The end of a bad run only two years away?
Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment.
From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing.

The end of a bad run only two years away?
Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment.
From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing.
Say it ain't so
If you subscribe to the news:
Allies of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer used millions of dollars from secret donors and a web of nonprofit organizations to promote her policy agenda and celebrate Democrats who joined in championing it, according to a tax filing obtained by The Detroit News.
Michigan Democrats who rail on about dark money in Politics..
The article hit on one specific group: The Road To Michigan’s Future which has a few recognizable figures. Former Lt Governor Cherry as one.
Which begs the question “How long will it be before old politicians just go away??
Just when you thought that the other side couldn’t outdo itself with desperation schemes, this has got to be one of the most ludicrous news stories yet.
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We will be billed for the higher pharmacy costs Michigan is considering.
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All I’ve got to say is, “WOW! What a difference 48-hours makes.”
Rather than waste my time focusing on a bunch of community agitators this weekend, I spent most of it focusing on the NASA feeds watching the SpaceX Launch yesterday.
Little did I realize how quickly an arrest over someone using fake ID (and apparently his unwillingness to follow basic commands) quickly spiraled into a series of riots which not only burned a large chunks of Minneapolis to the ground, but spread to a number of other cities across America, including several here in Michigan, resulting in at least one death (so far) and an as-yet to be determined dollar amount of property damage.
Which begs a rather obvious question regarding perceptions and politics?
{And exactly what they might be you may ask yourself? You know the drill.}
They say that in building and maintaining a brand, messaging is vitally important.
The Guv didn’t stray too far from that lesson tonight.
{The Right Michigan rundown from her (second) Statewide Huwan Virus Town Hall continues below the fold.}
Globalization of healthcare marches merrily onward with a Michigan bill hearing this week. Corporate lobbies always play a strong role at these events. This time, there’s a twist.
Big Healthcare lobbied for Obamacare in Congress, and drives most healthcare bills in DC and Lansing. More obscure healthcare lobbies are leading centralization of state health occupational licensure. It still violates market principles, and it’s important to your healthcare.
Individual healthcare rights are losing out to population care. Given what’s at stake, we should probably make an effort to push back on this one.
A bunch of crazies were elected on Whitmer's coat tails in the 2018 election cycle. Thanks to the largesse of your electric utility. And you.
Anyone with DTE electric and gas service donated about $ 1 towards Governor Whitmer’s election last year. DTE donated $ 840,000 to the Progressive Advocacy Trust and the Michigan Democratic State Center. The Progressive Advocacy Trust is an ill disguised front for the Ingham County Democrats, Ms. Whitmer’s home base.
Both groups supported Whitmer in 2018 through cascade contributions made in turn to Build A Better Michigan in the 2018 primary election and A Stronger Michigan in the 2018 general election. All these groups gamed Michigan election law, laundering corporate contributions and transforming them into political advertising supporting Whitmer.
The laundering was quite effective. You would never know that DTE was contributing to Whitmer by looking at BABM’s financial disclosures. Whitmer concealed the corporate contributions further by using snail mail to file her campaign finance reports.
These contributions eventually wound up at Whitmer’s media shop, Great America Media, a Democratic campaign management outfit on K Street in Washington which placed all her mass media advertising. They paid for her TV ad campaign.
Build A Better Michigan was actually found to have violated Michigan campaign finance laws. Only because they were screwing other Democrats in the primary election cycle. No one of importance would have cared if only Republicans were being screwed. BABM got a sweetheart deal from our new Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, paying only $ 37,500 and agreeing to dissolve itself.
Tu quoque
A Republican group, Michigan Jobs and Labor Foundation, was fined $ 18,000 for identical campaign law violations in 2014 The MJALF fine equaled its illegal 2014 advertising expenditures. Build A Better Michigan spent $ 1.8 million in its illegal 2018 advertising campaign, so its $ 37,500 fine was 2.1% of its illegal expenditures.
Governor Whitmer and DTE got a sweetheart deal from our new Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson.
It appears one of our straying pachyderm within Lansing’s Recucklican Majority believes that an ever overreaching State government knows best for how your local community functions than you– the homeowner.
Local bans on short-term rentals in Michigan could be barred themselves under controversial legislation being considered by a Republican-controlled state House committee.
The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Jason Sheppard, R-Temperance, said the local zoning rules created to ban short-term rentals such as those available through Airbnb, Homeaway and VRBO infringe on private property rights and are an abuse of Michigan’s Zoning Enabling Act.
Now, bare in mind folks, this is the same jagoff that wants to ban boating for the majority of a 24 hour day on all inland lakes. Sell that one in a Pure Michigan ad campaign? Yah, Jason is a real deep thinker.
Furthermore, I smell a rat.
So, here is my wrap up from last Thursday’s We Build The Wall Town Hall in Detroit.
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