
UAW Snitch Patrol

Michigan's UAW leadership once again works against the membership's best interest.

In 2010, it was the UAW which attempted to rewrite our state constitution in a single petition drive with the Reform Michigan Government Now bruhaha.

They have continued to work against legitimate efforts to bring automaker jobs back to Michigan since that time. all efforts of course in an attempt to secure more power for Democrat malfeasance.   Even Donald Trump has done more to secure UAW workers jobs in our state than all Democrat Michiganian leadership combined.

But here they go again.

On Friday, the UAW decided they would support at any cost, the power grab by Dem governor Wretched Grifter.  A blast was sent out claiming that ‘Unlock Michigan’ efforts are making false claims and attempting to take away the Governor’s power to “Do everything she can to keep Michigan working families safe.”

It doesn’t stop there however.  The UAW wants folks who received this blast (presumably it’s membership) to “report or record any petition gathering activities ..”  [Insert record scratch here]

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(0)

Why democrats are suddenly pushing so HARD for mandatory mask “laws”.

Hint: It has NOTHING to do with YOUR health.

While speaking at a rally in Denver to “Back the Blue”…well, I’ll just let the video in the links speak for itself.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Who Dat?

Tell Me Again Who Actually Supports Nazis?

From the Detroit Free Press‘ 138 photo collage of rioters in Detroit’s Greektown neighborhood yesterday, 30 May 2020.  Photo 113 of 138.

Some in Michigan have memories that extend beyond 45 days.  Will our deceitful Governor have anything to say about protesters who genuinely embrace Hitler?  Or her lying tool Susan J. Demas?

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

And WE are considered the dangerous ones?

All I’ve got to say is, “WOW! What a difference 48-hours makes.”

Rather than waste my time focusing on a bunch of community agitators this weekend, I spent most of it focusing on the NASA feeds watching the SpaceX Launch yesterday.

Little did I realize how quickly an arrest over someone using fake ID (and apparently his unwillingness to follow basic commands) quickly spiraled into a series of riots which not only burned a large chunks of Minneapolis to the ground, but spread to a number of other cities across America, including several here in Michigan, resulting in at least one death (so far) and an as-yet to be determined dollar amount of property damage.

Which begs a rather obvious question regarding perceptions and politics?

{And exactly what they might be you may ask yourself? You know the drill.}

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

The little people are revolting.

This came in my e-mail tonight. I thought that it would bring a smile to everyone’s faces.

According to, Mr. Governor wanted to take full advantage of Memorial Day, and take his powerboat out on Birch Lake.

Does he even sleep in the same house with Gov. Witless?

I guess not, because despite the constant reminders of her “orders” on what passes for “objective” local TV stations literally just this afternoon about not going anywhere, Mr. Governor called ahead to see if he could have his boat in the water and everything ready at the cabin by tomorrow.

Yep, that looks like their ride.

Since everything isn’t anywhere near back to running at 100%, the company he called, politely told him that would not be feasible in his time-frame. Not giving up, he wanted to impress them by whom he is married to.

Here is what he said;

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

I mean, it’s only money, right?

Yesterday the City of Detroit announced that it is closing the Huwan virus “overflow” facility at the recently converted Cobo Hall (aka TCF Center).

The facility which cared for no more than 20 patents at a time (it was designed for about 1,000), will now be held in “reserve”.

What you didn’t see in the media is the cost Detroit paid to have this conversion done.

I mean, it’s not like Detroit has money to burn.

Or, that they haven’t taken everything into account all of the variables when they made their choices (like a certain despotic governor we all know and love).

But hey, it’s only money.

Who cares where it comes from?

wink wink!

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

The ball is now rolling.

Multiple media outlets and the Michigan Republican Party have reported that a lawsuit has been filed in the Michigan Court challenging Gov. Witless’ authority to crank out an endless litany of Executive Orders relating to the Wuhan virus.

They have asked for an expedited ruling in this matter.

Two quick points:

First, it was filed in the Michigan Court of Claims. Their track record in this area, Judge Murray’s legal rationale especially, is questionable at best and laughable at worst. Martinko, et al vs. Whitmer is a perfect example of my skepticism.

I DO NOT see them ruling favorably in this case. It will most likely be going to the Michigan Supreme Court.

Second, this is only going to address PA 302 of 1945, it does not address anything else.

We already have an AG shooting off “opinions” on the legality of a rogue governor’s actions. While it is doubtful that they will be upheld, AG Nessel’s actions do throw a monkey wrench into the works of bringing Michigan back.

FYI, I’m speaking to a few people regarding a second front to dealing with PA 302…more to follow.

Another “lost decade” is not out of the realm of possibility if the governor’s actions are not remedied in time.

Stay tuned.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Well, that certainly didn’t take very long!

After getting hit with a ton of texts in the last hour, and a few nasty e-mails to boot, I’m going to need to walk back something I wrote earlier about yesterday.

At first, I didn’t even trust my friends on this because even I thought that that was too “over-the-top” to be true.

Well, I was wrong.

I’ll explain below.

{Click on that red button for more details}

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(1)

Oh, benevolent governess, will you please allow me to work?

So, by now, everyone should’ve had an opportunity to watch what passes for objective news coverage from yesterday’s rally in Lansing.
Allow me to go over what did happen, what didn’t happen, and what others would like for you to believe happened.

I even have some interesting images from the Michigan Senate Floor that didn’t quite make the “official record”.

{More below the fold}

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Republican Schutzstaffel – Reporting for duty!

Senator Shirkey and Speaker Chatfield must be so proud of themselves.

I’m not sure how long this link will last before it gets ‘scrubbed” by Facebook.

See for yourselves.

You rights don’t apply here. Where do you think you’re at? America?


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