Hey Brian Calley, I double dawg dare ya!
Next to Rick Snyder, John Kasich is about as crappy a GOP governor as they come.
Swamp dwelling, crony, big government. But enough about Mr Snyder, as he will be soon relegated to the back pages of the lousy Michigan RINO politicians catalogue.
I suppose however, I could expound upon the fact he led us exactly where Ohio’s Governor Kasich Did. And in contrast, other state leaders understood what a raw deal Obamacare was, and refused to play in the healthcare toilet with the former president.
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal Was one of them. Unafraid to opine, he clearly presented medicaid expansion for what it was, a dependency scam that leadership failures like Kasich and Snyder embraced.
But speaking of Ohio’s governor, his protege is about to embarrass him further than he has already with his pitiful presidential bid. The loser is going to be shown by his Lt. Governor how good government is done. The student becomes the master.
Republican Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor said Monday she would end the Medicaid expansion in Ohio if she is elected governor – a clean break from the man she has served alongside for the last seven years, Gov. John Kasich. …
“Medicaid expansion is fiscally unsustainable and will be ended under a Taylor administration,” Taylor said. “I believe that we must identify new, innovative, market-based reforms to address the issues Medicaid currently addresses today. I want to return Medicaid to its original mission of serving the people who need it while incentivizing work and ensuring opportunities for long-term success for those who are able.”
Don’t we all love happy storybook endings?
Of course, what can we say about the guy who was one changed vote away from having to cast the tie breaking vote of HB4717? Or the eight who really never had a clue which goal line was their own.
Anyhow, we wish the Lt. Grasshopper of Ohio the best in her gubernatorial bid, and thank her for her willingness to get out in front with some much needed political jujitsu.