I’m damned near ecstatic that suddenly awake and justice-jawing Atty General Bill Schuette is hot on the trail of the alleged Bonnie and Clyde of the State Capitol- Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat.
I can sleep so much better now, knowing that small fry political flies in the progressive GOP ointment are being so righteously and profoundly pilloried once again.
Lord knows those two are the only two crooks in town!
But of significantly greater importance, I’m troubled by nightmarish concerns regarding the disturbing lack of an investigation that Michigan’s Captain Crime Fighter has been guilty of, which IMO, makes him an accessory after the fact regarding the state’s monument to government crime and corruption- the slime slathered Senate Office Building scandal that 10 million citizens are still waiting for.
Repeat after me: C O V E R U P ?
*Cue Lynard Skynard’s “That Smell”…………..Oooooh that smell, can’t ya smell that smell, Oooooh that smell!
Atta boy, Bill- start really small and maybe- just maybe, work your way up to the blatantly big stuff like multi-million taxpayer dollar fraud, racketeering and embezzlement of the public treasury by, quite coincidentally, members of your friends and financial supporter’s witness protection program!
Mr Schuette, this isn’t going away, we aren’t going away, and I assure you that this is gonna dog your Midland Royal Family ass for years to come- if you think a rich band of thieves affiliated with the MiGOP are gonna get off scott-free because of political expediency.
You Betcha!
(19)Nuh Uh.