
Who Rules Michigan?

The Administrative State or the People?

The titanic political struggle unfolding in Washington is sucking the oxygen out of Michigan politics, but is analogous to the central political struggle which has been playing out here in Michigan for 48 years. Political media breathlessly report on a struggle between liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans. This struggle is not between Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, nor RINOs and true believers. The Democrats, liberals, and RINOs are completely discredited in Michigan, as they are across most of the United States. All that remains of them is jammed into the Hillary archipelago.

The present political struggle is between the people and the administrative state. Call it bureaucracy, deep state, or administrative state: they are unelected government employees, their agents in the media, and the select beneficiaries of government largess. Their opponents in this struggle are the majority of Americans and Michiganders who pay the price for the administrative state; a now seething mass whose ascendancy was a rude surprise to the administrative state.

The outcome of the struggle in Washington is yet to be determined, but in Michigan the administrative state is clearly winning despite its total responsibility for the Flint water fiasco. The administrative state owns Governor Snyder body and soul. The administrative state will stop at nothing to manipulate the Michigan Legislature when the chips are down. Refractory (but innocent) legislators are expelled before legal process while cooperative (but guilty) legislators sit unfettered until legal process is completed.

How else can you explain the PA 177 of 2015 road tax package, indistinguishable from the soundly trounced Proposal 2015-01? Or the bogus Detroit bankruptcy which somehow neglected a $ 491 million financial hole which will haunt the city with a vengeance in 2024? Half the city’s annual budget. Or the refusal of Michigan government units at all levels to even consider tax reductions due to the simmering public employee pension catastrophe? Those pensions enjoyed by members of the administrative state are but a distant memory to the Michiganders who pay them.  Indeed, all of Michigan’s units of government are jacking up fees to get around Headlee Amendment taxation limits.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)

A history lesson is obviously in order.

Just in case you’ve missed this, President Trump signed an executive order temporarily banning immigrants from certain nations with ties to islamic terrorism from entering the United States.

As usual, the pundits are working feverishly to spin this, with Team “d” demonstration again why they got their backsides handed to them last November.

Sadly, some Michigan Representative, like Rep. Justin Amash, either have no problems with seeing dead Americans or they require a remedial lesson in recent US History.

In Rep. Amash’s case, I’m hoping that it is the latter.

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You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

The democrats are coming! The democrats are coming!!!

Let's see if they can last?

I’ve mentioned previously that get contacted fairly frequently asking for my input on various political things going on around the area.

This one is too good for me not to share with everyone here.

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You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

Nolan Finley really should come out of the closet.

Supporter of Detroit bailouts and special Detroit tax hikes, a non-libertarian “Libertarian” for president, noted contributor to the democratic party and now this.

This latest rant might have been credible if it weren’t for this.

I’d post that clown pic of him right about now…if I didn’t find that demeaning to actual clowns whose job it is to get people to laugh on purpose.

‘Nuff said.




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Kwame’s Sinkhole

The former Mayor of Detroit's "impact" lives on.

Kwame Kilpatrick is the gift that keeps on giving.

Long time readers might remember that our outgoing president once lauded praise upon the once venerated Detroit Mayor.  Barack Obama who in the video here was speaking about the “great mayor” responsible for Detroit’s “renaissance” etc.

The as-yet-to-be-elected Senator Obama speaking at the Detroit economic club could little imagine how Detroit’s political crime syndicate was about to crash with Kilpatrick at the wheel. And the As-yet-to-be-dismissed president Obama might be less inclined to offer the intransigent former mayor felon a pass on future political relevance.

Kilpatrick’s current crib will likely remain occupied by the big K.  His legacy is a thing of legend. From the Ivory Tower:

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Human Error?

Plausible deniability of the year tale comes with "machines bumping up against each other"

I probably could have commented on this several times since the recount nonsense.

The unintended consequences of the Jill Stein recount, was to officially put the Michigan Secretary of State on notice that there are irregularities with the voting in the motor city. Of course the unspoken truth has always been known, but proof of such shenanigans was elusive and considered inconsequential for most elections.

Given the revelation of fraud, and the incredible magnitude which it has appeared, it would seem only proper to fully investigate all of those who are entrusted with our voting responsibility in these precincts.  Criminal sanctions are likely warranted in some cases revealed by Stein’s efforts, yet the players caught with their hands in the cookie jar are not going to admit culpability too easily.  From the New American

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

That is quite a disguise you are wearing there, Mr. Finley

“Wolf” in sheep’s clothing.


In case anyone needed a clue as to why The Detroit News wasn’t acting like the Conservative Newspaper that it once was?

Digital First Media certainly pays its employees well to act like something they are not.

Hmmm, I wonder if Stephen Henderson is really a conservative???

H/T to Brandon Hall @ West Michigan Politics

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Michigan’s Supreme Court Should Engage NOW

Michigan's Supreme Court can intervene and save taxpayers millions and end the Democrat created chaos.

An Obama appointed federal Judge has ordered the recount to begin today at Noon.

This wouldn’t have happened by itself, and required a petition by Jill Stein to ‘expedite’ the process.   Michigan Law dictates that state officials must wait two business days after hearing objections to a recount petition before they can start counting. This allows court review of the Board of Canvassers ruling on recount requests.

The federal Judge is attempting to circumvent Michigan’s election law, which is not it’s role.

If the canvassers had ruled for the Trump objection to the recount, this couldn’t have happened. The decision is based on the presumed ability to complete the recount in the shortened time and not whether it should go forward. However, the net decision requires an expedited ruling from the Michigan Court of Appeals or the Michigan Supreme court, or taxpayers on Attorney General Bill Schuette’s motion.

Stein has no skin in the outcome, and even admits the process is not expected to change the results of the election.  Yet Stein has pursued this avenue in order to insert chaos into the electoral process.

And the Democrats including Mark Brewer, former chair of the Michigan Democrat party are happy to see it happen.

Brewer filed the for the federal judge’s action on behalf of Stein as Plaintiff.

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And If You Were Wondering

Michigan Poised to end this nonsense once and for all.

objectionCanvassers meet today to determine if they ‘accept’ the objection to the recount.

As best I can tell, (with a minor exception of two) the scheduled recount counties are those which have a traditionally higher Democrat voting, an/or did fairly well for the indicted criminal, Hillary Clinton.  If there were errors or machine missed/uncounted ballots, the percentages advantage Democrats in these counties.

If you are in the most conservative areas, Jill Stein (AKA Campaign for Hillary) does not want to recount your votes.

If the objection is accepted by the board of canvassers, its done, and Trump Wins Michigan.  If they do not accept the objection, then next Tuesday will be the beginning of the ‘fun.’

Stay tuned.

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Um yeah, about that Detroit Pistons move…

Normally, sports doesn’t have much to do with politics here in Michigan.

Only in this case, what is happening behind the scenes should be of concern to everyone living in Michigan.

Hint: Think politicians being generous with other people’s money.

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