where he was and what he was doing when he heard about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Likewise, my elder brother (the only one of my siblings who is legitimately a baby boomer) can recall exactly where he was and what he was doing when he heard about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

In the exact same vein, a certain September day a decade and a half ago is irremovably burned into my memory.

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How Did We Miss This?

Michiganian Steven Crowder is great for a laugh from time to time.

Way back when ..  Or at least in April of this year, Crowder produced this Schoolhouse Rock parody.  Demonstrating the absurdity of our convening culture with shock humor, Crowder clearly paints a picture of the current social shredding at work.

The capitol steps used in this render it a Michigan worthy piece.

Put the glass of milk down and enjoy.

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Trump In Detroit

A soft spoken Trump delivers his message in Democrat afflicted Detroit.

This is good.

I have never been a fan of pandering to demographic subsets, but this visit wasn’t pandering IMO. It was done well, and in the way that many conservative blacks in Detroit have been requesting for years. By approaching through the faith community in SW Michigan and straight talking to the people there, Donald Trump has once again defied CW and walked away a winner.

With Detroit born Ben Carson by his side, Trump went where so many GOP seemingly fear to tread. He showed that the RIGHT message can be delivered.

Well done.


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The Movement

Statewide rallies for Trump firing it up!

DSC_0481Meshawn Maddock laid it out the best.

In a Freep article, she correctly assesses the reasons to have the micro events across the state in support of Trump and Pence. She says:

“This is an action thing, you take an hour out of our life, you don’t wait all day to hear a Trump speech,” said Meshawn Maddock, one of the organizers of the flash mob. “We came out to show people who are undecided a movement. We’re trying to show all of these people that we have hope again.”

DSC_0500She is spot on.

The typical media treatment of anything Trump is anything but reality.  Right now as these stories are going on out there, the social media trolls are hard at work attempting to diminish the positive effort made on behalf of the GOP presidential team.

Typically, each social media posting has one or two trolls who are either paid, or simply have no life.  They refuse to let any positive statement go unchallenged through ridicule and insults.  Many supporters rightly avoid the verbal melee, and opt to keep their opinions silent; the goal of such subterfuge.

Reality can rear its head with proper reporting however.

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Well Hot Dayum

I suppose I could have predicted this.

And again, perhaps I should have.  While not exactly putting me in the Nostradamus category, it might have been fun to be that guy who says “I told you so.”   Capitol Confidential has (as expected) caught on to the ‘changing of the guard’ in Emmet County:

While primary elections for local offices rarely garner much attention, the results of the August election were dramatic for one county in northern lower Michigan. Of seven members of the current county commission, only one will be on the fall ballot.

Charlie MacInnis.  And good for him.

We mentioned this a year ago.  At that time also speaking of predictability.

I Could have predicted this.

Perhaps I would have; if I lived in Emmet County.  However, there should still be nothing surprising about an apparent divergence of priority between the voters and the elected numbskulls who ‘serve’ them.  The same type of thinking that drives the nonsense in DC can be just as bad locally, and have a more immediate financial effect.

Reading the bills, or allowing a real debate to happen before committing millions of dollars extracted forcefully from taxpayers should be paramount.  The latter option was never allowed to happen however.  A year ago, Emmet County commissioners jacked the electorate without the chance to object, leaving them to foot the bill for a $15 Million boondoggle.

As quick as a shooting star, Emmet County commissioners (pictured above) approved a sale of $15 million in bonds with nearly half of the proceeds being used to build an observatory and a new event building at the Headlands International Dark Sky Park in Mackinaw City.

Without the chance to object.

Taxpayers didn’t even know there would be a vote on such an expensive proposal. One watchdog called it out.

Apparently the voters are wising up?

One could hope.

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