It’s been a jubilant year in the wake of Trump’s ascension to the Presidency, but the excitement hasn’t lasted. I regret to report to you that the Trump wave is already being aggressively squandered by the same, old, establishment Republican forces. Activists in the 11th District Republican Party made national news for their efforts to get Trump elected. Instead of embarking upon a new era of unity, the establishment actors decided to kick their deceptions up several notches at last week’s county convention.
The Oakland County GOP convention actually got off to a good start. After a series of grueling conventions, there was a sense that all involved wanted party unity and a smoothly-conducted affair. It ran fine up until the point when delegates were slotted into their district sub-caucuses. From there, establishment forces showed that they were not acting in good faith but instead were leading principled delegates into an unsuspecting ambush. The Trump ‘kum-ba-ya’ moment was not meant to be. The establishment cares more about pride, ego, and control than keeping the peace and crushing Democrats, and their agenda couldn’t be more obvious.
First, Matt Maddock was elected chair by an overwhelming margin. This is what usually happens, but due to Chairwoman Theresa Mungioli’s unilateral slaughter of over 500 precinct delegate posts throughout Oakland County, the result was not as certain as it was in convention’s past. Unfortunately for the establishment, their dirty tricks backfired, and Matt easily claimed the chair. Instead of taking their loss with dignity and self-respect, they rushed headlong into a new series of dirty tricks. This latest disgrace has perhaps obliterated any lasting opportunity for party unity once and for all.
After Maddock was elected to his position, there was a fierce debate over the rules. Discussion was called, and delegates began to speak. In spite of a tense atmosphere and heated animosity between the grassroots and establishment factions, none of the establishment lackey speakers were shouted down. Even as they were spewing deliberate falsehoods and other ignorant nonsense, they were granted their right to speak. On the other hand, Matt’s wife, Meshawn wasn’t treated with the same respect. She was Co-Chair for Trump in Oakland County and led Michigan Women for Trump. She was one of the most influential and hard-working Republicans out there working to turn Michigan Red Again. She went around the state at her own expense on Trump’s behalf to stage events and even invented the flash mobs that went viral and spread to other states as well.
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(14)Nuh Uh.