
$ 3 Gas Across Michigan: Warming You Up For A Gas Tax Ratchet?

House Road Funding Package Puts Gas Tax Increases on Autopilot --- Tax on B5 Diesel for Heavy Trucks Cut 20%

Southfield, MI Gas Prices 12 June 2015

Southfield, MI Gas Prices 12 June 2015

Michiganders woke up this morning to discover that regular unleaded gasoline prices are now $ 3 per gallon, a $ .25 increase, or more, from yesterday. Refinery problems, summer driving season, and SE MI’s special fuel blend are blamed in the press, but really this price shock is an intended consequence the Federal Reserve’s zero interest policy and their determination to boost stock prices. Oil derivatives are cheaper than dirt when there is no cost to money.

Wall Street wasn’t happy early this year when plunging oil prices drove down stock averages. So someone is furiously selling off Treasury paper and buying oil & gasoline futures contracts. Treasury interest rates have been rising in lockstep with oil & gas prices, on the same days, even the same hours. Officially, no one knows who is behind these trades, but the Federal Reserve is sitting on $ 4 trillion in Treasury paper and is fighting any effort to audit their holdings. A coincidence? Not likely.

Your government extracting more money from your wallet.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

And it Only Took 135 Days to *Figure Things out*

If it’s dysfunctional you seek, look no further than the Calley name.


John Calley, 26, of Lyons, was charged with failing to stop at the scene of an accident, reckless driving and failure to report an accident – all misdemeanors.

The incident occurred on Wednesday, January 28, at a Pilot gas station on State Road at I-96 in Ionia County.


Go figure. Sorta appears as if they had enough time to bury the toxicology report because the broad he is running with is bad, bad juju.

She said her daughter suffered broken ribs, collapsed lungs and abrasions. She was hospitalized for a day before being locked up on an unrelated shoplifting charge. Records show she was released from the Ionia County Jail on Wednesday.

Thorpe said her daughter, who has a minor criminal record, was an “associate” of Calley. She said her daughter called him on Jan. 28 and offered to pay him for a ride from the family’s home outside Ionia. She said she doesn’t know where they were headed.

Yep. Just a “minor criminal record“.

Shannon Emily Scully, 23, Ionia, convicted of larceny – less than $200, second or… Sentenced to 10 days in jail with 10 days credit, 12 months probation and $1,115 costs and fines.

Uh-huh. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. And, Schostak’s and Bolger’s buddy ain’t a pothead, either. Oh, wait!

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(1)

We’ll show you!

You’d better not mess with Detroit! Or, you’ll get what’s coming to you!

The latest shakedown of Taxpayers in Southeastern Michigan took an interesting turn this morning.

Not because of its inaccessible meeting location at Waterworks Park in Detroit.

But, because of something that wasn’t expected during the meeting.

{Oh, you’re gonna love this…}

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Well THAT Was Disappointing ..

What at first appeared to be a reach out to get input for a post-SCOTUS ruling direction was just a scam.

Not at all surprising however.

Given that it was from team Benishek. I though perhaps he was noticing how folks have lost all respect for him, and as contrition, was reaching out to see what would make folks a little more confident in his future performance.  Gosh, maybe it was in response to my put up or shut up articles!

The email arrived with this heartfelt message:

” Jason,

With more than three decades in the medical field, I know how important it is for our healthcare system to empower patients and their doctors, not federal bureaucrats in Washington.

Too often, Washington politicians try to pass laws without talking to the people who have to live with the consequences. Any doctor will tell you that listening to your patients is one of the most important parts of medicine. I believe this is true in politics as well.

That’s why I want to hear from you.

Jason, please take my survey to let me know what you think of ObamaCare, and how we can build a better healthcare system.

Our current system isn’t working, and I know we can do better. With your support, we can fight for a bottom up healthcare system that empowers people not politicians.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts,

Dr. Dan”

So I clicked the link.   I diligently filled out the form answering the ready-made questions, and then I offered offered some “other thoughts” that were being solicited at the bottom.  I typed in:

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Tom DeWeese AND KrisAnne Hall Event In Northern Michigan

Property Rights and the US constitution in one blockbuster forum August 02!

property-rights-libertyProperty rights and Liberty are two of the legs of the three comprehensive rights we are granted by our creator.

As the leadership of our communities plod along with local ‘planning‘ efforts that make your town look like every-other-town, you might have noticed its getting harder to use your land or property in ways that have always been ‘allowed.’  And as the United States federal government marches on with an out of control executive branch usurping state and individual rights not granted to it by the constitution, the question that first comes to mind is “how is this happening?”

There are few folks who understand the scope and loss of property rights under agenda 21 as does Tom DeWeese. Likewise the study of the United States Constitution has become an unmatched professional pursuit by KrisAnne Hall.

Both are experts in their field and highly respected throughout our nation, giving speeches, offering seminars, and teaching effective resistance and methods of restoring our natural rights.

Join us Sunday August 02, 2015 at the Great Wolf Lodge conference center in Traverse City Michigan at 1:00 PM.  You can order tickets by sending a message through the ‘submit a tip‘ link above, OR print out tickets online at eventbrite.

This is a cannot miss event!

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)

Let Them Buy Their OWN Damned Insurance.

We finally have a chance to tell Obama where to shove the atrocity known as the ACA, but ...

proud-of-obamacare copyThe play is set.

State Senator Jim Marleau is simply a two faced Obama sycophant.  He operates under the Republican banner, but he has presented himself as a wimpy cradle-to-grave patriarchal potlicker.  On the upcoming decision in the Supreme Court he doesn’t represent the stated GOP view that Obamacare is bad, but rather wonders aloud (sympathetically) what all the leeches in Michigan will do if their precious health care entitlements go away.  And then he suggests something must be done!

“He could have done it that way to begin with, but he wasn’t really excited about that,” said state Sen. Jim Marleau, R-Lake Orion.

“I think he’d have to. Our back is up against the wall, and we’ve got a lot of people in this state who are using it. That’s the thing. What do you do with those people?”

Let them find their own insurance without fear of penalties you imbecile!

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)

Southeastern Michigan Water Fight

Last Act of the Detroit Bankruptcy Stumbles Behind a Wall of Secrecy

Water is Money Image 2The final Detroit bankruptcy plan established a 14 June deadline to reach an agreement transferring operating control of the Detroit Water & Sewerage Department’s (DW&SD) assets outside of Detroit to the newly created Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA). The State of Michigan, Detroit, Wayne County, Oakland County and Macomb County all signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) creating the GLWA late last year, subject to a 200-day due diligence period. Under the MoU, the City of Detroit would receive a $ 50 million annual lease payment from the GLWA while retaining full control of DW&SD assets and operations within the city. Erstwhile DW&SD customers outside Detroit were promised a 4% cap on annual water and sewerage increases for a 10 year period, which have been running above 10% per annum, in residential bills, in most Southeastern Michigan communities.

In point of fact, what has actually been occurring are secret negotiations over future tax increases across Southeastern Michigan. Water rates have become a surrogate form of incremental taxation. These negotiations will set tax fee increment rates for decades into the future. For taxpayers ratepayers who haven’t even been born yet. How are these negotiations going?

No one who knows is talking. Why?

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

How about this for Plan “B”.

Or, the “Right Michigan Solution for Fixing Michigan Roads”.

A little bit of this and a little bit of that. Soon enough, you’ve got the makings of a pretty good framework to work within.

If you’re really a Conservative, that is.

If not…well click below for more.

{Continued below the fold}

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Hello? This is America …we Don’t do Kings

OK, so, after being pummeled by over 3 to 1 on Proposal 1, now is decided in the “states best interest”, while all kinds of bond issues are exploding on taxpayers across the state, so said *CPA* GoverNerd has time to make Mz. Granholm’s and Mr. Mulhern’s panties wet with jealousy?

Memo to the Snyder administration… this is America. This is a Constitutional Republic – not a democracy nor a monarchy. In other words, we do not suck kings or queens asses. Matter of fact, we the People have history of booting king’s asses out (see King George III – think about your pardon again, dickhead). Reread real American history, Snyder. Coming off as an uber-cozy bootlicker to the Van Andel, DeVos, and Prince family Wooden Shoe brigade is not welcomed by many others.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(2)