
Enough already!

This was not the piece that I had originally intended to post this evening.

I was originally going to go into last week’s election as it related to the November General and some disturbing numbers.

Now, after getting blasted with e-mails and texts this afternoon from family and friends relating to Gov. Witless and her latest power grab, this is the question that begs to be asked: When will Michiganians say “enough is enough”?

{Continued below the fold}

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One of the disturbing things that I’ve come across while taking care of a troubling computer issue this weekend (“troubled computer” in question now dealt with in a very cathartic manner), is the number of people who are not aware of the OTHER issues on the ballot on Tuesday.

In between what can literally be described as the “chicken little” mentality in the MSM regarding yet another bug going around (practice basic hygiene…problem solved), very little (if any) coverage has been given to the other issues down ballot whose supporters are hoping that you either a.) not notice, or b.) just don’t bother showing up to vote at all.

I’m going to do a quick recap on what’s at stake.

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RNC Statement on Democrats’ Dumpster Fire in Nevada

what happened in Vegas ..

I just  had to drop this here.

I opted to watch the cage match instead of the Trump rally (I know, I know) and found it to be better than SNL as of the last decade.

Bloomberg freaks out everyone by calling Sanders what he is (A COMMUNIST – with three homes) and ol Mini-Mike himself gets skewered by the fake Indian, with a call to remove NDAs from the sexual harassment suits. The big gulp billionaire gave her the key to his private stall, and she flushed his half a billion spent down the whooshie.

Joe had a lot of energy and started yelling at everyone, Buttigig looks like he has a terminal disease (as well as a wierd teen moustache thing going), Kloubuchar was unremarkable, and Tom Steyer was missing. In a weird way, Crazy Joe remarkably laid out a case for Sanders as the next NRA spokesman!

The RNC raises another point about ‘buying the debate stage’ which won’t sell well to his bolshevik following when Bernie fails to get first round nomination in their primary.

WASHINGTON — Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel released the following statement on tonight’s Democrat debate:

“Unfortunately for Democrats, what happened in Las Vegas won’t stay in Vegas. Americans witnessed tonight that today’s Democrat party is willing to gamble away our future with socialist policies. They saw that their party is willing to change debate rules to benefit a liberal billionaire, but not minority candidates who ran. The fact the Democrat field is still so wide open shows how weak it truly is.

“Americans are on a winning streak thanks to the Trump Administration’s pro-growth, America first policies. Come November, Nevadans, and voters across the country, will double-down on President Trump’s record of real results and re-elect him to a second term.”

Be ready to fight Michigan.

It’s not all fun-n-games.  While these misfit toys might not inspire the confidence of many in their party (or anyone with an IQ above room temp), we must be cognizant that IF any of them somehow prevail, the incompetence they promise will not be the sideshow witnessed in Nevada last night.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(1)

Speaker Pelosi DID disrespect America.

Talk about an easily triggered bunch.

I was asked this evening for my $0.02 regarding a video making the rounds over the past few days regarding last weeks SOTU Speech.

In it, juxtaposed between the multiple examples of the things which Pres. Trump had in fact actually cited going right here in America (despite the incessant litany of “experts” who claimed that it couldn’t be done), was Speaker Pelosi acting like a petulant child by throwing a temper tantrum and tearing up the official House copy of the President’s Speech.

Yes. Rep. Gaetz has filed ethics charges against her for that outburst. Sorry, but let’s be 100% honest here; they were never going to go anywhere anyway. Everyone should realize that the House will NEVER act against her while the democrats hold the majority.  Especially considering just how devastated they were that evening (Michigan’s own Indrid Cold grinning idiot needed to console her fellow peewee squad member…how pathetic is that).

Be that as it may, someone from an outfit called Freedom Fights released a clip which made people look at her actions from a different perspective.

Hoo boy, are the democrats p.o.’ed!

After Pres. Trump pinned this on his Twitter feed, the democrats went apoplectic and demanded that it be taken down.

To their credit, Twitter & Facebook have gone on record telling the democrats that wasn’t going to happen. 

The democrats like to call this video “doctored”.

I’ll let you be the judge.


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If you want a good reason for four more years.

There is a world of difference between someone who thinks that she can lead and someone who has demonstrated it by his accomplishments.

{2020 SOTU Speech breakdown and mediocre democratic response (I’m feeling generous tonight) below.}

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

Still going round and round (and not getting anywhere in the process).

2020 SOTS.

This was more predictable than watching the 2020 DNC Presidential Debates. Just without the part where everyone tries to one-up each other by seeing who can give away the most stuff that doesn’t belong to them.

{Your first Right Michigan breakdown of tonight’s speech below}

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(1)

Taxupalozza 2020

Coming when you least expect it!

So, what do you get when you add a ton of special interest groups who feel that they are even more entitled to your money than you are (and their hopes that you’re not paying any attention to them whatsoever)?

You get the makings for a very interesting (series?) of elections in 2020…that’s what!

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You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(3)

ICYMI Tlaib Ethics Issues

Did Rashida Tlaib convert campaign funds for personal use?

Did you know you can be paid to be a candidate?

Rashida (MOFO) Tlaib, former Michigan Sate Representative from the 13th district and now congress critter sensua de-luxe was on the payroll of her own campaign.  As if she was a staffer, the guttural grandstander received wages to be a candidate.

And it was completely legit.   To a point.  As explained in a fairly recent ethics probe candidates need to eat too:

The Federal Election Commission (“FEC”) explained that “payment of a salary to a candidate is not a prohibited personal use as defined under Commission regulations since, but for the candidacy, the candidate would be paid a salary in exchange for services rendered to an employer.” See Using Contributions to Pay Salaries to Candidates, 67 Fed. Reg. 76961, 76971-73 (Dec. 13, 2002). In reaching this conclusion, the FEC explained: “[B]ecause many candidates must forego salary in order to conduct the business of the campaign, a candidate who is dependent on an income is put at a severe disadvantage compared to an incumbent who is free to campaign at all times without any reduction in compensation or to an affluent challenger, who can afford to campaign without receiving any compensation.” Id. at 76971. Put differently, “candidates without significant resources might not be able to forgo salary payments in order to run for Federal office.”

Thus a social worker who couldn’t work her regular job was introduced to an overflowing campaign kitty.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Just Arrived

Vintage 2016

Gift bottles for all my favorite #DTS sufferers.

I’ve heard there was a version for Hillary supporters, but I would have to think they only wanted sour grapes.  No thanks!

2016 was sweet, and red.   Hoping the 2020 Vintage is just the same!

Have a great weekend!

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Off To The Races

Super PAC fires first shots on GND.

AOC and her ‘crew’ has friends in the Senate, right?

Restoration PAC today announced a new statewide TV ad buy in Michigan asking incumbent liberal Senator Gary Peters to clarify his position on the Green New Deal.

Peters told the Detroit News he supports “many aspects” of the radical plan, but has been cagey about specifics.

“Considering the Green New Deal is the most radical, far-reaching planned destruction of the American economy in our lifetime, the least Gary Peters can do is spell out what he likes and what he dislikes about the plan,” said Restoration PAC founder Doug Truax.

The :30 ad airs across Michigan starting today and costs $879,294.

Restoration PAC was formed in 2015 and since has become one of the most effective conservative SuperPACs in America. It has focused primarily on U.S. Senate races but has also launched TV and digital advertising in the 2016 presidential race and several House races.

It’s ad will be one of the first salvos aiding the removal of Peters and hopefully adding another R to the Senate roster in 2020.

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