
Kwame’s Sinkhole

The former Mayor of Detroit's "impact" lives on.

Kwame Kilpatrick is the gift that keeps on giving.

Long time readers might remember that our outgoing president once lauded praise upon the once venerated Detroit Mayor.  Barack Obama who in the video here was speaking about the “great mayor” responsible for Detroit’s “renaissance” etc.

The as-yet-to-be-elected Senator Obama speaking at the Detroit economic club could little imagine how Detroit’s political crime syndicate was about to crash with Kilpatrick at the wheel. And the As-yet-to-be-dismissed president Obama might be less inclined to offer the intransigent former mayor felon a pass on future political relevance.

Kilpatrick’s current crib will likely remain occupied by the big K.  His legacy is a thing of legend. From the Ivory Tower:

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Human Error?

Plausible deniability of the year tale comes with "machines bumping up against each other"

I probably could have commented on this several times since the recount nonsense.

The unintended consequences of the Jill Stein recount, was to officially put the Michigan Secretary of State on notice that there are irregularities with the voting in the motor city. Of course the unspoken truth has always been known, but proof of such shenanigans was elusive and considered inconsequential for most elections.

Given the revelation of fraud, and the incredible magnitude which it has appeared, it would seem only proper to fully investigate all of those who are entrusted with our voting responsibility in these precincts.  Criminal sanctions are likely warranted in some cases revealed by Stein’s efforts, yet the players caught with their hands in the cookie jar are not going to admit culpability too easily.  From the New American

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That is quite a disguise you are wearing there, Mr. Finley

“Wolf” in sheep’s clothing.


In case anyone needed a clue as to why The Detroit News wasn’t acting like the Conservative Newspaper that it once was?

Digital First Media certainly pays its employees well to act like something they are not.

Hmmm, I wonder if Stephen Henderson is really a conservative???

H/T to Brandon Hall @ West Michigan Politics

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Michigan’s Supreme Court Should Engage NOW

Michigan's Supreme Court can intervene and save taxpayers millions and end the Democrat created chaos.

An Obama appointed federal Judge has ordered the recount to begin today at Noon.

This wouldn’t have happened by itself, and required a petition by Jill Stein to ‘expedite’ the process.   Michigan Law dictates that state officials must wait two business days after hearing objections to a recount petition before they can start counting. This allows court review of the Board of Canvassers ruling on recount requests.

The federal Judge is attempting to circumvent Michigan’s election law, which is not it’s role.

If the canvassers had ruled for the Trump objection to the recount, this couldn’t have happened. The decision is based on the presumed ability to complete the recount in the shortened time and not whether it should go forward. However, the net decision requires an expedited ruling from the Michigan Court of Appeals or the Michigan Supreme court, or taxpayers on Attorney General Bill Schuette’s motion.

Stein has no skin in the outcome, and even admits the process is not expected to change the results of the election.  Yet Stein has pursued this avenue in order to insert chaos into the electoral process.

And the Democrats including Mark Brewer, former chair of the Michigan Democrat party are happy to see it happen.

Brewer filed the for the federal judge’s action on behalf of Stein as Plaintiff.

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And If You Were Wondering

Michigan Poised to end this nonsense once and for all.

objectionCanvassers meet today to determine if they ‘accept’ the objection to the recount.

As best I can tell, (with a minor exception of two) the scheduled recount counties are those which have a traditionally higher Democrat voting, an/or did fairly well for the indicted criminal, Hillary Clinton.  If there were errors or machine missed/uncounted ballots, the percentages advantage Democrats in these counties.

If you are in the most conservative areas, Jill Stein (AKA Campaign for Hillary) does not want to recount your votes.

If the objection is accepted by the board of canvassers, its done, and Trump Wins Michigan.  If they do not accept the objection, then next Tuesday will be the beginning of the ‘fun.’

Stay tuned.

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Um yeah, about that Detroit Pistons move…

Normally, sports doesn’t have much to do with politics here in Michigan.

Only in this case, what is happening behind the scenes should be of concern to everyone living in Michigan.

Hint: Think politicians being generous with other people’s money.

{Continued below the fold}

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Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

Flint Lead Remediation Effort Morphs Into An Attack On Hunting, Target Shooting, Fishing, And Even Churches


Michigan’s elites have clearly not absorbed the lesson of November 8th, yet.

The Michigan’s Child Lead Poisoning Elimination Board issued their final report last week. Chairman Brian Calley and his team of 14 politicians experts were empanelled by Executive Order 2016-09 to demonstrate that Governor Snyder actually cared about the Flint children exposed to lead, by his previously empanelled team of professional incompetents experts. The CLPEB’s recommendations are a liberal wish list of expensive dreams mostly unrelated to the underlying cause of the Flint water fiasco: government incompetence.

But the CLPEB did put forth the effort to launch an attack on hunting, target shooting, sport fishing, and even religion. Recommended on page 22 of their final report:

Prohibit lead in fishing tackle, establish a fishing tackle trade-in program to encourage consumers and industries to transition away from lead-based tackle, and encourage further study of lead in fishing tackle.

Establish regulations to protect against lead exposures through the use of firearms by:

o Establishing an ammunition trade-in program.
o Establishing a wild game meat testing program for donated products.
o Developing a health education program and public education materials for lead exposures in hunting and wild game consumption.

Recommended on page 26 of their final report:

In post-1978 homes, dust, soil, and water testing should be conducted at the time of transfer of the property or upon the occurrence of some other reliable event, or whenever there are indications of a high-risk activity, such as stained-glass window work or ammunition reloading, being done in the home.

Here we have the elites punishing their subjects for the mistakes of the elites. Michigan government at its finest.

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Breaking – Illegal Voting In Traverse City

We are becoming a nation of the lawless.

Sometimes law enforcement or appropriate legal action arrives too late.

This morning, I learned about an election law violator.  A call from a contact in Lansing gave me the heads up on a high profile lawbreaker in Traverse City.  Apparently, Michael Moore thought it would be good to let people not just know how he voted, but to broadcast the image of his ballot explicitly:

Gosh, haven’t we been warned incessantly by the media constantly about how showing pictures of our ballots is illegal?

Certainly in Michigan it is.

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Michigan’s Hillary Voters Ready for A ‘Spirit Cooking Dinner?’

Clinton leadership team tinkers with witchcraft, the occult, deviltry?

spirit-cookingI know that a lot of hardened Democrats are all too willing to forgive Hillary’s criminal deeds.

Forgiveness is a Christian prerogative, and I have to think there are Michigan Democrats who believe they live the life of Christ, though they might support abortion, even up to the point of birth. One question that has just popped up however, are they also willing to trade their eternal souls for the bargained-for success of this “nasty woman?”

In the run up to the election, the onslaught of emails provided by WikiLeaks, has been intense.  Evidence of collusion with the Hillary Clinton campaign with the networks, with the justice dept, as well as with the Democrat party officials against Bernie Sanders point out how far she is willing to go for power.

But is that the limit to which power seeking would take her or those who surround her?

Shouldn’t that be bad enough for anyone claiming any semblance of higher ground? Could there be more that a campaign could do that ensures “victory is mine!” for the woman who might be president during this craziest of election cycles?

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