Michigan Politics

Michigan Political considerations.

Yet Another Government Boondoggle M-1 Rail Line ‘on the Wrong Track’ for Michigan Taxpayers

Detroit M-1 Rail LineThe Republicans with the Republican controlled legislature in Lansing is passing legislation more in line with the Democrat Party!

The Grand Old Party is supposed to stand for a more conservative stand on issues. They are supposed to stand for and believe that the federal government should not play a big role in people’s lives. Most Republicans favor lower taxes and less government spending on social programs. They are supposed to stand for and believe in less government intervention in business and the economy. Not the case here in Michigan!

Our current Republican Governor and his counterparts within the Republican controlled legislature in Lansing has proven the exact opposite of the stated stand above they do not adhere to that ideology. Higher taxation, more regulation and bigger government involvement and intervention in business and the economy at the cost to taxpayers has further proven they are on the wrong track for Michigan’s taxpaying citizens and the Republican Party’s stated mission.

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My Declaration of Independence from the Republican Party

I got involved in the Michigan Republican Party in November 2008, right after Obama was elected.  Having identified with the Republican Party my entire life, I wanted to find out why we nominated John McCain and why our side seemed to not be able to tell the truth about the man who is now our president.

I must step down as chair of my beloved Presque Isle County Republican Party, but not because anyone has asked me to, nor because I do not like the Republicans in my locale.  I have to step down to be able to continue to speak the truth.

The leadership of the party, paranoid about the insurgent tea party, have changed national rules to shorten the presidential primary process, a key to moving an establishment pick forward with less time for conservative contenders to mount a decent primary challenge.  The primary challenge is what Reagan used to create a choice for those who believe the establishment pick was not at all what the country needed.  The primary challenge is what the tea party uses in races big and small, and certain moves by the state and national party have desecrated that avenue, and it needs to be addressed.

Read more..

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Peters To Be Protested (News Conference) Outside His Home

SATURDAY: Dexter Woman to Confront Congressman Gary Peters for Attempting to Silence Her ObamaCare Story

boonstraApparently Gary Peters wasn’t happy about AFP criticisms over his support and vote for the health care catastrophe known as Obamacare.

An ad that Americans For Prosperity has been running with a story of a woman severely affected by the law, was challenged in court.  AFP and the woman in the video are apparently going to the source of the lawsuit.

Americans for Prosperity-Michigan Activists to Join Julie Boonstra for News Conference Outside Rep. Gary Peters’ Home in Bloomfield Hills

LANSING, Mich.—Julie Boonstra, the Michigan mother and leukemia survivor featured in a new Americans for Prosperity Gary Peters issue ad, will seek to confront Congressman Peters at his residence in Bloomfield Hills today. Representative Peters has taken legal steps to silence Boonstra’s story and force television stations to pull the issue ad in which she is featured, off the airwaves. Click here to read the legal letter from the Peters Campaign: http://americansforprosperity.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Peters_letter.pdf

With some of Americans for Prosperity-Michigan’s most dedicated activists supporting her, Boonstra will stop by Gary Peters’ residence in Bloomfield Hills today in an effort to confront him directly about his attempts to intimidate and silence her. The media is invited to attend.

It will be interesting if he so much as goes out to get his mail.

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A Short Treatise On Extremism

EOne of the most concerning comments a Constitutional Conservative Republican can hear from a fellow Republican is that they are “extreme” in their views.

The schism within the party should seem a remarkable thing if one was to examine what ‘extremism’ truly is.  Is there a defined line in the sand, or a point in which an accumulation of thoughts and philosophy render one susceptible to branding with a scarlet “E”? And like much of the politics playing out across the US, Michigan has developed what appears to be a Left-Right paradigm within a party presented as being on the right side of the political spectrum as long as can be remembered.

That, OR the window of tolerance for views once held as standards has been closed.

Extremism is subjective.  It is a moving target. And it is a relative condition that exists ONLY from the perspective of those who would label one with such hyperbole. This is unarguable.  If someone were to examine another person’s political views and agree with them, they would not likely make the claim that they too, are ‘extreme.’  Their philosophical centering at-rest is the foundation on which their opinions are formed, decisions are made, and with politics, support and votes are rendered.

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Has Money for a Camera Crew and Time to Play With a Shovel?

Pure Propaganda

“While it’s 30 some degrees, I can’t imagine what it’s like doing this when it’s zero. Um, but it’s a lot of work, and uh, at the end of the day, I bet I sleep really, really good.”

Aw, why that just tugs away at my little ‘ol heartstrings, does it yours? C’mon, they’re getting paid Prevailing Wage to fill holes with the most complex of tools known to all of mankind to operate – a garden shovel. The lengths these bureaucrats will go just to extort more pissed away tax dollars.

If going all Hollywood production on us with our tax dollars, Kirk, at least come up with a new schtick.

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Straw Poll Eye Opener

Its already assumed by many within the Michigan Republican party that Governor Rick Snyder will essentially cruise to a win over a scandal ridden Schauer campaign.

wes-nakagiriWe have had a different take on it; essentially arguing ANYONE could beat Schauer, so why not have a robust primary on the GOP side?  Alas, as there are few who wish to spend money fighting both the candidate, AND risk being on the outs in the GOP in the future, we are relegated to the squishy liberal incumbent.

Someone HAS taken a cue from the weakness of the establishment in the supporting organization however.  When challenger Todd Courser came within a couple dozen votes to oust sitting MiGOP chair Bobby Schostak in a prior convention, it sent a message that a shakeup is in the works.  By the time the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference had happened, no challenger had yet appeared to depose Snyder, but a contender willing to stand before Republican Delegates in 2014 and challenge Sitting Lt Governor Brian Calley had made it clear he was in it to the end.

Wes Nakagiri announced his candidacy, and the Snyder Calley folks took him seriously.

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Nyet x2

This is why ANYONE who can unseat Snyder in the Republican Primary could cruise control into the governor’s mansion.

Presented in Specially patented RightMI.com ®BiParti-Vision. (click the start arrow of each; one right after the other)

We are doubly ‘pooched.’

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Are Democrats and Republicans just one Party? I report you decide!

Campaign Fundraising has very “Questionable” Union Donations to MIGOP Republicans


Rebranding the GOPSo you think you’re voting for a Republican?

Better check the candidate your casting your vote for because if you don’t you may not get what you think! This statement says it all. Amber McCann, spokeswoman for Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville, R-Monroe said:

“It’s not a shock to see large contributions from “Unions” like the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Operating Engineers Local 324, and the Regional Council of Carpenters to the Democrats.”

Oh Really?

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Obamacare’s Part-Time Side Effect – Michigan Employees’ Hours Cut

As a result of the cut, Karyn’s hours were reduced from 37-39 hours per week to an average of 25 hours per week.  She says the lost wages equate to more than her mortgage payment each month.  She is incensed that she has gone from paying extra on her mortgage each month–with money left over–to the situation of having to dip into her nest egg.  “This is just not sustainable,” Ruley said.  “I can’t save for retirement.  I’m taking side jobs to make ends meet.  They told us to wait and see how great it was going to be when it was fully implemented.  Why couldn’t they just let us keep what we had, what worked for us?”

To continue reading, visit Campaign Life.


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DNR Strategy & Land Grab Update

After Event Report - MUCC Hosted Event In Acme, Michigan February 17, 2014

DNR-trust-fundLast night’s Agenda 21 party (oops, I mean Land Trust Town Hall) showed Rep. Wayne Schmidt as the pro-government, anti private property progressive he is. Sitting on a panel hosted by MUCC, surrounded by reps from the Land Conservancy, MEDC, and League of ‘Conservation’ (NOT conservative) Voters; he pressed this audience for support of his bill (HB 5210) to remove the cap on State owned land in the Northern Lower and UP.

Apparently, 5 million acres of State owned land is NOT enough.

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