
Presidential Debate Crawl – Update.

So, I just wanted to take a few moments to do a quick down and dirty update for everyone on how tonight’s Presidential Debate Crawl put on by the Michigan Conservative Coalition, went in Novi.

I’m going to toss in a few additional notes on some things that I’ve observed as well as a few more upcoming events.


Yep, this MUST be the place.

{More details below the fold}

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Okay, time for some fun for a change.

My apologies for not having this up sooner, but this message originally got flagged and sent to another folder.

If anyone is in the Novi Area next Monday Night (September 26th), the Michigan Conservative Coalition will be holding a Presidential Debate Crawl @ the Emagine Theater where everyone can watch Trump beat the tar out of HRC (figuratively speaking, of course).

Doors open at 6:00pm at the Buffalo Wild Wings across the street.

At 9:00pm everyone is invited to head over the Emagine Theater and watch the debate in a larger than life venue.

Afterwards, everyone is invited to the Ihop for coffee & munchies.

All in all, it sounds like a fun event to meet and interact with fellow Conservatives from across Michigan.


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Well Hot Dayum

I suppose I could have predicted this.

And again, perhaps I should have.  While not exactly putting me in the Nostradamus category, it might have been fun to be that guy who says “I told you so.”   Capitol Confidential has (as expected) caught on to the ‘changing of the guard’ in Emmet County:

While primary elections for local offices rarely garner much attention, the results of the August election were dramatic for one county in northern lower Michigan. Of seven members of the current county commission, only one will be on the fall ballot.

Charlie MacInnis.  And good for him.

We mentioned this a year ago.  At that time also speaking of predictability.

I Could have predicted this.

Perhaps I would have; if I lived in Emmet County.  However, there should still be nothing surprising about an apparent divergence of priority between the voters and the elected numbskulls who ‘serve’ them.  The same type of thinking that drives the nonsense in DC can be just as bad locally, and have a more immediate financial effect.

Reading the bills, or allowing a real debate to happen before committing millions of dollars extracted forcefully from taxpayers should be paramount.  The latter option was never allowed to happen however.  A year ago, Emmet County commissioners jacked the electorate without the chance to object, leaving them to foot the bill for a $15 Million boondoggle.

As quick as a shooting star, Emmet County commissioners (pictured above) approved a sale of $15 million in bonds with nearly half of the proceeds being used to build an observatory and a new event building at the Headlands International Dark Sky Park in Mackinaw City.

Without the chance to object.

Taxpayers didn’t even know there would be a vote on such an expensive proposal. One watchdog called it out.

Apparently the voters are wising up?

One could hope.

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2016 Michigan Republican Convention Highlights

Michigan Republican Party nominees to statewide races were selected today.

DSC_0020The Michigan Republican Party Convention in Grand Rapids selected nominees for the State Board of Education, and University spots on Saturday.

The State wide races were the primary reason for the convention, but Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette and others also spoke during Friday Night caucuses as well as on Saturday about the entire ticket “from top to bottom” as being critical for all republican seat wins.  The current RINO squish Rick Snyder has yet to endorse the nominee, but has at least stopped short of endorsing the criminal Hillary Clinton as did his ideological mentor Bill Milliken.

The slate of GOP nominees selected in the full convention include:

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Trump Rally In Dimondale Friday

Michigan remains in play for the Trump campaign.

Dimondale-TrumpUPDATE – Doors now open 2 p.m. rally begins 5 p.m.

Donald Trump will be in Dimondale on Friday for a 5 p.m. rally.

Michigan is apparently still viewed as in play, and it It will be the second visit to Michigan for Trump in the last two weeks.

Doors will open for the rally at 2 p.m.

Summit Sports and Ice Complex,
9410 Davis Highway in Dimondale.

Trump scheduling and ticket info is available here.

Do not let the media portrayal of Trump’s polling numbers fool you.

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When $ 175,000 A Year Just Isn’t Enough

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time....President Abraham Lincoln

Adamo DemolitionDetroit’s Deputy Director of Construction and Project Management, James Wright, suddenly resigned today. Wright had been the Detroit Medical Center’s Corporate Vice President of Facility Engineering and Construction when Mayor Duggan hired him under a contract to be the $ 250,000 a year Deputy Director of the Detroit Land Bank Authority two and a half years ago. He was then transferred to the city’s payroll in March of this year at a $ 175,000 a year salary. Mr. Wright’s resignation does not include a severance and was effective immediately. Certain evidence of a firing at this level of government, not a resignation.  You can bet that Wright just got his Federal target letter. from U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade.

The FBI and the Special Inspector General of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP) have been investigating Detroit’s demolition program for about a year now. Enough time to start issuing indictments. SIGTARP has jurisdiction over the Hardest Hit Fund which provided the $250 million Detroit has spent on home demolitions (and lavished on contractors). Detroit Mayor Duggan has pledged complete cooperation with the investigation.  Wright Right…..

Barry Ellentuck ImageWright’s resignation comes on the heels of Attorney General Bill Schuette’s failed prosecution of whistleblower Barry Ellentuck, the ADR Consultants, LLC President who went to the FBI with solid evidence of the corruption in the Detroit home demolition program – the very day before AG Schuette indicted him. Mr. Ellentuck was set up by a lying, thieving subordinate and his prosecution had all the hallmarks of retaliation for squealing to the Feds. Home demolition contract costs suddenly rose from about $ 10,000 per house to $ 16,000 per house under Mayor Duggan, just after Mr. Wright took control of the program.

The city originally signed Wright to a two-year contract that paid $250,000 a year. He was transferred to the city’s payroll at $175,000 a year when his original two year employment contract expired in March.  Evidently, $ 175,000 a year is just not enough for Mayor Duggan’s exalted talent.  As a point of reference, Governor Snyder makes $ 159,300 per year as Governor of Michigan. Governor Snyder clearly holds the wrong office to make money in this state.

Wright awarded corrupt ‘unit price’ demolition contracts to three connected demolition companies, Adamo, Homrich and MCM Management. You might recognize them as very profitable MDoT contractors, but that was the Proposal 1 story of last year. Wright disclosed contract prices before the bids were opened to their competitors and allowed all three companies special, reduced bonding requirements unavailable to other bidders.

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Today’s Election Prayer

Oh God our father, creator of life, it is without you that we fall.

Guide our hands today as we select those who lead us to you and not away.

Show us those who have knowledge, yet are humble to your will; give them wisdom without vanity; let them be truthful and moral; make them see the path that makes us, our families, and our communities stronger.

In the name of your son, Jesus Christ,  who suffered for our transgressions we pray to you and submit to your will,



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Quid Pro Quo: How The DPS Bail Out Passed

Pavlovian Conditioning In Michigan Politics

Money Transfer ImageMichigan’s campaign finance laws were designed to expose quid pro quo donations to legislators and politicians by the individuals and groups having special interests in government actions. A particular goal of campaign finance laws was to prevent politicians from benefiting personally from their votes and actions. In the American Civics version of representative government, politicians are expected to represent their voters exclusively. Selling their votes and actions to the highest bidder creates an unresponsive, alien government in short order. Think Venezuela, Illinois, or Detroit. Where Michigan is now heading.

Political campaigns are expensive today. Consultants and media outlets are the particular beneficiaries of lavish campaign spending and have, in turn, convinced candidates that money is the sine qua non of political success. Today, you are not considered a serious candidate for the lowest rung in the Michigan political firmament – State Representative – unless you have a $ 100,000 campaign war chest.

American politicians and their special interest backers are developing a technique which directs quid pro quo donations right into politicians’ pockets.  This technique is fast becoming a staple of Michigan politics and Michigan’s nitwit media have ignored this ingannation of representative government.

Michigan politicians are now morphing into vending machines that cater to the highest bidders in Lansing and Washington.  This explains the passage of the PA 192 – 197 Detroit Public Schools bail out over the objections of many outraged Michigan voters.

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August 2nd Matters

The DPS Bail Out Can Be Spiked By Defeating Just One State House RINO

Michigan Capitol Building Image 1The six bills (PA 192 – 197 of 2016) of the Detroit Public School bail out package passed in the Michigan House of Representatives by margins of 55 – 53 to 60 – 48. The same six bills passed in the Michigan Senate by margins of 19 – 18 to 21 – 16. Close votes; over 50% + 1 but nowhere near two-thirds. And these close votes were only obtained after an entirely false narrative of doom and gloom was presented to the Legislature. This is becoming a major issue in the August 2nd primaries which Michigan’s nitwit media are conveniently ignoring.

Attorney Thomas H. Bleakley (P23892) filed a lawsuit (Helen Moore et al v. Rick Snyder, 16-000153-MM) in the Michigan Court of Claims on the 5th of July which alleges that the entire DPS bail out package’s passage was unconstitutional; the claim being it was in fact a collection of local acts according to the Michigan Constitution of 1963.  Local acts require two-thirds legislative vote margins and voter approvals to become law.  The six bills of the DPS bail out package were all passed, in both houses of the Michigan Legislature, under the more liberal 50% + 1 voting rule allowed only for general acts.

The Michigan Constitution of 1963, Article IV, Section 29 states “No local or special act shall take effect until approved two-thirds of the members elected to and serving in each house and by a majority of the electors voting thereon in the district affected….”. Article IV, Section 30 further states that “….two-thirds of the members elected to and serving in each house of the legislature shall be required for the appropriation of public money or property for local or private purposes.”.

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