
And … Cut!

The recount was over when the appeals court said Stein had no standing.

That’s a wrap, everyone can go home.

As I said yesterday, when the Michigan court of appeals demonstrated the logic we expect from our best legal minds, it was a done deal.  Tonight, the big news is that judge Goldsmith followed the constitution, and responded properly to the state court decision of recount propriety. From ABC news:

U.S. District Judge Mark Goldsmith agreed with Republicans who argued that the three-day recount must end a day after the state appeals court dealt a blow to the effort. The court said Stein, who finished fourth in Michigan on Nov. 8, didn’t have a chance of winning even after a recount and therefore isn’t an “aggrieved” candidate.

“Because there is no basis for this court to ignore the Michigan court’s ruling and make an independent judgment regarding what the Michigan Legislature intended by the term ‘aggrieved,’ plaintiffs have not shown an entitlement to a recount,” Goldsmith said.

Clearly, he recognized his role was not to determine standing in this case.

The image on the right btw, is for those who think the GOP is forcing them into a safe space.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

Appeals Court Decision Should Halt The Nonsense

Michigan Court of Appeals gives Mandamus ruling to canvassers.

It ends here.

The Michigan Court of Appeals has ordered [suggested?] the canvassers to do their job.  There was no reason to hold a recount when the outcome was not going to benefit Stein, and that she was not an aggrieved candidate with standing.

Jill Stein has no reason to continue.  The recount will end. The federal decision was not in conflict with what should have happened in the canvasser’s hearing. The federal decision was unrelated to the decision by the canvassers, and was timing related only. Thus, as reported by the Detroit Free Press:

Andrea Bitely, a spokeswoman for Schuette, said the Michigan Court of Appeals said that “there is no conflict between” its order and the federal district court’s temporary restraining order, so the recount should end immediately.

Time to go report to your masters Jill.

You failed to start a chaos driven event.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigan’s Supreme Court Should Engage NOW

Michigan's Supreme Court can intervene and save taxpayers millions and end the Democrat created chaos.

An Obama appointed federal Judge has ordered the recount to begin today at Noon.

This wouldn’t have happened by itself, and required a petition by Jill Stein to ‘expedite’ the process.   Michigan Law dictates that state officials must wait two business days after hearing objections to a recount petition before they can start counting. This allows court review of the Board of Canvassers ruling on recount requests.

The federal Judge is attempting to circumvent Michigan’s election law, which is not it’s role.

If the canvassers had ruled for the Trump objection to the recount, this couldn’t have happened. The decision is based on the presumed ability to complete the recount in the shortened time and not whether it should go forward. However, the net decision requires an expedited ruling from the Michigan Court of Appeals or the Michigan Supreme court, or taxpayers on Attorney General Bill Schuette’s motion.

Stein has no skin in the outcome, and even admits the process is not expected to change the results of the election.  Yet Stein has pursued this avenue in order to insert chaos into the electoral process.

And the Democrats including Mark Brewer, former chair of the Michigan Democrat party are happy to see it happen.

Brewer filed the for the federal judge’s action on behalf of Stein as Plaintiff.

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And If You Were Wondering

Michigan Poised to end this nonsense once and for all.

objectionCanvassers meet today to determine if they ‘accept’ the objection to the recount.

As best I can tell, (with a minor exception of two) the scheduled recount counties are those which have a traditionally higher Democrat voting, an/or did fairly well for the indicted criminal, Hillary Clinton.  If there were errors or machine missed/uncounted ballots, the percentages advantage Democrats in these counties.

If you are in the most conservative areas, Jill Stein (AKA Campaign for Hillary) does not want to recount your votes.

If the objection is accepted by the board of canvassers, its done, and Trump Wins Michigan.  If they do not accept the objection, then next Tuesday will be the beginning of the ‘fun.’

Stay tuned.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Ted Nugent Thanks America

The motor city madman offers heartfelt appreciation for the future of our nation.

You gotta love this guy.

Michigan Native Ted Nugent in the wee morning hours of the 9th as election results are finalized, lets it all out.  Particularly entertaining and frank, he is thankful for the incredible results.  He gets particularly happy when he sees that Michigan went Red (the 9:00), going for Trump.

Language and philosophical advisory:  Not for the faint of heart, young children, or puppy cuddling, safe-space, college pee-pants protesters.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)


Congratulations MR President.

305Thank you for making Michigan a big part of your success.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Breaking – Illegal Voting In Traverse City

We are becoming a nation of the lawless.

Sometimes law enforcement or appropriate legal action arrives too late.

This morning, I learned about an election law violator.  A call from a contact in Lansing gave me the heads up on a high profile lawbreaker in Traverse City.  Apparently, Michael Moore thought it would be good to let people not just know how he voted, but to broadcast the image of his ballot explicitly:

Gosh, haven’t we been warned incessantly by the media constantly about how showing pictures of our ballots is illegal?

Certainly in Michigan it is.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Honest Admiration & Final Thoughts

cwssgojxgaat-cx-jpg-largeYeah, it has hurt to see the crappy lying, out-of-context, and completely overplayed Hillary ads in the last couple of days.

There are fairly uninformed people who cannot see the bigger picture, and will allow such messaging to influence their voting sanction. Whether Hillary provides any benefit to the nation on any level is of no concern to them, it just that their feelings are hurt, and we don’t want a ‘misogynist bully’ in the white house.

Our precious cupcakes, frosted at the indoctrination centers we call higher education, cannot handle such unchecked machismo, yet ignore countless real crimes of the one who would also laugh as she gets a rapist off. Even the slightest off-color joke, comment made by a man who has aggregately enjoyed incredible success is a nuclear nightmare, yet the trusted mechanisms of justice are corrupted permanently by a family that would put the mafia to shame.

I have honestly had a revelation during this election cycle.

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