“Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears, or of the looters, who take it from you by force. Money is made possible only by the men who produce.” – Ayn Rand, “Atlas Shrugged”
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“Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears, or of the looters, who take it from you by force. Money is made possible only by the men who produce.” – Ayn Rand, “Atlas Shrugged”
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Memory holes are fun. Check out then State Senate Majority Leader, Mike Bishop.
Jenny is borrowing the Republican’s playbook? Key plays? Holy crap! Talk about capitulate. Even Saul “gets it” about costly, unproven technology, and he’s about as corrupt as they come.
Yessirree. Mike would fit comfortably on Nancy’s sofa in the District of Corruption.
Think about what you’re doing, CD-8 voters… #BeatingYourBishop
Pure Michigan Schadenfreude.
Michigan authorities say the influx of seasonal workers [Illegal Aliens and H-1B visas] into the job market drove the unadjusted unemployment up 1.3 percentage points to 8.6 percent in the latest month.
Well, no kidding. Nearly $1 Billion a year is cooked into our state budget for those “seasonal workers“. Just wait until the self-invented Nerd persona really sticks it in all your unemployed/underemployed asses [I’m retired] with Rick’s “Office” for 50,000 STEMinist “jobs” scAmnesty.
Home Team comes first, with Rick Snyder? Completely laughable.
So be it. Enjoy your undischargeable student debt loans, kiddies… ‘hic‘
"It is my estimation that it was not necessary to place anything on the ballot to allow the reduction of that tax." Rose Bogaert WCTA
It’s seemed all too easy for this to almost slip right by, unquestioned as we fight our local political battles..
Folks have been trying to figure out the impact of proposal one. The complicated gobbledygook language contained in multiple bills as a part of PA 80 has not helped, and the question remains: “Why is it necessary to have the voters act to ‘reduce’ taxes?” Before we as a state vote on ANYTHING, it ought to be at least reasonably explained.
Indeed, I don’t know anyone who likes the personal property tax, but will the ‘devil we know’ be replaced by one even more destructive? Rose Bogaert, of the Wayne County Taxpayers Association lays it out:
Proposal 1
The amendatory act adopted by the Legislature would:
I want to state that the Personal Property Tax is a horrible tax and a burden to business and employment. If I were to say to the average taxpayer that their stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer and any other appliance or furniture were all subject to personal property tax for 10 years after purchase with a reduction each year for depreciation, we would have a revolt.
Apparently 58K voters more voted in the runoff?
Now, I am not a big fan of voting fraud conspiracies, but given that 58,628 more voters voted in the Republican runoff than in the Primary, there are two story possibilities that can be told.
Are we to believe that 78 percent of the Democrat voters in the primary became active again in the run off? Its a hard sell. And why would McDaniel’s numbers increase so substantially as well at the same time?
The Argus wraps itself around former editor Rich Perlberg in an attempt to brush off legitimate criticism of his 'Republican' bona-fides.
It must hurt to be kicked there.
And man parts the size of watermelons.
Golly, its as if we’ve never offered an opinion before. I can picture the call:
“Oh my gosh, they hurt my feelings.. please help..”
Of course, what good newspaper editorial department dogs its own former leader when he wants to turn hero and run for office in the ‘other party.’
That’s pretty much all I have to say. Now Jennifer Hensley on the other hand? She has a bit more
“In my ideal world, every primary race would have at least two candidates. There would be a spirited campaign with in-depth media scrutiny, several debates or forums, and the voters could then compare their options and vote for the candidate who best represents their positions. Human nature being what it is, this almost never happens. Let’s use the Michigan 42nd House race as an exemplar.”
Yeah, I know that this isn’t much of a huge surprise.
But what caught my attention, and will make people scratch their heads wondering how things could get any more screwed up, happened yet again just within a week.
Twice, even.
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One of the stops during Loudon's Michigan tour was in Northern Michigan
As promised, a video of Trevor’s recent stop in Traverse City
This is appearing on local public access and is also available on Youtube with other great TB 912 coffee series productions.
A round up of Michigan bloggers and their work
From The Right – Michigan Gives Up – A reminder the the GOP totally caved to progressive goals.
PartTimeMi.com – Suspension of the Part Time Legislature Ballot Initiative Due to numerous reasons it will not happen in 2014 by ballot.
Republican Michigander TWOFER –
Michigan Capitol Confidential – Yeah, Detroit is going to get even more of the pie. It’s Just amazing
The Shekel – Firearm Law Improvements in Michigan A couple of improvements, and looking for more.
The Voice of One Crying Out in Suburbia – When Did Modesty Become An Ironically Dirty Word? Seriously.
WatchDog Wire – Izzy tells us how ‘eco-tourism’ gets a great big boost from the starry eyed pols in Emmet County – $15 million in bonds approved by county commissioners and fulfilled by taxpayers. Whatta bargain!
If you have a Michigan based blog that should be included, or have a Michigan based story that cannot be missed, shoot a message over via the tips link above.
Well, maybe that Mr. Lon Smoot is fielding Mark Schauer, as the Michigan Democratic Party’s stalking horse candidate.
The numbers don’t lie.
Mmmnnnya, Role Models….